Calmore Junior School
Parent Questionnaire Analysis
Analysis of the parent questionnaire
February 2015
Children’s Progress and Security / Strongly agree / Tend to agree / Tend to disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t know1. My child is happy at school / 75% / 25%
2. My child is taught well at school. / 60% / 40%
3. The school expects my child to work hard and to
achieve his/her best. / 75% / 25%
- Children get help and support to do their best when
5. My child knows if they have a problem there is someone they can go to in school who will listen to them. / 60% / 29% / 6% / 5%
6 The school sets appropriate standards of behaviour
and deals effectively with bullying ( Behaviour by an individual or group usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally) / 52% / 37% / 3% / 8%
7. My child’s views are listened to eg in class, in groups,
in assembly, in School Council / 52% / 31% / 13%
8. The school keeps my child safe eg by teaching safe
play, road safety, safety in lessons, internet safety,
stranger danger etc / 67% / 33%
9. The school helps my child to have a healthy lifestyle eg provides clubs, encourages healthy eating & drinking of water / 70% / 27% / 3%
Communication / Strongly agree / Tend to agree / Tend to disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t know
10 Parent- teacher meetings are informative and helpful
and the teachers tell me about my child’s progress. / 73% / 25% / 2%
11 I know that if my child has a problem, I can make an
appointment to talk about it with his/her teacher. / 75% / 23% / 2%
12 The school takes account of my suggestions and
concerns. / 42% / 39% / 4% / 15%
13. The school has a happy atmosphere and I feel welcome when I come into school. / 62% / 35% / 3%
14. The office staff are helpful when answering queries. / 63% / 31% / 2% / 2% / 2%
15. The Weekly Focus and ParentMailkeep me fully
informed about the life of the school / 79% / 21%
Parental Involvement / Strongly agree / Tend to agree / Tend to disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t know
16. I feel fully involved in my child’s education. / 48% / 44% / 4% / 4%
17. The school helps me to support my child’s learning. / 48% / 48% / 4% / 4%
18. I support my child in completing homework activities
eg reading, learning number challenges, mini
projects etc / 85% / 15%
19. I enjoy the opportunities to come in to see the work my
child is doing eg exit days, assemblies, come & write,
productions etc / 79% / 21%
20. I support the events of the CJSA / 54% / 31% / 4% / 11%
The School and the Community / Strongly agree / Tend to agree / Tend to disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t know
21. The school makes good use of the community and its
expertise eg links with infants & secondary, Testwood
Baptist Church, PCSO visits, links with Totton
College, ASDA, HSBC, nurse, dentist, doctors etc / 60% / 31% / 9%
Leadership and Management / Strongly agree / Tend to agree / Tend to disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t know
22. The school is led and managed effectively. / 68% / 32%
23. The school has made lots of improvements in the last
year eg behaviour policy, new curriculum, new
learning behaviours, new rewards, exciting teaching,
trips, displays around school, strong links with the
infant school, more opportunities for parents to come
into school / 48% / 40% / 12%
Children enjoy additional opportunities / Strongly agree / Tend to agree / Tend to disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t know
24. There is a good range of extra curricular activities
eg fencing, choir, dodge ball, football, cricket
dance, guitar, drumming, multi-skills, scrapbook,
athletics, hockey, golf, hand ball, karate, gym,
able maths / 75% / 21% / 2% / 2%
25. My child enjoys talks by visiting speakers eg PCSO,
puppet shows, fire, nurse, workshops, ASDA, sports
stars, visits from churches, teachers from secondary
schools, careers fair, HSBC, Tim Henman etc / 67% / 23% / 10%
26. The school provides residential opportunities / 63% / 20% / 17%
27. Overall, I am happy with my child’s experience at this
school. / 65% / 35%
Here are some of the comments that we received on the questionnaires
‘Occasionally notice is short regarding events ie costume days-point noted we will try to give as much notice as possible‘We have had some issues in school but we are working with school staff to get them resolved’ – please talk to us if you have any issues as we want them resolved as quickly as you do
‘Reading certificates take 2 or 3 weeks to get to the child’-apologies for this we will tighten up systems & endeavour to get them out quicker
‘I would like to see more girls sports like netball or hockey’-we will look into this and see if there are any coaches available
‘Try to stagger exit days’ – we will ask the staff to try and put exit days on different days of the week
‘We are used to targets being set at parent consultations’ we will look into this & share targets at future parents’ evenings
‘When attending parents’ evening and asking for extra homework this has never happened’-whoever this is please come in and see either the teacher again or Miss Ingram or Mrs Marshall and this will be resolved
‘I feel my year 3 does not get enough homework’ –we have spoken to year 3 staff and homework is coming your way
‘The juniors don’t allow the children to have fun like the infants eg Pudsey’ – we try to make our curriculum as exciting & motivating as possible, also we are dressing up for World Book Day and Comic Relief in March