Minutes of a meeting held on Thursday 15 January 2015
7.30 pm, Heath End Hall
PRESENT: Cllrs M G Slatford (Chairman), C Curtis, C Grenville, P Garrett, J Hewitt, J Peatman, P R S Postance, S E Terrett
Also present: County Councillor W Lovegrove, Borough Councillor M Bound and 3 members of the public
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs F Langley, E Page, G Porter,
In attendance: Mrs P J Waterfield, Clerk
76. Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting of 25 November 2014, copies of which had been circulated, were taken as read and approved. Noted that Cllr Page had been present.
77. Declarations of interest
Councillors were reminded that for those with any interest to be disclosed in relation to any item included in the agenda for this meeting, it was their duty to do so at the appropriate agenda item (as required to be disclosed by Section 96(1) of the LGA 1972, and in accordance with the Parish Councils Order 2001).
78. Matters arising from the Minutes
(65) Speedwatch
A meeting had been held with the PCSO responsible for delivering updated training, and new and existing volunteers. Dates are now to be set for the re-introduction of the scheme to Baughurst. Clerk offered to organise the administration of the scheme for Baughurst, and had supplied an annual calendar for all parishes using the machine.
(65) Remembrance Day
Quotations had been received for signage, at £808, and were accepted. Maintenance contractor to be asked to store the equipment, and a grant aid application has yet to be made to County Councillor Lovegrove.
(65) 105 Long Grove
No further information received.
(65) Seat at Pinewood
Had been installed.
(65) 11 Mornington Close
Clerk had yet to write to residents explaining the situation.
(67) Highways and Rights of Way issues (potholes) had been reported
Baughurst Road south of Browning Hill Church Lane junction (southbound)
Crabbs Hill flooding flowing towards A339
Wolverton Road south of Wolverton Common to the church
Elongated hole outside Great Copse
Woodlands Road outside the Leisure Centre
Baughurst Road from Hillside to Pound Green (plus whitelining fading)
(60) Playing fields and open spaces issues
· 105 Long Grove – no further information
· Wolverton field lease – no further information received
· Land at junction of Heath End Road and B4300 – no investigation as yet undertaken.
(60) Footpath 21
Metal kissing gate had been put in place, and replacement post installed on existing wooden gate nearby.
(60) Retractable posts, BR5
A quotation had been received for bollards at £88 each, which was agreed, with a ceiling of £300. Clerk to write again to residents, asking for financial help.
66. County, Borough, Police and BDAPTC reports
County Councillor W Lovegrove reported on:
· Problems with a tree and subsequent damage to the pavement in Long Grove
· Recent information regarding HCC’s report on prospective submarine dismantling, which may affect AWE Aldermaston, and transportation by either/or the A340 and A33. A decision on the successful site will be made in 2015
· Footways in the parish will be repaired by HCC during the next year
· He gave an overview of his devolved budget, explaining how the system operated, and confirming that any residual monies are brought forward to the next financial year
Borough Councillor Bound reported on:
· Policing ararngements locally, and had supplied a brief summary to the Clerk
· BDBC Local Plan, where in the Inspector had intimated a need for 840 new houses per year, against BDBC’s current proposal of 740
· BDBC staff had each received £100 honorarium
· The consideration of reducing the number of people currently required to form and present a petition (4000)
· Pressure being mounted on Stagecoach bus to be more transparent with their services
· Pressure being put upon HCC to think again about cuts in funding for youth services
· A minimum of 40% affordable housing to be requested for the Manydown development
· Police ‘Operation Stronghold’ presentation to take place in Tadley Library on 20 February, on how to improve security for households
BDAPTC – Cllr Curtis reported on:
· 15 attendees from member councils and Police representatives
· A request made for a workshop at the Mayoral reception for parishes has been refused. A meeting is to be held in January regarding support for the Association.
· Main item of the evening was a presentation from Chief Inspector Simon Dodds – Basingstoke and Deane District Commander - on the reorganisation of the Police force in this area. Starts with the need to save £54 million now and another £25 million going forward. Emphasis on need to operate smarter (with fewer police officers). Gave commitment to neighbourhood policing and PCSOs.
· 32 Neighbourhood Police Officers – 32 in town, 11 in rural area. Teams under a sergeant – Tadley being a base.
· PCSOs will become more involved in the communities – still finalising who/where. Will cover bigger areas – will be given contact details for the area.
· Further 18 months of changes – some members have left when the opportunities to move up have arisen.
· Question raised on Special Constables – they still figure in the future organisation.
· Decided that keeping the Tadley office was cost effective and will be a meeting base for team.
· Question on attendance at Parish Council Meetings/Annual Parish Meetings – commitment given for PCSOs to attend meetings when possible- this seemed to be an issue for several at the meeting.
· Whitchurch office is to continue for up to 2 years.
· The will be 10 PCSOs in the rural area in future (currently 8) – ring fenced
· No dedicated Schools Liaison Officers – PCSOs may do it in future
· Village Agent Programme started in 2011 and now has 35 agents across Hampshire helping older people to find appropriate services when they need them
· The issue of the remembrance service problems was raised to see if other parishes had similar problems or suggestions – lots of sympathy but no real help
· Roy Perry’s letter on Devolution
· Interview for new CEO of BDBC
· Dummer referred to the new hospital
· HALC – meeting coming up on Saturday – funding issues, legal representatives, vacancy on Hampshire Rural Forum.
67. Open forum
Residents raised queries regarding the Neighbourhood Watch scheme in Browning Hill; a dangerous junction on Baughurst Road adjoining Hillside and traffic speeds in Heath End Road. A representative from Calleva Junior Football Club gave a brief overview of their plans and hopes for the financing and provision of better outside lighting for the Pineapple field, and was advised to make a grant application to this Council, and also a planning application to BDBC. In addition, a revised contract would need to be put in place with this Council for their rental of the field.
68. Finance
a) Financial statement
The latest financial statement was received and noted.
b) Standing Orders
The Standing Orders were approved, after several small amendments.
c) Council tax base
Clerk advised the latest figures for 2015/2016 for a Band D property in Baughurst, which, at £37. per household, represents a slight drop on those for the previous year.
70. Planning
a) to receive and consider the latest planning applications
14/03834/ROC / Little Tots Nursery, Stoney Heath / Variation of condition 1 of BDB 63977 (change of use of office B1 to an Holistic Health Centre D1) to allow the use of the building as a Children’s Nursery (D1) / Objection14/03766/HSE / Keyhaven, Stoney Heath / Two storey extension to side of house / No objection
14/03681/HSE / Kents Cottage, Baughurst Road / Conversion of game/store room to carport and erection of 1st floor to form studio with dormer windows to rear elevation / No objection
14/03452/HSE / Forge House, Wolverton / 1st floor side extension / No objection
14/03535/HSE / Garden Cottage, Browning Hill / Single storey side extension. Erection of garden room following demolition of existing conservatory, to include rooflight, erection of chimney and wood burning flue / No objection
14/03593/HSE / Church Green Stables / Double garage with 1st floor store / No objection
b) decisions by BDBC
14/02807/HSE / The Forge, Wolverton / 16 roof mounted solar panels / Refused14/03146/HSE / Willow Springs, Stoney Heath / Two storey side extension and alterations / Approved
14/02817/RET / The Badgers Wood / 3 replacement car park lighting / Approved
14/03091/HSE / West View Farm, Baughurst Road / Extension to existing barn to facilitate the storage of hay and straw / Approved
14/02864/ROC / 3 Fairoak Way / Variation of condition 7 of 14/00847/FUL to retain the existing vehicular access / Approved
b) siting of caravans, Sandford Woods
Clerk had met with BDBC officers and was awaiting their report.
c) any other matters
BDBC had acknowledged the request to investigate illegal siting of buildings on land at Browning Hill.
71. Playing Fields and Open Spaces
a) Land to rear of Long Grove
Oak tree had come down in recent gales. Agreed that clearance would only be effected if proved to impede public right of way.
b) Pineapple field
SEB had contacted Clerk to notify loss of power to pavilion.
c) Pineapple field lighting (Calleva)
Information received, and planning application awaited.
d) Long Grove
Noted that, despite clearance, glass shards still remained under play equipment – contractor to be advised. Clerk to ask for increased Police presence to deter vandalism.
e) Maintenance contract
Clerk to investigate status of contract and organise accordingly.
72. Highways and Rights of Way
a) Footpath 13b
· Collapsed bridge over stream. Cllr Grenville had effected repair, and was thanked accordingly.
b) Footpath 9
· Nearing exit at Axmansford, stile has lost its step and is unsafe. Agreed that kissing gate is installed – Clerk had notified landowner to obtain permission, but had not as yet received approval
c) HCC Cutting list
Clerk had submitted the permitted 6 entries for application for seasonal growth cutting to HCC. These were:
· BR502 *
· Footpath 12 *
· Footpath 28 *
· Bridleway 51 *
· Bridleway 5
· Bridleway 15
· Footpath 18 *
· Bridleway 1
· BR44
d) Footpath 501
broken plank and overgrown vegetation
e) BR44
Clerk had walked path and found three fallen trees. Agreed that contractor should be asked to remove. Committee members will help to clear overgrown vegetation.
f) Footpath 25
Directional and waymarking issues to be investigated.
· Wolverton Road – uneven road surfacing and potholes to be reported, and also investigated by County Councillor Lovegrove
· Violet Lane – flooded pothole near junction with spur of Violet Lane
· Bridge at Axmansford – information to be sought about more permanent railings following recent accident which necessitated a temporary structure
· Axmansford – broken drain cover north of the stream
73. Open forum
Queries raised included the recent re-routing of traffic at the parade of shops in Bishopswood Road, Tadley; Clerk’s invitation to speak at the Civil Service Fellowship meeting; and the outcome of the collection at the Remembrance Day Service, which amounted to £1050. The Clerk advised her recent success in obtaining a grant from the War Memorials Trust towards the restoration of the Memorial, and the successful contractor will now be able to press ahead with the works.
73. Accounts for payment
Received: £250 x 3 Andersons (November, December, January); Premier interest £2.85 and £3.21; Calleva rental £73 x 3 (November, December, January); £3.78 Premier interest, £100 Speedwatch (Rotherwick) and high visibility vests £26
To pay:
BDBC / Printing newsletter / BACS / 62.90Printing order of service / BACS / 21.73
Clerk / Salary and allowances January / BACS / 808.72
Heath End hall / Hirings / BACS / 36.00
HCC / Stationery / BACS / 37.18 + 7.44
J Peatman / Mileage, Winchester / BACS / 15.00
A D Gibbs / Hedgecutting, Wolverton field / BACS / 175.00
HCC / Pension – January / BACS / 227.48
Inland Revenue / Tax and NI – November / BACS / 84.18
Regency/1st Choice / Payroll January / d/d / 12.50 + 2.50
Datasharp / Copier service January / d/d / 25.00 + 5.00
BDBC / Rental of SLR machine / BACS / 1280.00
74. Date of next meeting
The next meeting of BAUGHURST PARISH COUNCIL will be held on Thursday 19 February 2015, 7.30 pm, Heath End Hall. Agreed that the April meeting of full Council will now be held on Thursday 16 April 2015 instead of 23 April.