State of Qatar

Annex-1 to Response to Clarifications No. 1

(11 September 2017)


Facility E

Independent Power & Water Project

Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (“PQQ”) for Lead Developers

(29 August2017)

Facility E Power and Water Project

Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)

Appendix A: Basic Information on Applicant

Company name
Address of headquarters
Contact details:
(c)Telephone number
(land line & mobile)
(d)Fax number
(e)Contact e-mail address (primary)
Contact e-mail address (secondary)
Address of Qatari or regional office (if applicable)
(c)Telephone number
(d)Fax number
(e)Contact e-mail address
Company profile (short description – may be submitted as a separate addendum)
Selected key information (state financial year for which data is provided):
(a)Total assets*
(b)Total shareholders funds/net worth*
(c)Turnover *
(d)Net income*
Credit rating (S&P/Moody’s/Fitch/Other – please specify)
Number of employees
Year established
Primary areas of business (indicate staff numbers and turnover in US Dollars for each business area)
No. of years engaged in power projects
No. of years engaged in seawater desalination projects
No. of years engaged in BOO/BOOT infrastructure projects
No. of power projects undertaken on BOO/BOOT basis in the last ten (10) years (a) as leader (b) in major role / (a)as leader / (b)in major role
No. of seawater desalination (thermal / RO) projects undertaken on BOO/BOOT basis in the last ten (10) years (a) as leader (b) in major role / (a)as leader / (b)in major role
Proposed level of shareholding in the Project: (a) Minimum (b) Maximum / (a)Minimum / (b)Maximum

* Where the Applicant is a majority owned subsidiary of group, figures for the ultimate Holding Company may also be quoted in addition to those of the Applicant itself.

Appendix B: Financial Information

Information set out in the table below for the purpose of calculation of the tangible net worth of the Applicant as required by MER 1.

Item / As at Fiscal Year end for period “n-1” / As at Fiscal Year end for period “n-2” / As at Fiscal Year end for period “n-3”
Paid-in capital
Retained earnings
Revaluation reserves
Other reserves
Currency translation adjustment
Less: Treasury stock
Subtotal: Net worth
Less: Goodwill
Less: Net intangibles
Less: Loans to shareholders
Please indicate the accounting standards under which the annual accounts that provided the information used in the calculation above were audited

where “n” is Applicant’s current Fiscal Year

Appendix C: Summary of Power and/ or Seawater Desalination Project Experience

(to be completed by the Applicant for each project)
No / Items
1 / Name of plant
2 / Location of plant
3 / Power / Water Capacity in MW / MIGD
4 / Gas turbine technology applied (Class)
5 / Power plant configuration: GT capacity, ST capacity, arrangement (Blocks x GTs x STs)
6 / Thermal desalination technology / unit size / number of units
7 / RO plant configuration: Intake, pre-treatment, RO configuration (1 pass vs. 2 pass), Membrane type, train size, EDR configuration, post treatment
8 / Project type (BOO, BOOT, etc.)
9 / Financial Close date
10 / Applicant’s Role on the project (e.g. Owner, (Lead) Developer, O&M provider, EPC contractor etc.). If the Applicant was member of consortium, please list all the consortium members and their roles.
11 / If the Applicant is not the owner of the plant, please provide name of owner
12 / Applicant’s role after plant commissioning (e.g. owned, operated and/or maintained)
13 / Project/plant cost
14 / Sources of funds for project/plant
15 / Share of Applicant’s resources in funding
16 / Entity to whom water output provided
17 / Duration of contract/concession
18 / Technology used
19 / No. of units, type and ratings
20 / Dates of scheduled and actual commercial operation date of each unit
21 / Principal manufacturers of major equipment
22 / General role (e.g. base load)

Appendix D: Summary of BOO/BOOT Project Experience on IPPs/ IWPs/ IWPPs

(to be completed by the Applicant)
Name of Project / Location / Seawater Desalination
if applicable / Technology Used / Power / Water Capacity [MW / MIGD] / Applicant’s Share of Equity Investment in percentage / Dates of period of stake held / Commercial Operation Date

Appendix F: SubmissionLetter (to be printed on the Company’s letter head)

Manager-Planning & Development of Production and Water Resources Department,

New Kahramaa building,

Sheraton roundabout,

Al Corniche, P.O.Box 41,

Doha, Qatar.

Dated [ ], 2017

Statement of Qualification in response to the Facility E IWPP PQQ

We are pleased to submit this Statement of Qualification ("SOQ") in response to the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire issued by KAHRAMAA on [] to design, build, own, finance, operate and transfer an independent power and water producer at RasRakan, north of Qatar ("PQQ").

We hereby certify, represent, warrant and agree:

a)we have read and understood the requirements of the PQQ in full and we accept all documents, terms and conditions therein;

b)the information submitted as part of this SOQ is complete, accurate and true and does not omit any information which might make the information contained in the SOQ misleading in any material respect;

c)[we are not subject to any court or arbitration proceedings in Qatar or any material court or arbitration proceedings elsewhere in the world] or [insert details of any such proceedings];

d)we fully release and discharge KAHRAMAA, its consultants, advisers and personnel, completely and unconditionally from any responsibility or liability for the decisions that may be made with respect to our Pre-qualification and that KAHRAMAA, its consultants, advisers and personnel shall not be liable for any such actions; and

e)subject to our SOQ meeting the requirements set out in the PQQ and upon the issue of the Request for Bid, it is our intent to submit a bid for the Project.

AuthorisedSignatory ______

