Collegiate 4-H Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2013
WSLR 116, 6 p.m.
Call to Order & Welcome Austin Guoli
· American John Kuhn
· 4-H Alyssa Hudson
Old Business
Secretary’s Report – Jessyca Allen
Treasurer’s Report – Grace Mears Our current balance is $3345.01
· Purdue Collegiate 4-H Club Dues
o $10 for the Semester, $15 for the Year
o The first 50 members to pay their dues get a bag full of 4-H swag!
Ag Council Report – Chris Bueckers
· The Ag Council last met Wednesday, November 6th where they discussed grants. The next round of applications is due in January.
· The Ag Council is looking for driven College of Ag students who are looking to improve the college, university and themselves. Prospective council members need to be a team player and be extremely dedicated. They will need to attend typically bi-weekly, hour-long meetings and participate in all events (typically once-a-month). Being able to interact with a wide variety people is a must, as well as a passion for agriculture and leadership. New member petitions are available on the Ag Council website under resources. They are due by November 11th to . Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and non-graduating seniors are welcome to apply.
· College of Agriculture t-shirts have been approved and will be $12 each. To order, a Google Docs link will be available on the Ag Council Facebook page.
New Business
Murdock Afterschool Program – Lydia Smith
· Lydia had an exam tonight, so there are no updates on the Murdock program.
· Find or email Lydia () if you are interested in getting involved! We leave campus at 3:30pm on Tuesdays to get to Murdock by 4:00pm.
Intramural and Social Events – Alyssa Hudson
· We are not currently registered in any intramurals. In order to measure interest in various intramurals available next semester, a Doodle poll will be sent out soon. Only partake in the poll if you will be participating in the sport. It costs $25 to register in each intramural sport, and if we have to forfeit it will be a waste of money for the club.
o Some options include wallyball, basketball, ultimate Frisbee and volleyball.
· On Sunday, October 27th, the club had a pumpkin carving social. Five members carved pumpkins, and one member learned how to carve their first pumpkin!
· On Thursday, October 31st, the club went trick-or-treating for canned goods for the Salvation Army. Seven members participated and 64 canned goods were collected (over our goal of 50!).
· A Dirty Santa social is being planned for the end of the November 21st meeting. Get a “gift” that is around $7 if you would like to participate. Wrap your gift and denote whether it is a male, female or unisex gift.
o Everyone draws a number, one to however many people are playing. One goes first, picks and unwraps a gift. Number two can pick a wrapped gift or steal a gift that has been unwrapped. The next person’s turn occurs after a wrapped gift is opened. A gift cannot be stolen more than three times. The game ends when all the gifts are unwrapped.
Generation Justice – Jake Newkirk, Director of Mobilization of Generation Justice
· Jake is the Director of Mobilization for Purdue’s Generation Justice and he came to discuss his group with Collegiate 4-H. It is a brand new group with the objective of combating and raising awareness for modern day slavery. Modern day slavery is a blanket term for child soldiers, bonded labor, human and sex trafficking.
· The group is currently focusing on education. They presently meet weekly and discuss a different country at each meeting. Next semester, they will have their Stand for Freedom again where students will stand on Memorial Mall for 27 hours to call people’s attention to the cause. This fall, they had Work for Slaves, a volunteer day where they asked the community if they needed help for hire. The money raised went directly to the cause.
· Another workday will be held this Saturday and they are seeking ten people to do yard work and projects around homes such as winterization. If you would like to help, contact Jake ASAP (Austin has his contact info, ).
North Central Regional 4-H Conference – Cullen Johnson UW-Oshkosh, November 1st-3rd
· Cullen gave a presentation on the group’s trip to Oshkosh from last weekend.
· Attendants shared highlights from the trip including passing the Cheese Castle on the way, assisting with Winnebago County 4-H Youth’s biggest fundraiser by making pizzas, visiting Rosendale dairy, and attending workshops comprising topics such as bridging the generational gap, hacking your way to a better you, the ice cream dream and marketing.
· We received the news that the club got the FSBIT grant to cover our transportation to the Conference.
National Collegiate 4-H Invitational – Cullen Johnson Penn State, March 6th-8th, 2014
· Updates coming soon!
Operation Military Child – Ryan Wynkoop via Austin Guoli
· There are two upcoming opportunities to help out military children. If you are interested, talk to Austin or email Ryan ().
o Saturday, November 16th from 9am to 12pm in Indianapolis (hotel TBD). Three to four volunteers are needed who are passionate about working with youth, specifically those who have a parent in the military. The activities will focus on communication and will be applied to communicating with family members. All materials will be provided. A vehicle will be reserved for those traveling from Purdue to Indianapolis and lunch will be provided.
o Sunday, December 8th from 10am to 12pm at 40/8 located at 1421 N. Creasy Lane, Lafayette, IN 47905. Four volunteers are needed to support the 638th HSC Family Readiness Group holiday gathering. A craft will be provided to create with the kids and volunteers will help distribute Hero Packs as the youth visit with Santa Claus.
Officer Trainings – Holly Kyler via Chris Bueckers
· Multiple counties have contacted us about setting dates for officer trainings, but we are waiting for more to respond before a schedule is set. Also, a statewide email was sent out today.
Clothing Orders – Grace Mears
· It is time to order clothing! To order, sign your name in the Grace’s notebook at the meeting under the item you want indicating your size. If you are unable to attend the meetings, email Grace at .
· There are two different polo shirts, a quarter zip fleece, a full zip fleece, a t-shirt, and a windbreaker. Grace has examples of everything except the windbreaker. We don’t have a price for t-shirts yet because it depends on how many people buy them and there are still some in the attic.
o If you attend officer trainings, you will need to order a polo shirt.
· Orders need to be sent in before Thanksgiving break and hopefully they will come in before Christmas break.
Skip-A-Meal – Grace Mears
· The club is going to be having a HotBox Skip-A-Meal. It will be on Thursday, November 21st all day from open to close. 20% of the proceeds will go to Collegiate 4-H when either a flyer is used or Collegiate 4-H is mentioned.
· Since there is a meeting the same night, we may organize a group dinner at HotBox either before or after the meeting.
Social Media – Missy Welsh
· Missy pointed out that the club has both a Facebook page and group, and questioned if it was necessary to have both. Discussion was held and the club voted on deleting the group and keeping the page.
· Grace Mears moved that we erase the group; Nicole Mudrack seconded the motion. The club then voted to erase the group. The motion passed by majority. It was decided that Missy would post to the group that it would close December 31st to allow people to switch to the page before its deletion.
Operation Christmas Child – Jessyca Allen
· Operation Christmas Child is an entity of Samaritan’s Purse that has delivered shoebox gifts to over 100 million kids in over 130 countries since 1993. Many of these children have minimal shelter, clean water and clothing and this is likely the first Christmas gift they will ever receive. Together with Collegiate 4-H and her service fraternity, Jessyca has the goal of packing and donating about 20 of these shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.
· Members can bring donations to the next meeting for the boxes such as small simple toys (stuffed animals, balls, small cars, yo-yos, jump ropes, slinkies), toiletries (toothbrushes, toothpaste, mild soap, combs), school supplies (pens, pencils, sharpeners, markers, stamps, ink pads, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books), and other miscellaneous items (t-shirts, socks, hair clips, flashlights, batteries). It also costs $7 for shipping and other delivery costs per shoebox to send it across the world. If you can donate shipping costs, you will be able to fill out an envelope which will enable you to track the box to the country where it is delivered. You will also have the opportunity to receive letters from the child who receives the box. Plastic containers, about the size of a shoebox, if not a little bigger, with locking lids are also needed. They travel better, are waterproof and give the kids a place to store their goodies. Dollar general sells them for about $2 each.
· If you would like to donate something, please bring it to the next meeting. National Collection Week is November 18-25, so boxes need to be packed and donated shortly after the meeting. For a comprehensive list of items that are needed, and some items to avoid, please see Gift Suggestions at this site:
College of Ag PK-12 Council Engagement and Outreach Showcase – Missy Welsh
· The COA’s PK-12 Council’s Engagement and Outreach Showcase event provides an environment for faculty, staff and students in the College of Agriculture to display their activities and research in relation to the pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade audiences. Administrative individuals will also be invited from schools across the state of Indiana to view and network.
· Collegiate 4-H has the opportunity to set up their 3-D display board at this showcase in order to promote the club to these audiences. It will be held Tuesday, November 12 from noon to 2pm in the Krannert Drawing room. We are in need of a member to set up our display prior to the showcase, and to remove it afterwards. If you are available, please contact Missy at .
Cullen Johnson Motioned to Adjourn the Meeting, Ashley Kincaid Seconded the Motion – Austin Guoli Adjourned the Meeting at 6:43pm
Important Dates
· Next Club Meeting – Thursday, November 21th, 6pm, WSLR 116
· Dirty Santa Social – Thursday, November 21st, end of the meeting, WSLR 116
· Drop Off Operation Christmas Child Donations – Thursday, November 21st, 6pm, WSLR 116
· HotBox Skip-A-Meal – Thursday, November 21st, All Day, HotBox Pizza 135 S Chauncey Ave W. Lafayette
· National Collegiate 4-H Invitational – Penn State, March 6th-8th, 2014
Additional Dates of Interest
· Generation Justice Work Day – Saturday, November 9th
· COA’s PK-12 Council’s Engagement and Outreach Showcase – Tuesday, November 12th 12pm-2pm, Krannert Drawing Room
· OMK Volunteer Opportunity in Indy – Saturday, November 16th 9am-12pm, Indy (Hotel TBD)
· OMK 638th HSC Family Readiness Group Holiday Gathering – Sunday, December 8th 10am-12pm, 40/8 in Lafayette