Civil War Newspaper

What To Do:

You are living in the 1860s and are to witness the Civil war that will be fought on American ground...the war that will divide the Union. As a newspaper reporter you will present the facts as you see it.

You have a choice. You will create a newspaper to present the North's point of view, or you will create a newspaper to present the South's point of view. Either way. You must complete the difficult task of documenting the Civil War.

Your newspaper will contain the following features:

Headline story

You will write about the secession of the southern states and the bombing of Ft. Sumter. Especially focus on listing the causes of secession.

Include the advantages and disadvantages you see both sides having.


The issue is about slavery. This is an opinion article where you attack or defend the institution of slavery. State reasons why the South believed in slavery; or why the North believed slavery was wrong.Give examples to justify your reasons (economic, religious, political) and be sure to express your feelings. Remember whose side you are writing for.

Political Cartoon

Make fun of a major topic by drawing your own political cartoon or comic strip.

Here are some possible topics:

Slavery, greed of the North, the Emancipation Proclamation,

John Brown, Dred Scott case, advantages of North over the South, the horrors of war, etc.

Interview of a soldier:

Using a question and answer format, ask about the soldier's background, his reason for fighting, his experiences of war, what camp life is like, his feelings, etc. You will be “playing” both roles. You will ask and answer the questions.

Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln:

Explain the who, what, where, why, and when of the assassination at Ford’s Theater of President Lincoln. You can also talk about the “man hunt” for Booth or report “killer at large.”


You will write about the successes and challenges of restoring the nation. This article must include a definition of reconstruction, plans to rebuild the nation, (Lincoln’s, Johnson’s, & Radical Republicans) the 13th, 14th & 15th Amendments, and how the South still managed to ristrict the rights of African Americans’ with Jim Crow laws, black codes, and poll taxes.

Special feature

Research and write about a favorite topic of the Civil War that interests you!

Possible topics are:

-a famous battle: e.g. Gettysburg, Antietam

-a famous general or any other famous person (President A. Lincoln, Robert E. Lee)

-medicine, surgery

-weapons of war: e.g. the Monitor and Merrimack, new guns

-women in the war

-the role of the black soldier

-the cost of the war on those left at home

The Design of the Newspaper

You have completed your research and your final drafts for your newspaper on the word processor. Now you are ready to put your newspaper together.

You will need the following:

· white construction paper (at least two sheets)

· drawings or pictures of the Civil War

· glue stick (no staples or scotch-tape)

· scissors

**Hand written or typed articles in final draft form

Order of news articles:

1. Headline Story: Fort Sumter (front page-below your newspaper title, date, price, etc.)

2. Special Feature

3. Interview of a Soldier

4. Editorial: Slavery

5. Political Cartoon

6. Assassination of Lincoln

7. Reconstruction


1. On the front , beginning at the top of the newspaper, you must have the...

· Title of your newspaper (Are you a Southern or Northern newspaper?)

· Cost of your newspaper (5 to 10 cents)

· Name of Publisher (that's you!)

· Date: April 12, 1861 - April 9, 1865



Published by Elzy Linder

April 12, 1861 - April 9, 1869

Price: 8 cents

2. Each article should have a graphic: a picture or drawing. Use the picture handout or copy pictures from the internet or any book of your choice.

You can find pictures by Matthew Brady to insert into your newspaper:

3. Be neat. Do not use too much glue (use a glue stick). Do not use a stapler or scotch tape.

4. Make sure all writing is in black pen or typed.

Final Draft is due: Friday, April 29th

Points Possible: 150 Summative