Station 1
Simmer Can
- Select a can, put a glove on your left hand
- Use the Sharpie marker and the measuring stack to mark a ring on the can at 2-1/4” from the bottom
- Using the tin snips, cut into the can
- Switch to scissors and cut around the can where you marked it
- Sand the cut edge of the can
- Punch 1 hole in the can
Station 2
Pot Stand
- Use pliers to assemble a pot stand like the sample
Station 3
Wind Screen
- Put a glove on your left hand
- Use scissors to cut rounded corners on the aluminum sheet
- Sand the corners to smooth off any rough spots
- Punch holes along the bottom like the sample
- Attach 2 paper clips to your wind screen
- Roll up the wind screen and fasten it with a rubber band
Station 4
Main Burner
- Select a can, put a glove on your left hand
- Use the Sharpie marker and the measuring stack to mark a ring on the can at 2” from the bottom
- Using the tin snips, cut into the can
- Switch to scissors and cut around the can where you marked it
- Sand the cut edge of the can
- Punch a ring of 8 holes around the can as far down as the hole-puncher will reach
Station 5
Stove Base, Mess Kit, Food
Complete items A, B, and C in any order. One or two girls should be working at each item so that everyone gets finished.
A. Stove Base
- Use the sample to trace cutting lines onto a piece of aluminum
- Cut out your octagon
- Sand the 4 cut edges and all 8 corners so that they are smooth
B. Mess Kit
1. Select: cup, plate, bowl, fork, knife, spoon, instruction sheet
- Put your name on everything, including your Ziploc bag
- Punch some ventilation holes in your Zip-loc bag (not too many!)
- Pack everything into the Ziploc bag
C. Food
- Put a check mark by every food you are willing to eat