JUNE 2015
JUNE 22-25, 2015
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check
The Nonconventional Machining & Surface Enhancment (NMSE) Task Group (TG) was called to order at 8:00 a.m., 22-Jun-2015.
It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Tomohiko / Ashikaga / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
* / Chris / Borg / Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.
* / Zeljko / Calija / UTC Aerospace (Goodrich)
David / Day / GE Aviation
* / Vincenzo / DeRosa / Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A.
* / Caroline / Des Landes / Bombardier Inc.
Jocelyn / Fortin / SAFRAN Group (Messier-Dowty)
* / Glen / Heide / The Boeing Company
* / Tommy / Howland / Spirit AeroSystems, Inc.
* / Joakim / Idetjarn / GKN Aerospace Sweden AB
* / Akiko / Inoue / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
Hugh / Jamison / Bombardier Inc.
* / Marc-Andre / Lefebvre / Heroux Devtek Inc.
* / Simon / Long / Airbus
* / Dan / Loveless / Parker Aerospace
* / David / McCallister / Pratt & Whitney / Secretary
* / Marc / Montreuil / Heroux Devtek Inc.
* / Jeremy / Phillips / Cessna Aircraft Company
Marie / Piche / Bombardier Inc.
* / Alex / Pohoata / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Jeffery / Robb / Cessna Aircraft Company
* / Mike / Schmidt / GE Aviation / Vice Chairperson
Klaus / Schwarz / Honeywell Aerospace
Laurie / Strom / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Greg / Syvertson / Bell Helicopter Textron
* / Nouman / Usmani / GE Aviation
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMERachid / Arab / ASCO Aerospace USA LLC
Joshua / Crockett / Ellison Surface Technologies
Ouyang / Guanlayon / Singapore Aero Engine Services
* / Kevin / Klingelhafer / Meyer Tool Inc.
* / Shelly / Lawless / Meyer Tool Inc.
James / Maloney / Timken Aerospace
Kelly / McClurg / Avion Solutions, Inc.
Mike / Noettl / Magnetic Inspection Laboratory, Inc.
Brynn-Marie / O’Neil / Ellison Surface Technologies
PRI Staff Present
Bill / DumasMichael / Graham
1.2 Introductions – OPEN
Each participant introduced themselves.
1.3 Safety Information – OPEN
Bill Dumas highlighted the safety information.
1.4 Review Code of Ethics and Meeting Conduct – OPEN
Bill Dumas reviewed information on this topic (Ref: The Nadcap Attendees Guide)
1.5 Antitrust Video – OPEN
The Task Group reviewed the Antitrust video from Joe Pinto.
1.6 Review Agenda for Nonconventional Machining – OPEN
Mike Schmidt reviewed the Agenda.
1.7 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – OPEN
The minutes from March 2015 were approved as written.
2.0 review rail – OPEN
The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed.
For specific details, please see the current NMSE Task Group Rolling Action Item List posted at, under Public Documents.
3.0 review nm membership status – OPEN
The NMSE TG approved the following new voting memberafter verifying attendance at 2 meetings:
Shelly Lawless of Meyer Tool Inc., Alternate Supplier Voting Member (ASVM)
Alex Pohoata of Honeywell requested that Ken Abram be removed as a Voting Member from NM.
Compliance with voting requirements was reviewed. No noncompliance noted.
4.0 working session – OPEN
The Task Group had a discussion on the general intent of the checklists versus the handbook. The Secretary reminded the Task Group that a vote was taken in October 2014 meeting. That vote gave direction as follows: the Task Group will continue reviewing checklists to add an explanation for each Not Applicable (N/A) response. The Task Group will eventually revise the handbook to remove explanations for N/A responses. The handbook will continue to exist, but it will be reduced in volume.
The Task Group revised AC7116/5 for Laser Marking and AC7116/6 for Spark Erosion Grinding. Caroline Des Landes of Bombardier requested that AC7116/1 – AC7116/4 be reviewed for consistency with the changes made to AC7116/5 and AC7116/6. The AC7116/5 and AC7116/6 checklists are ready for ballot. The Task Group did not have sufficient time to discuss the revised checklist for Waterjet Machining. It will be added to October 2015 agenda.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to send AC7116/5, and AC7116/6 for ballot. (Due Date: 31-Jul-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add to October 2015 meeting agenda: Review AC7116/5 and AC7116/6 for ballot resolution. (Due Date: 15-Aug-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add to October 2015 meeting agenda: Review AC7116/1-AC7116/4 for consistency with the changes made to AC7116/5 and AC7116/6. (Due Date: 15-Aug-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add to October 2015 meeting agenda: Discuss draft of revised Checklist for Waterjet Machining. (Due Date: 15-Aug-2015)
ACTION ITEM : PRI Staff will revise any reference to “conductivity” in the AC7116 series checklists to add the words “or resistivity”. (Due Date: 31-Jul-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI staff to review balloted checklists to utilize the Chemical Processing format for compliance to assessment guidance. (Due Date: 31-Jul-2015)
5.0 precision ecm – OPEN
Nouman Usmani led a discussion of the revised AC7116/1 ECM. He had made revisions to include coverage of Precision ECM.
6.0 new nm business – OPEN
Bill Dumas reviewed “2015 Vision of Future” which details new technologies being considered by the Task Group. The current Vision has Waterjet Cutting listed, with the Pilot Phase scheduled for 2015. However, there has been no movement on that front to date. One possible technology for the future is ultrasonic machining. Another possibility is Electrochemical deburring. Mike Schmidt would like future agendas to only have one topic per item.
7.0 combined metrics – closed
The Delegated Reviewers report was reviewed. Brian Manty continues to have a 100% concurrence. Scott Nelson has reviewed more than 25 audits for both NM and SE and expressed interest in becoming a delegated reviewer. However, the Task Group expressed concern that Scott Nelson planned to continue reviewing audits, since he will be working full time with another company. The Task Group expressed concerns to Mike Graham of PRI. Mike will pursue other options.
Bill Dumas gave insight into the Auditor Rating scale. This is a rating between 1-6 that is given by the Audit Reviewer for each audit. Subscribers do not have access to this data.
Mike Graham discussed utilizing a current auditor as a Surface Enhancment Audit Reviewer. Some discussion ensued, and the Task Group concurred that they would support this on, with the proper training in root cause and corrective analysis.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add item to October Auditor Training for round table discussion: When considering “not following Work Station instructions”, when do you designate Minor versus Major. (Due Date: 15-Aug-2015)
8.0 review of nmse supplier comments – OPEN
This data was not available for review.
9.0 op 1117 (previously nop-012) auditor consistency team activity/working session – closed
Bill Dumas reviewed a report provided by Scott Nelson on his conversation with Auditor #6 (reference 15-MAR-2015). The data was correct, 0 NCRs written in 14 reaccreditation audits in 2014.
Motion made by Dave McCallister and seconded by Jeff Robb to discontinue scheduling NM audits to Auditor #6 after 01-Sep-2015. Motion passed unanimously.
The Task Group reviewed performance of Auditor #3. After receiving positive feedback from observation audits, the Task Group voted to remove Auditor #3 from the List of Concern.
The following Subscriber Oversight Audits were reviewed:
155954: by Greg Syvertson (Bell Helicopter)
156810: by K.T. Quader (Boeing). Auditor #4. No major concerns were raised, only opportunities for improvement.
158585: by Glen Heide (Boeing)
There were questions on the intent of some questions on the Observer Feedback form (t-frm-01).
There was insufficient time to review ‘Finalize standardized TG specific training required of all new auditors’ and ‘Finalize methods for providing feedback and communicating with auditors’.
ACTION ITEM: Staff Engineer will notify PRI Scheduling to no longer use Auditor #6 for NM audits. (Due Date: 15-Jul-2015)
ACTION ITEM: Mike Graham will request a software change to provide a link for a printable version of the Observer Feedback form. (t-frm-01). (Due Date: 15-Aug-2015)
ACTION ITEM: The Boeing Company will give feedback for Auditor #4 (from June 2015 list) during the October Auditor Conference. (Due Date: 18-Oct-2015)
ACTION ITEM: Mike Graham will send an example of Chemical Processing specific training to Paul Wooley as an example. (Due Date: 15-Aug-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add agenda item for October 2015 meeting: “Working session to develop standardized Task Group specific training required of all new auditors”. (Due Date: 15-Aug-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add agenda item for October 2015 meeting: “Finalize methods for providing feedback and communicating with auditors”. (Due Date: 15-Aug-2015)
10.0 updates – closed
A brief discussion was held, concerning the number of days allotted to perform an ECM audit.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to send a request to the auditors for feedback on the audit time allotted for performing ECM audits and additional technologies. (Due Date: 15-Sept-2015)
11.0 auditor conferEnce – CLOSED
Auditor Conference Agenda was reviewed, and times allocated.
ACTION ITEM: Mike Graham will send out a reminder to Auditor Conference presenters to have their presentations ready by 30-Aug-2015. (Due Date: 10-Jul-2015)
12.0 new business – closed
Incident Report (IR) #872 was reviewed by the Task Group, identifying an allegation of wrongdoing. PD 1100 was reviewed for procedural requirements for handling allegations. The Task Group formed a sub-team to follow up on the Incident Report. The sub-team is composed of Mike Graham of PRI, Simon Long of Airbus, and Glen Heide of The Boeing Company.
ACTION ITEM: Sub-team will report back to the Task Group on the status of the investigation into IR #872. (Due Date: 10-Jul-2015)
13.0 rail – open
The RAIL items were reviewed and corrected as needed. Action Items from this meeting will be captured in the RAIL.
14.0 se membership status – open
Bill Dumas reviewed voting and attendance history. Only one Subscriber voting member has not met the criteria. Greg Syvertson of Bell Helicopter Textron missed 3 meetings, but did meet the requirement for voting on ballots in 2015. The Task Group Vice Chair agreed to keeping Mr. Syverson on the Task Group as a voting member.
One Supplier voting member has not met the criteria. Alexander Klyuch of Blades Technology LTD missed 3 meetings, but did meet the requirement for voting on ballots in 2015. The Task Group requested that the Task Group Chairperson contact Mr. Klyuch to determine if he is interested in attending future meetings.
The SE TG approved the following new voting members after verifying attendance at 2 meetings:
Akiko Inoue of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Alternate User Voting Member (AUVM)
Chris Borg of Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, User Voting Member (UVM)
Alex Pohoata of Honeywell requested that Ken Abram be removed as a Voting Member from SE.
There were errors noted in the Voting Requirements spreadsheet, regarding attendance at the March 2015 meeting. Zeljko Calija of UTC Aerospace and Gudrun Muehlbauer of MTU Aero Engines were in attendance. On the other hand, no representatives from The Boeing Company were present.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to review March 2015 sign-in book and correct the Voting Requirements Spreadsheet. (Due Date: 15-Aug-2015)
ACTION ITEM: Staff Engineer to send an e-mail to Blades Technology to determine if they are interested in attending future meetings. (Due Date: 15-Aug-2015)
15.0 working session – open
Surface Enhancement checklists AC7117, AC7117/1, and AC7117/2 were revised, and are ready to be sent for ballot. The AC7117/3 checklist review was initiated, but several subscribers expressed interest in reviewing their requirements further before finalizing. The term “data card” should be replaced with “technique sheet”.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to ensure the spelling of gauge, when revising checklists. (Due Date: 15-Sept-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to replace the term “data card” with “technique sheet”, when revising checklists. (Due Date: 17-Aug-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to use the Chemical Processing Compliance Assessment Guidance (CAG) protocol for all checklists. (Due Date: Ongoing)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to send AC7117, AC7117/1, and AC7117/2 for ballot. (Due Date: 17-Aug-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to send the AC7117/3 draft to the Task Group for review. (Due Date: 17-Aug-2015)
ACTION ITEM: Interested Task Group subscribers to review their requirements and make comments regarding AC7117/3 draft. (Due Date: 1-Oct-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add topic to discuss AC7117/3 comments and review AC7117/4 and AC7117/5 to October agenda. (Due Date: 31-Jul-2015)
16.0 new business – OPEN
The Task Group discussed ultrasonic peening as a potential new checklist, and the use of subsize Almen strips. This will be further discussed at the October 2015 meeting.
A brief discussion also occurred relating to saturation curve software. This will be further discussed at the October 2015 meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Kelly McClurg of Avion will prepare information on ultrasonic peening and subsize Almen strips for the October 2015 meeting. (Due Date: 19-Oct-2015)
ACTION ITEM: Mike Schmidt will prepare information on saturation curve solver software for the October 2015 meeting. (Due Date: 19-Oct-2015)
17.0 meEting reports – OPEN
Mike Schmidt reported from the Nadcap Management Council (NMC) meeting. PRI automated Job Tracker functionality will not be available as soon as expected. Mike Graham suggested that the Task Group proceed with the manual Job Tracker, which was drafted in 2014.
There was no report from the Supplier Support meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Mike Graham will send out a draft Job Tracker and proposed specification declaration list to the Task Group. (Due Date: 31-Jul-2015)