May 23, 2006
This diagram shows how an IADS appointment is changed over time. Additionally, page 2 shows that an appointment may be associated with more than one department at a time and/or over time. Each department may be associated with several dept-related fields that change over time. Note that a Faculty Relation is always associated with a Department.
A vertical line drawn from a point on the timeline to the bottom of the page indicates an “as of date”, such as that used within the IADS on-line transactions. For example, “as of” 9-15-03 the following appt has title C30NN, rate of $60K, is not on probation, and has 2 departments: 1) A487400 that has 100% FTE, no LVE, Fac Relation “1”, and 100% Tenure Percent, and 2) A482200 that has no FTE, no LVE, Fac Relation “4”, and no Tenure Percent.
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 ongoing
Timeline |------|------|------|------|------|------
Mary Smith, Person ID 00333456 (no dates associated w/person record)
PERSON ------
8-25-00 (Appt ID 00123456)
APPT |------
8-25-00 (FA)
TYPE |------
8-25-00 (C40NN) 8-30-03 (C30NN)
TITLE |------|------
8-25-00 ($50K) 8-28-01 ($52K) 8-26-02 ($54K) 8-30-03 ($60K) 8-28-04 ($64K)
RATE |------|------|------|------|------
8-25-00 (01)
CONT |------
8-25-00 (TT) 8/29/03
PROB |------|
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 ongoing
Timeline |------|------|------|------|------|------
8-25-00 (A487400, Psych)
DEPT |------
8-25-00 (50%) 5-23-02 (100%)
FTE |------|------
LVE apptdept has no leave of absence
8-25-00 (2) 8-30-03 (1)
FAC REL |------|------
8-25-00 (60%) 5-23-02 (100%)
TNR PCT |------|------
8-25-00 (A488500, Sociology) 5-22-02
DEPT |------|
8-25-00 (50%) 5-22-02
FTE |------|
LVE apptdept has no leave of absence
8-25-00 (2) 5-22-02
FAC REL |------|
8-25-00 (40%) 5-22-02
TNR PCT |------|
1-1-02 (A482200, Economics) 12-31-03
DEPT |------|
FTE apptdept has no FTE
LVE apptdept has no leave of absence
1-1-02 (4) 12-31-03
FAC REL |------|
TNR PCT apptdept has no tenure percent
This diagram shows how the above appointment (Mary Smith, appt 00123456) would look if it started its existence on 8-25-00 at a WARF campus and on 4-21-02it was merged into the IADS data structure. Note that the IADS appointment start date is still 8-25-00, but all the associated data starts on 4-21-02. This leaves a “dead zone” of historical data within IADS between 8-25-00 and 4-21-02.If necessary, the missing data can be entered into IADS via the on-line IADS transactions. Special instruction may be required to learn how to do this.
Please keep in mind that a Faculty Relation is closely related to a Department. If the intent is to change the Faculty Relation effective date to an earlier date, it is necessary to also change the Department effective date to be on or before the new Faculty Relation effective date. Plus, for faculty appointments the IADS APDEPT transaction checks to make sure there is a faculty appt type and title in effect on the new Department date. If this is not true, it is necessary to use APCHGR to change the effective date on those fields first.
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 ongoing
Timeline |------|------|------|------|------|------
Mary Smith, Person 00333456 (no dates associated w/person record)
PERSON ------
8-25-00 (Appt ID 00123456)
APPT |------
4-21-02 (FA)
TYPE |------
4-21-02 (C40NN) 8-30-03 (C30NN)
TITLE |------|------
4-21-02 ($52K) 8-30-03 ($60K) 8-28-04 ($64K)
RATE |------|------|------|------
8-26-02 ($54K)
4-21-02 (01)
CONT |------
4-21-02 (TT) 8/29/03
PROB |------|
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 ongoing
Timeline |------|------|------|------|------|------
4-21-02 (F036700, Psych)
DEPT |------
4-21-02 (50%)
FTE |----|------
5-23-02 (100%)
LVE apptdept has no leave of absence
4-21-02 (2) 8-30-03 (1)
FAC REL |------|------
TNR PCT non-Madison does not use tenure percent
4-21-02 (F036900, Sociology)
DEPT |----| ended 5-22-02
4-21-02 (50%)
FTE |----| ended 5-22-02
LVE apptdept has no leave of absence
4-21-02 (2)
FAC REL |----| ended 5-22-02
TNR PCT non-Madison does not use tenure percent
4-21-02 (F036100, Economics) 12-31-03
DEPT |------|
FTE apptdept has no FTE
LVE apptdept has no leave of absence
4-21-02 (4) 12-31-03
FAC REL |------|
TNR PCT non-Madison does not use tenure percent
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