Livonia, Michigan
Your Success Is Our Greatest Achievement!
I. Course Number and Title: MTH 1150 WB Contemporary Mathematics
Semester Hours: 3 s.h.
Semester and Year: Winter 2012
Day and Time: On-Line
Room: N/A
II. Instructor: Michael Johnson
Office: S217-P Franciscan Center
Office Hours: Tuesday (12pm-1pm) and Wednesday (4pm-5pm), or by appointment
Telephone: (734) 432-5527
E-mail Address:
III. Course Description
Designed to develop an understanding of and appreciation for the history, techniques, and applications of mathematics. Focus on a variety of real-world problems that can be solved by quantitative methods. Topics are selected from different branches of mathematics in order to bring the excitement of contemporary mathematical thinking to the non-specialist. Satisfies the general education requirement.
IV. Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes
This course is designed to enable the student to:
A. Demonstrate an understanding of historical and contemporary influence of mathematics in shaping our world
B. Comprehend that mathematics is a changing, growing, and developing discipline
C. Discuss the importance of mathematics in the discoveries of the empirical sciences
D. Recognize that mathematics is indispensable to many activities of modern life
E. Demonstrate mathematical ways of thinking
F. Use resource materials and educational research to build a knowledge of the body of interesting writings about mathematics
G. Appreciate the significant role that mathematics plays in society, both past and present.
Fulfills General Education Goal 4 – Scientific Inquiry: Achieve an understanding of modern concepts of science, computer technology, and mathematics, and the relationship between scientific and technological realities in contemporary life: 4.A. Mathematical Skills
V. Required Texts
Comap, For All Practical Purposes: Mathematical Literacy in Today's World; 9th Edition.
New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 2012; ISBN-13: 9781429243162
VI. Attendance/Class Participation Policy
As this is an on-line course, there are no classes to attend. However, there is an expectation of class participation. Since ultimately, the student is responsible for all material covered in class, participation in on-line discussions and timely completion of assignments is expected. It is the student’s responsibility to check their, Course Blackboard, and Class Website on a regular basis (at least three-five times per week). Some problems on the homework assignments require that you participate over multiple days during the week. You will not receive full credit for these assignments if you attempt to complete them in a single day. If at any time you know that you not be able to access the Internet for three consecutive days, you must notify the instructor in advance.
VII. Grading Computation
The final grade composite is as follows:
30% - Homework Assignments
30% - Quizzes
20% - Exams
12% - Term Paper
8% - Presentation
The student’s total points earned will be converted to a letter grade via the following scale:
1000-915 = A 914-900 = A- 899-885 = B+
884-815 = B 814-800 = B- 799-785 = C+
784-700 = C 699-600 = D below 600 = F
VIII. Student Opinionnaires
Students are invited to evaluate every course every semester, utilizing the University's online student opinionnaire system. This is accessed from the home page of the University's website under the "Current Students" menu.
IX. Emergency Continuation of Instruction:
In the event of a city-wide or regional crisis or emergency that prevents students from traveling to campus (such as a flu epidemic), course instruction will be continued on the class's Blackboard site, provided that campus technology and electricity are operating. If campus facilities, technology, and electricity are not operational, students should continue doing their reading and assignments until they receive communication from the instructor or the University.
X. Academic Integrity
The highest standards of academic integrity are expected of all students. The failure of any student to meet these standards could ultimately result in suspension or expulsion from the university or other sanctions as specified in the Scholastic Integrity Policy provided on page 47 of the Undergraduate Student Bulletin (2010-2012). Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, fabrication, tampering, plagiarism, or facilitating such activities. Before decisions are made, students are given an opportunity to respond to any concerns raised.
XI. Assignments and Miscellaneous Information
Content-Delivery and Assignment Submission Methods
ñ As this is an online course, students are expected to have strong technology skills in order to complete the required assignments. This is NOT just a Blackboard course.
ñ The content-delivery of this course will include the Class Blackboard, Class Website, Madonna Email, Publisher’s Website and various external Internet sources.
ñ Homework assignments will consist of online Blackboard discussion board assignments (some of which requiring problem solving), written assignments that must be digitized (scanned into an electronic file, digitally photographed, or typed into a word processing document), as well as other various technology-based assignments.
ñ Quizzes must be completed online via the Class Blackboard.
ñ The term paper must be submitted electronically via the Course Blackboard using the SafeAssign Tool.
ñ Your presentation must be digitally recorded and posted as an unlisted video on YouTube.
ñ Homework will consist of online discussion board assignments and written problems from the textbook as well as other various technology-based assignments.
ñ Students are allowed and encouraged to collaborate on homework assignments.
ñ There will be eight homework assignments.
ñ Each homework assignment will be weighted equally.
ñ Your two lowest scoring homework grades will not count towards your overall course grade.
ñ Homework assignment will be posted approximately one week before the due date.
ñ Homework must be completed by midnight on the due date.
ñ Late homework will not be accepted for any reason.
ñ All quizzes will be online via the Course Blackboard and are open book and/or notes.
ñ It is a violation of the academic integrity policy in this course to discuss quiz questions and/or answers with others (instructor excluded) until after the quiz deadline.
ñ There will be eight quizzes
ñ Each quiz will be weighted equally.
ñ Your two lowest scoring quiz grades will not count towards your overall course grade.
ñ Quizzes will be made available approximately five days before the due date.
ñ Quizzes must be completed by midnight on the due date.
ñ No late quizzes will be accepted for any reason.
ñ All exams are to be considered take-home open book and/or notes exams. .
ñ It is a violation of the academic integrity policy in this course to discuss exam questions and/or answers with others (instructor excluded) until after the exam deadline.
ñ Each exam is weighted equally.
ñ Both exam grades count towards your course grade.
ñ Exams must be completed by midnight on the due date.
ñ No late exams will be accepted.
Term Paper and Presentation
ñ You are required to write a term paper and provide a presentation in this class.
ñ A handout for the paper and presentation can be found on the Class Website.
XII. Course Schedule
This course schedule is subject to change.
Week #1Content Covered: Chapter 1
Homework #1 Due: Sun. 1/15/12 / Week #2
Content Covered: Chapters 1 & 2
Quiz #1 Due: Fri. 1/20/12
Homework #2 Due: Sun. 1/22/12
Week #3
Content Covered: Chapter 2
Quiz #2 Due: Fri. 1/27/12 / Week #4
Content Covered: Chapters 2 & 5
Homework #3 Due: Sun. 2/5/12
Week #5
Content Covered: Chapters 5 & 6
Quiz #3 Due: Fri. 2/10/12
Homework #4 Due: Sun. 2/12/12 / Week #6
Content Covered: Chapter 5 & 6
Quiz #4 Due: Fri. 2/17/12
Week #7
Content Covered: N/A
Exam #1 Due: Fri. 2/24/12 / Week #8
Content Covered: Chapters 9
Homework #5 Due: Sun. 3/4/12
Spring Break
3/5/12 – 3/11/12 / Week #9
Content Covered: Chapters 9 & 14
Quiz #5 Due: Fri. 3/16/12
Term Paper Due: Sun. 3/18/12
Week #10
Content Covered: Chapters 14
Presentation Due: Fri. 3/23/12
Homework #6 Due: Sun. 3/25/12 / Week #11
Content Covered: Chapters 14&16
Quiz #6 Due: Fri. 3/30/12
Week #12
Content Covered: Chapters 16&18
Homework #7 Due: Sun. 4/8/12 / Week #13
Content Covered: Chapters 18&21
Quiz #7 Due: Fri. 4/13/12
Homework #8 Due: Sun. 4/15/12
Week #14
Content Covered: Chapters 18&21
Quiz #8 Due: Fri. 4/20/12 / Week #15
Content Covered: N/A
Exam #2 Due: Fri. 4/27/12
XIII. Math Support
The Center for Personalized Instruction provides math tutoring services for interested students. Drop in Math Lab hours are held in Room 1401 every Monday-Thursday between noon-1pm and again between 6-7pm.
XIV. Technical Support
Class Website Support
If you experience any technical problems using the Class Website, please send your instructor an email first as the help desk will most likely not be able to help with any class website issues
Blackboard Support
If you experience any other technical problems using Blackboard or with your email, please do not hesitate to contact the HELP DESK. They can be reached via the website at, by email at , or by phone at 734-432-5800 during normal business hours.
For all other Madonna University Blackboard support information and Computer/Browser recommendations please go to:
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