Section C-5B Conclave

Lodge Information Packet

Falley Scout Reservation

Oskaloosa, Kansas

April 7-9, 2017

Table of Contents

Letter from the Chief III

About Conclave IV

Activities VII

Forms VIII

Dietary Needs IX

Special Housing Requests X

Section Officer Nominations XI


The Order of the Arrow has an amazing history, but in the 102nd year, we are writing our own chapter in history. We live in a world where we label people by the color of their skin, their religion, and their culture. Together though, we can change that. At our Conclave, we will unite under the theme ‘Scouting Around the World’ and create change starting with us. To be effective though, we have some work to do.

We must promote. Whether Chapter, Lodge, or Section levels, talk to your fellow brothers. Share with them the memories of conclave. Find a new arrowman and encourage them to attend. The more we talk about it, the farther it travels.

We must serve. We are the brotherhood of cheerful service. If an arrowman has a question, don’t answer with “I don’t know”, but instead find an answer. If you don’t know an answer, reach out to your lodge leadership. If they can’t help you, I will find the answer you are looking for.

We must volunteer. There is still time to find a way to help with conclave. If you are interested in helping with conclave, or the section in general, contact me and I will get you involved!

Yours in cheerful service,

Taylor Kammerer

2016-2017 Section C-5B Chief

About Conclave


Conclave will be held at Camp Jayhawk at the Falley Scout Reservation. 8603 Kingman Rd, Oskaloosa, KS 66066


The theme of the 2017 conclave is ‘Scouting Around the World’ where we will focus on the importance of scouting around the world, and what scouts in other countries do.


Each participant must bring his own tent and gear. Each lodge will be camped together so tent sharing can be arranged if wanted.

If any member of your contingent has special housing needs, please complete the Special Housing Request form and submit it with your registration. The Jayhawk Area Council is opening their cabins for rental for this conclave.

Cabin Rental:

Cherokee (sleeps 4) - $10 per cabin/day – 5 cabins available

FSR Cabins (sleeps 6) - $12 per cabin/day – 4 cabins available

Singing Eagle Lodge (sleeps 12) - $15 per day – 1 cabin available

Leader’s Cabin (sleeps 6) - $15 per day – 1 cabin available

Bunkhouse (sleeps 16) - $30 per day – 1 cabin available

Registration Fee

The individual Arrowman registration fee is $40. This fee goes toward facility costs, food costs, program costs, and a commemorative patch that each participant will take home with them at the end of the weekend.

Check In

Each lodge contingent must submit a health form for each participant and a complete roster upon arrival. Each individual (non-contingent) participant must check-in with his or her health form upon arrival. Every Arrowman MUST have a health form upon checking in.

Trading Post

The Conclave trading post will be full of OA merchandise for participants to purchase. Please keep an eye out for more information.


The Section will provide Friday-night cracker barrel; Saturday breakfast, lunch, supper, and cracker barrel; and Sunday breakfast. Friday dinner and Sunday lunch will not be provided. Any contingent members who have special dietary requests must fill out the Dietary Needs Request form. These requests must be submitted as soon as possible so we can make arrangements with the cooks of the host Lodge.

Guide Book

Upon arrival at Conclave, each participant will receive a guidebook (Passport) with the schedule, activity descriptions, and any other necessary information.


The required uniform for all Arrowmen is the complete, official BSA field uniform and OA sash. Note: If this policy is relaxed during Conclave, the Chief will make an announcement.


If you are attending with your Lodge, register through your Lodge, not through the link below. Lodges, gather registrations and fees from your Arrowmen and register them all at this link:

Registration is open all the way to conclave. The registration fee will raise to $50 on March 28th.


Native American Activities

We will have Native American dance competitions, dance classes, regalia classes, and more.

Lodge Competitions

The five Lodges of the Section will compete throughout Saturday in earning the most passport stamps by attending as many trainings and activities as possible – all to win the coveted traveling Section trophy!

Ceremony Competitions

Each Lodge is invited to bring their ceremony teams to perform the Pre-Ordeal Ceremony. The performances will be critiqued to help improve the teams’ performance. Judges will award prizes to the best Lodges and ceremonialists.


The Conclave staff will offer a wide variety of Saturday trainings on many topics. Stay tuned to or more information on which trainings will be available.


Arrowmen will be able to get a taste of the program Camp Jayhawk has to offer. Stay tuned to or more information on which games and activities will be available.


Physical Forms

Each delegate will need to provide two copies of their physical form to their contingent leader. One will be turned in to the section at check-in and the contingent leader should keep the other. A minimum of a class II physical is required for this event. All participant medications need to be brought in their original container and kept secure. If any medications require refrigeration, please bring this to our attention at check in.

Tour Permit

Each lodge is responsible for obtaining and abiding by a tour permit from their respective councils.

Dietary Needs

Participants with dietary restrictions must complete this form and submit it to their Lodge to be sent to the Section.

Name: ______Lodge: ______E-mail: ______Phone: (______)______-______

Describe your request below (i.e., allergies; please be specific as possible):


We will make every effort to accommodate the needs of our Arrowmen. Please submit this form at least two weeks before Conclave so we can make appropriate arrangements.

Note: Please use this form only if medically necessary or required by religion. Thank you.

Special Housing Requests

Please fill out this form for each participant in need of arrangements. If we encounter problems in making accommodations, we will contact the participant to discuss options.

Name: ______

Lodge: ______

Phone: (______) ______-______

E-mail: ______

Describe your request below (please be as specific as possible):


We will make every effort to accommodate the needs of our Arrowmen. Please submit this form at least two weeks before Conclave so we can make appropriate arrangements.

Section Officer Nomination Request

To submit a request to run for Section office, please fill out the statement and fields below.

I, ______, from ______Lodge, am requesting approval to run for Section office. I intend to run for the office of ______.


  • You may seek office in this order: Chief, Vice-Chief, Secretary.
  • If you are not elected for your primary office, you may run for any of the remaining offices.
  • You may not run for an office higher than that designated on your form.
  • You must be completed and returned to the Section Adviser at Conclave no later than noon on April 15, 2016 to be considered for nomination for Section Office. You may mail it in advance if you choose.
  • At Conclave, you will be interviewed by the Section Adviser.

Contact Information:

Mailing Address: ______City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______E-mail: ______Age: ______Grade in School: ______Phone: (______) ______-______Secondary Phone: (______) ______-______

Brief Description of Past Service to the Order of the Arrow:


Brief Description of why the Lodges should elect you to a Section office:

(Attach another page if needed)


The above candidate is a registered member of The Boy Scouts of America, will be less than 21 years old for the entire term of office and is approved by


Scout Executive or designee signature

As a candidate for Section office on this date ______.


Section C-5B Conclave | Lodge Information Packet