Word 2002 Instructor’s Materials WD 4.3

BUS110 Introduction to Information Literacy

Microsoft Office 2010: Word (I):

Creating a Document with a Table, Chart,and Watermark


Students will have mastered the material in this project when they can:


Word 2002 Instructor’s Materials WD 4.3

·  Add a border and shading to a paragraph

·  Center text vertically on a page

·  Create a header different from a previous header

·  Sum columns in a table using the AutoSum button

·  Select and format nonadjacent text

·  Modify a chart in Microsoft Graph

·  Format a chart in Word

·  Add picture bullets to a list

·  Use the Draw Table feature to create a table

·  Change the direction of text in table cells

·  Insert a text watermark

·  Insert a Word document into an open document

·  Format characters using the Font dialog box

·  Insert a section break

·  Format an existing Word table

·  Create a chart from a Word table

·  Create and apply a character style

·  Change alignment of text in table cells

·  Reveal formatting

·  Change the starting page number in a section

·  Create a footer different from a previous footer

·  Insert clip art from the Web

·  Keep paragraph lines together

Word 2002 Instructor’s Materials WD 4.3

Lab session

1.  Creating a Title Page: WD205-WD218

·  Formatting and Entering Characters

·  Adding a Border and Shading to a Paragraph

·  Formatting Characters Using the Font Dialog Box

·  Inserting Clip Art from the Web in a Word Document

2.  Inserting an Existing Document into an Open Document: WD219-WD227

3.  Creating Headers and Footers: WD228-WD231

·  To Create a Header Different from the Previous Section Header

·  To Create a Footer Different from the Previous Section Footer

4.  Editing and Formatting Lists WD232-WD237

5.  Editing and Formatting Tables: WD238-WD256

6.  Creating a Watermark WD257-258


After complete the above lab session, you are required to do an Assignment similar to the exercise above. The assignment is “Lab 2: Creating a Proposal with a SmartArt Graphic, a Complex Table, and a Numbered List” which is in the Lab textbook: Microsoft Office 2010 – Advanced Concepts and Techniques, at pages WD 266 – WD 267. It is an exercise to prepare a sales proposal with a title page. You need to submit the completed assignment to your instructor through the Moodle on or before the deadline. A final version of the proposal is put at the Moodle to aid you and the picture file can be downloaded from Moodle and inserts it into your assignment.

This assignment carries 5% weight, which is based on the completeness and correctness of performing all the tasks required. The assignment will be given during the lab session in Week 1, and shall be submitted two weeks after the lab session through the Moodle. Make sure you work your own assignment. Any plagiarism will nullify the score for all parties. As an extra requirement (1%), type your name and ID no. at the footer of the Title Page of your submission.

[(]# The advanced and common features are categories based on a beginner’s skill level, and can only be used as references. In terms of the course requirements, they are equally important.
