ESL Coffee Hour: Plagiarism
February 24, 2016
Heather Barrett
Sarah Hanselman
WR098 Paper #3 (Synthesis of theme)
Two excerpts from the same paper:
Similarly in The Woman Warrior. After all the stories that her mom tells her and make her feels really confused, at the every end in the chapter “A Song for a Barbarian Reed Pipe,” she comes with a different feeling. After all the confusions that make Kingston suffer when she is younger, she comes to appreciate her mother’s talk stories. She even tells one herself: the story of Ts’ai Yen. Kingston combines very different worlds, cultures, identities and create a new one herself, which also means, she finds the real her and ended the confusions.
In this part we can tell that even though the guy has not directly hurt Kingston, she reacts against his sexist behavior. She identifies herself as a female avenger, someone who looks out and stands up for womankind. Another quote to show another identity is “Kingston worries that she will never get the opportunity to unleash her inner warrior. Her face, here, however, does not seem to be for her own sense of pride but out of concern that her parents will find her unworthy if she does not prove heroic. On one level, she interprets the stories of Fa Mu Lan that her mother tells her as threats to show how she is lacking as a woman” (p 34). From this quote, we can tell that part of Kingston’s identity was in reaction to her mother Brave’s and society’s expectations of her.
WR100 Paper #3
Transcription of draft handwritten in class:
The only possibility of make the society liberal is to give people the right of free speech. And only when people start to express their ideas and thoughts, society gets to progress. The article wrote by Bryan Stascavage caused people’s anger, and he is been treated as deviance; however, was not Martin Luther King who has the courage the first one speak for Black Right? Was not because King’s deviant behavior be lead to today’s freedom? Moreover, Stascavage is not intended to the movement’s mission or motivations but simply criticized the way – the violence movement, the irrational event – that cause by people.
Paragraph from final draft:
Freedom of speech is significant to the human society and history has proved it. The problems on freedom of speech in young college students has been ignored under other social hot topics such as feminism, sexual assaults, race, and transgender issues. The freedom of expressing ideas, especially unpopular and opposite ideas, cannot be neglected anymore on college campuses. In retrospect, progresses and innovations often came from divergent opinions. Martin Luther disagreed with the Roman Catholic Church, and from the moment he spoke out and rebelled, Protestant was born.
WR100 Paper #1
Introduction to first draft:
The best literature often contains a trope of some kind that functions as a unifying theme throughout the text. Such is the case with Songling Pu’s “Twenty Years a Dream” which features the metaphorical death of a beautiful woman. In this regard, it is the death of a beautiful woman within the text which both supplies the trope and provides the means through which the main character is able to redeem the initial baseness of his character. In “Twenty Years a Dream” the main character, Yang, is isolated on the banks of a river in the wild where he lives alone. This environment is one in which Yang is left to his own devices where he is free to interact with his intellect and where his lust as a male is unwelcome. Within the text Yang sees a ghost who is a lady that died some 20 years prior whom he now desires to take sexually. The argument presented within this paper is that the demon from which the ghost flees in the story actually represents his lust that he metaphorically is able to conquer or vanquish within the text.
Excerpt from self-assessment:
IstartedtolearnEnglishsinceelementaryschool.Itisabout14yearstillnow.Before9thgrade,istudiedtheEnglishtextbooksthatschoolrequired.Ilearnedhowtowriteshort essayaround300wordsandsomeshortstoriesandarticles.After9thgradeidecideto cometoAmericaforcollege,soistarttoprepareforthelanguagetestTOEFLandSAT.In thebeginning,ifeelthatthereadingandwritingpartofSATisreallydifficultforme. Becauseofthevocabularyandthelengthofthearticle,ididn’tgetahighscoreinreading andwritingpartinSAT.
WR100 Paper #3
Introduction to final draft of Paper #2:
Ogawa Yoko is a famous female writer in the world. She had won a lot of achievements, for example, the Akutagawa Prize of Literature and other prizes. Through reading the works of Ogawa Yoko, her early works mainly describe the dark side and cruelty of human nature, reflecting the ugly face of the society and world, expressing the complex emotions of people and pointedly depicting the hidden malevolence of human. The author holds a negative attitude towards society and the world. The plots of stories are containing hidden perspective. It is a sign of her artistic writing. Ogawa Yoko skillfully displays the characters' personalities through their languages and behaviors. It is easier and better for readers to understand and be attracted by the story.. She deeply loves life, and carefully observes life. Her stories are close to life. In fact, we can admit that she is a master of taletelling, with ordinary language, but lead a person to endless aftertastes. The plot of the story seems ordinary, but has the whole careful layout and the part of mysterious suspense, tightly grabbing the reader's heart. The process of reading is full of climax "adventure" that makes happy. There are the brevity of the scenes and unanswered questions in Ogawa Yoko’ stories. I think the brevity of the scenes play a supporting role in stories and the brevity of the scenes contrast with the complexity and variety of people’s psychology. Unanswered questions can remain thinking room and imagining space. Readers can imagine more things.
Introduction to first draft of Paper #3 (after help):
This paper uses Akpan’s My Parents' Bedroom and Lee’s Drifting House to illustrate occasions where there is a lacuna between the narrator and the intended reader. This paper begins by examining the narrators in Akpan’s My Parents' Bedroom and Lee’s Drifting House. It seeks to make suggestions about who the intended audience is, and what message the author is trying to convey to the reader. This argument is, in part, in contrast to McGillis’ claim that the Gothic “form that we might think inappropriate for young readers is so pervasive in the various forms of textuality produced for them” (McGillis, 227). This paper argues that literature where the world is seen from the point of view of a child is not necessarily produced for children. The paper will then speculate about why Akpan and Lee use children as the voices to tell their stories, when the reader is significantly different from the narrator. The reader is certainly removed by distance from the narrator, since the readership inhabits a different socio-cultural location to the narrator, and this paper will argue that the reader is also distanced by age from the reader.
Introduction to first draft of Paper #3 (before help):
In this society, gothic becomes more and more popular topic. Many people think that gothic is just a horror genre, and lots of people think this kind of genre is recreation. However, there are lots of authors use gothic to point out deeper meaning expect horror and recreation. This paper uses incorporates Akpan’s My Parents' Bedroom and Lee’s Drifting House to illustrate that why Akpan and Lee use children as the voices to tell their stories, when the reader is significantly different from the narrator. Also, this paper try to find out who the intended audience is, and what information the author trying to convey to the reader.