Mr. Darling – Rm. 1303 (513) 934-5157

Mr. Darling’s Management Plan

Classroom Rules

As in every learning environment rules are important to maximize the efficiency, order, and safety of the classroom and everyone in it. In treating our environment as a classroom community you will be treated as an adult with a voice and should feel free to speak your opinion when necessary. However, as in most aspects of life there are certain rules that must be followed at all times.

  1. General
  2. This class is a part of the school. Therefore, all school rules apply as posted in your student handbook
  3. Be respectful of your peers, surroundings, and elders (i.e. me)
  4. Arrive to class on time and prepared
  1. Lab – Refer to Safety Contract


Please make note of the following procedures dealing with missed or late work.

  • It is the student’s responsibility to acquire missed assignments upon return from being absent.
  • Tests may only be made up following an excused absence.
  • Students will be given the amount of days they were excused absent to make up missed work.
  • Except in the case of an excused absence, late assignments will be docked 10 percentage points for each day they are late.

Consequences – may include any or all of the following

  • Warning
  • Student – teacher meeting to discuss problem and solution
  • Parental contact and scheduled conference to discuss issue
  • Assigned detention
  • SaturdaySchool
  • Suspension
  • Removal from class


Grades will be based on points earned by the students through completion and accuracy of assignments and assessments. Grades will be determined according to the scale (Board of Education policy) and weighted grading categories as described below.

Grade:92 to 100 – AWeight: Tests – 25%

83 to 91 – B Quizzes – 20%

74 to 82 – C Homework – 20%

65 to 73 – D Labs – 25%

64 and below – F Participation – 10%

*if you would like to know your grade, talk to me about scheduling a meeting time

Please notice that labs and tests are of equal weight. Also make note that participation points are weighted enough to lower your grade a whole letter. Participation will count for how active and aware you are in the class and labs. Such things as not following lab rules, inappropriate socializing, sleeping, etc. may be cause for loss of participation points.

Mr. Darling’s Safety Contract

Safety is always a major issue in any science classroom, therefore, it is necessary to have this contract read, understood and signed by every student.

I ______(print name) agree to follow the safety rules listed below at all times during Freshman Science class. I understand that if I do not follow these rules, the consequences may include any or ALL of the following:

  • A phone call or email home
  • A zero for the lab/activity
  • Detention
  • Suspension
  • Removal from class

General Rules

  1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory.
  2. Never fool around in a lab.
  3. When first entering the classroom, do not touch any of the equipment or materials which are set out for the day.
  4. Read ALL directions before you perform your lab.
  5. Follow ALL written and verbal directions carefully. Ask if you are unsure.
  6. Perform only the experiments authorized by Mr. Darling. If you want to test something else, please ask first.
  7. Keep lab area neat at all times. Bring to the lab station only what is needed.
  8. Alert Mr. Darling if you have broken glass, a spill, malfunctioning equipment, or any type of accident. I will take care of it.
  9. Clean up your work spaces before leaving the room.
  10. Know the location and procedures for the safety equipment.

Safety Equipment

  1. Fire Alarm: The fire alarm is located on the wall next to the outside door. Pulling this in any case other than an emergency will result in suspension and prosecution from the police.
  2. Fire Extinguisher: This is located by the safety shower at the front of the classroom. Use only in case of fire.
  3. Safety Shower & Eyewash: This is NOT a toy. This is to be used if you have a fire or a chemical spill on your body. Pulling the shower otherwise will result in you getting very wet and you getting 2 Saturday Schools.


I have read and understand the safety rules and consequences for Mr. Darling’s classroom and I agree to follow them.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

I have read and understand the safety rules and consequences for Mr. Darling’s classroom and agree to encourage my student to abide by them.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______