Mã đề: 147

Full Name:...... ONE PERIOD TEST (N01)

Class: 12C.... (2015-2016)

I. Multiple choice: (8pts)

01. ; / = ~09. ; / = ~17. ; / = ~25. ; / = ~

02. ; / = ~10. ; / = ~18. ; / = ~26. ; / = ~

03. ; / = ~11. ; / = ~19. ; / = ~27. ; / = ~

04. ; / = ~12. ; / = ~20. ; / = ~28. ; / = ~

05. ; / = ~13. ; / = ~21. ; / = ~29. ; / = ~

06. ; / = ~14. ; / = ~22. ; / = ~30. ; / = ~

07. ; / = ~15. ; / = ~23. ; / = ~31. ; / = ~

08. ; / = ~16. ; / = ~24. ; / = ~32. ; / = ~

Q1.Choose the best option: Many young people have objected to ______marriage, which is decided by the parents of the bride and the groom.

A. sacrificedB. agreedC. sharedD. contractual

Q2.Choose the best option: In Vietnam, two or more ______may live in a home.

A. generationsB. generatorsC. generationD. generous

Q3.Choose the word which has the stress pattern different from the rest:

A. caringB. predeceC. installD. confide

Q4. Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting in the sentence below:

They were discussingenthusiasticallywhen the teacher has come in.


Q5. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from others:

A. choresB. speaksC. problemsD. days

Q6. Choose the word which has the stress pattern different from the rest:

A. sacrificeB. argumentC. counterpartD. supportive

Q7. Choose the best option:He told me his parents would come______.

A. tomorrowB. the following day C. the day beforeD. previous day

Q8.Choose the best option: Nam: You really have a beautiful hairstyle now, Hưng!

Hưng: ______! You've pushed me into the blush.

A. You must be kidding.B.It isn't your work.C. Nice to meet you. D. Yes, of course.

Q9.Choose the best option:John can not ______a decision to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car.

A. makeB. takeC. getD. pay

Q10. Choose the best option: "I took the TOEFL last week. It was really hard."

- "______a lot before you took it ?"

A. Were you studyingB. Do you studyC. Have you studiedD. Had you studied

Q11. Choose the best option: Now my sister ______a bicycle of her own.

A. hadB. hasC. is havingD. have

Q12. Choose the best option: Barbara asked me ______the film "Titanic".

A. whether I have seenB. if did I seeC. whether had I seenD. if I had seen

Q13. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from others:

A.exchangeB. determineC. terrificD. reserved

Q14.Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting in the sentence below:

A large amount of Indian men agree that it's unwise confidingin their wives.


Q15.Choose the best option: Small children are often told that it is rude to point______other people.

A. toB. onC. atD. for

Q16. Choose the word which has the stress pattern different from the rest:

A. householdB. verbalC. approachD. banquet

Q17. Choose the best option:It is the most beautiful place I ______.

A. visited B. am visitingC. have visited D. visit

Q18.Choose the best option: Waving, clapping one's hands and nodding are ______forms of communication.

A. non-verbalB. absoluteC. informalD. verbal

Q19.Choose the best option: Most of us would mantain that physical ______does not play a major part in how we react to the people we meet.

A. attractB. attractivenessC. attractiveD. attraction

Q20. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word:

Nowadays, love is supposed to precedemarriage.

A. obligeB. join handsC. followD. chitchat

Q21. Which option ( A, B, C or D) is NOT suitable?

______, a husband should share certain thoughts with his wife only.

A. From my point of viewB. For meC. To all peopleD. In my opinion

Q22. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from others:

A. obliged B. determinedC. agreedD. confided

Read the following passage & then choose the best answer to the Question from (23) to (26).

Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensions: verbal and non-verbal.

Non-verbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people.

Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating.

Commonly, non-verbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined throughout a person's lifetime.Children first learn non-verbal expressions by watching and imitating,much as they learn verbal skills.

Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at readingnon-verbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the non-verbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, non-verbal channels of communication do not cease to exist although they become entwined in the total communication process.

Q23. According to the writer, ______

A. Those who can listen and talk should not use nonverbal language.

B. People communicate with both verbal and nonverbal language.

C. One cannot communicate in both verbal and nonverbal language.

D. Nonverbal language is only used by the deaf and the mute.

Q24. Which is NOT included in nonverbal communication?

A. wordsB. spatial distanceC. facial expressionsD. tone of voice

Q25. Human beings ______.

A. communicate in nonverbal language much less than they do in verbal language

B. can communicate in nonverbal language only when they are mature

C. have learnt how to communicate in nonverbal language since a child

D. have learnt how to communicate in nonverbal language through books

Q26. The word readinghas a close meaning to ______.

A. understanding B. saying something aloud C. looking at the words that are written D. expressing

Read the passage and choose the best option (A,B,C or D) to fill in the blank( from (27) to (32):

All members of the family have accepted the daily tasks of housekeeping. These duties are not intended as punishment. They are (27)______to the happiness and well-being of the family. (28)______family member has agreed to cheerfully contribute to the welfare of the family by working together as a team to get these chores (29)______quickly every day.

We have a separate checklist for each day of the week. Each list is slightly different. Each person will have a number assigned to him for the day. He will complete all corresponding items (30)______the checklist, starting at the top, and complete them in sequence. We will cheerfully work together on each room (31)______the checklist for that room is done then move (32)______to the next room. Any disputes over the completion of a chore will be settled by Mom and Dad.

Q27. A. contraryB. neededC. closeD. important

Q28. A. SomeB. AllC. NoD. Each

Q29. A. madeB. doneC. leftD. solved

Q30. A. byB. fromC. onD. in

Q31. A. by the timeB. untilC. afterD. as soon as

Q32. A. inB. toC. onD. for

II. Writing : (2pts)

1. She has worked at that company for 8 years.( Rewrite the sentence, beginning with the given words)

 She started …………………………………………….…………….

2. I / not allowed / use/ family’s motorbike ( Complete the sentence, using the suggested words)

 ……………………………………………….……………………….

3. Sometimes / she / disagree / her husband / child rearing ( Complete the sentence, using the suggested words)

 ………………………………………………………......

4. Mai said to Nam “How do you like my new dress?” ( Change into the reported speech)

 ……………………….………………………………………………

--The end --

Full Name:...... ONE PERIOD TEST (N01)

Mã đề: 181

Class: 12C.... (2015-2016)

I. Multiple choice: (8pts)

01. ; / = ~09. ; / = ~17. ; / = ~25. ; / = ~

02. ; / = ~10. ; / = ~18. ; / = ~26. ; / = ~

03. ; / = ~11. ; / = ~19. ; / = ~27. ; / = ~

04. ; / = ~12. ; / = ~20. ; / = ~28. ; / = ~

05. ; / = ~13. ; / = ~21. ; / = ~29. ; / = ~

06. ; / = ~14. ; / = ~22. ; / = ~30. ; / = ~

07. ; / = ~15. ; / = ~23. ; / = ~31. ; / = ~

08. ; / = ~16. ; / = ~24. ; / = ~32. ; / = ~

Q1. Choose the best option:He told me his parents would come______.

A. the day beforeB. the following day C. previous dayD. tomorrow

Q2. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from others:

A. problemsB. choresC. daysD. speaks

Q3. Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting in the sentence below:

They were discussingenthusiasticallywhen the teacher has come in.


Q4. Choose the best option:It is the most beautiful place I ______.

A. have visited B. visited C. am visitingD. visit

Q5. Which option ( A, B, C or D) is NOT suitable?

______, a husband should share certain thoughts with his wife only.

A. In my opinionB. From my point of view C. To all peopleD. For me

Q6. Choose the word which has the stress pattern different from the rest:

A. counterpartB. sacrificeC. argumentD. supportive

Q7. Choose the best option: Now my sister ______a bicycle of her own.

A. hadB. haveC. is havingD. has

Q8.Choose the best option: Small children are often told that it is rude to point______other people.

A. toB. forC. onD. at

Q9.Choose the best option:John can not ______a decision to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car.

A. payB. takeC. makeD. get

Q10.Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting in the sentence below:

A large amount of Indian men agree that it's unwise confidingin their wives.


Q11. Choose the best option: Barbara asked me ______the film "Titanic".

A. if did I seeB. whether I have seenC. whether had I seenD. if I had seen

Q12. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from others:

A. agreedB. determinedC. obliged D. confided

Q13. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from others:

A.exchangeB. terrificC. determineD. reserved

Q14.Choose the best option: Most of us would mantain that physical ______does not play a major part in how we react to the people we meet.

A. attractionB. attractivenessC. attractiveD. attract

Q15. Choose the best option: "I took the TOEFL last week. It was really hard."

- "______a lot before you took it ?"

A. Do you studyB. Have you studiedC. Had you studiedD. Were you studying

Q16.Choose the best option: In Vietnam, two or more ______may live in a home.

A. generationsB. generousC. generatorsD. generation

Q17.Choose the best option: Nam: You really have a beautiful hairstyle now, Hưng!

Hưng: ______! You've pushed me into the blush.

A. Nice to meet you. B. You must be kidding.C. Yes, of course.D.It isn't your work.

Q18. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word:

Nowadays, love is supposed to precedemarriage.

A. followB. join handsC. obligeD. chitchat

Q19.Choose the word which has the stress pattern different from the rest:

A. caringB. confideC. installD. predece

Q20.Choose the best option: Many young people have objected to ______marriage, which is decided by the parents of the bride and the groom.

A. contractualB. sacrificedC. agreedD. shared

Q21. Choose the word which has the stress pattern different from the rest:

A. banquetB. approachC. verbalD. household

Q22.Choose the best option: Waving, clapping one's hands and nodding are ______forms of communication.

A. absoluteB. non-verbalC. informalD. verbal

Read the following passage & then choose the best answer to the Question from(23) to (26):

Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensions: verbal and non-verbal.

Non-verbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people.

Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating.

Commonly, non-verbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined throughout a person's lifetime.Children first learn non-verbal expressions by watching and imitating,much as they learn verbal skills.

Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at readingnon-verbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the non-verbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, non-verbal channels of communication do not cease to exist although they become entwined in the total communication process.

Q23. According to the writer, ______

A. People communicate with both verbal and nonverbal language.

B. Those who can listen and talk should not use nonverbal language.

C. Nonverbal language is only used by the deaf and the mute.

D. One cannot communicate in both verbal and nonverbal language.

Q24. Which is NOT included in nonverbal communication?

A. wordsB. spatial distanceC. facial expressionsD. tone of voice

Q25. Human beings ______.

A. have learnt how to communicate in nonverbal language since a child

B. have learnt how to communicate in nonverbal language through books

C. communicate in nonverbal language much less than they do in verbal language

D. can communicate in nonverbal language only when they are mature

Q26. The word readinghas a close meaning to ______.

A. saying something aloud B. understanding C. looking at the words that are writtenD. expressing

Read the passage and choose the best option (A,B,C or D) to fill in the blank( from (27)to (32)

All members of the family have accepted the daily tasks of housekeeping. These duties are not intended as punishment. They are (27)______to the happiness and well-being of the family. (28)______family member has agreed to cheerfully contribute to the welfare of the family by working together as a team to get these chores (29)______quickly every day.

We have a separate checklist for each day of the week. Each list is slightly different. Each person will have a number assigned to him for the day. He will complete all corresponding items (30)______the checklist, starting at the top, and complete them in sequence. We will cheerfully work together on each room (31)______the checklist for that room is done then move (32)______to the next room. Any disputes over the completion of a chore will be settled by Mom and Dad.

Q27. A. importantB. contraryC. neededD. close

Q28. A. EachB. NoC. AllD. Some

Q29. A. leftB. solvedC. doneD. made

Q30. A. fromB. byC. onD. in

Q31. A. as soon asB. afterC. untilD. by the time

Q32. A. forB. toC. inD. on

II. Writing : (2pts)

1. She has worked at that company for 8 years.( Rewrite the sentence, beginning with the given words)

 She started …………………………………………….…………….

2. I / not allowed / use/ family’s motorbike ( Complete the sentence, using the suggested words)

 ……………………………………………….……………………….

3. Sometimes / she / disagree / her husband / child rearing ( Complete the sentence, using the suggested words)

 ………………………………………………………......

4. Mai said to Nam “How do you like my new dress?” ( Change into the reported speech)

 ……………………….………………………………………………

--The end --

Full Name:...... ONE PERIOD TEST (N01)

Mã đề: 215

Class: 12C.... (2015-2016)

I. Multiple choice: (8pts)

01. ; / = ~09. ; / = ~17. ; / = ~25. ; / = ~

02. ; / = ~10. ; / = ~18. ; / = ~26. ; / = ~

03. ; / = ~11. ; / = ~19. ; / = ~27. ; / = ~

04. ; / = ~12. ; / = ~20. ; / = ~28. ; / = ~

05. ; / = ~13. ; / = ~21. ; / = ~29. ; / = ~

06. ; / = ~14. ; / = ~22. ; / = ~30. ; / = ~

07. ; / = ~15. ; / = ~23. ; / = ~31. ; / = ~

08. ; / = ~16. ; / = ~24. ; / = ~32. ; / = ~

Q1. Choose the word which has the stress pattern different from the rest:

A. supportiveB. sacrificeC. argumentD. counterpart

Q2.Choose the best option: Small children are often told that it is rude to point______other people.

A. onB. forC. toD. at

Q3.Choose the best option:John can not ______a decision to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car.

A. makeB. takeC. getD. pay

Q4.Choose the best option: In Vietnam, two or more ______may live in a home.

A. generousB. generationsC. generatorsD. generation

Q5. Choose the best option:It is the most beautiful place I ______.

A. am visitingB. visit C. visited D. have visited

Q6.Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting in the sentence below:

A large amount of Indian men agree that it's unwise confidingin their wives.


Q7.Choose the word which has the stress pattern different from the rest:

A. confideB. caringC. installD. predece

Q8. Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting in the sentence below:

They were discussingenthusiasticallywhen the teacher has come in.


Q9. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word:

Nowadays, love is supposed to precedemarriage.

A. join handsB. obligeC. chitchatD. follow

Q10.Choose the best option: Nam: You really have a beautiful hairstyle now, Hưng!

Hưng: ______! You've pushed me into the blush.

A. Yes, of course.B. Nice to meet you. C.It isn't your work.D. You must be kidding.

Q11. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from others:

A. speaksB. choresC. problemsD. days

Q12. Choose the best option: "I took the TOEFL last week. It was really hard."

- "______a lot before you took it ?"

A. Have you studiedB. Do you studyC. Had you studiedD. Were you studying

Q13. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from others:

A. agreedB. obliged C. determinedD. confided

Q14. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from others:

A. determineB. reservedC.exchangeD. terrific

Q15. Choose the best option: Now my sister ______a bicycle of her own.

A. is havingB. haveC. hadD. has

Q16.Choose the best option: Most of us would mantain that physical ______does not play a major part in how we react to the people we meet.

A. attractionB. attractC. attractivenessD. attractive

Q17.Choose the best option: Waving, clapping one's hands and nodding are ______forms of communication.

A. non-verbalB. verbalC. absoluteD. informal

Q18. Choose the best option:He told me his parents would come______.

A. the day beforeB. the following day C. tomorrowD. previous day

Q19. Which option ( A, B, C or D) is NOT suitable?

______, a husband should share certain thoughts with his wife only.

A. From my point of viewB. To all peopleC. For meD. In my opinion

Q20.Choose the best option: Many young people have objected to ______marriage, which is decided by the parents of the bride and the groom.

A. contractualB. sacrificedC. sharedD. agreed

Q21. Choose the word which has the stress pattern different from the rest:

A. verbalB. approachC. householdD. banquet

Q22. Choose the best option: Barbara asked me ______the film "Titanic".

A. whether had I seenB. if I had seenC. whether I have seenD. if did I see

Read the following passage & then choose the best answer to the Question from (23)to (26)

Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensions: verbal and non-verbal.

Non-verbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people.