
The Town of Sanford Town Council met at 7:00 p.m. in the Chambers of the Sanford Town Hall Annex on Tuesday, November 15, 2005. Those present were: COUNCILORS: Vice-Chairperson Anne Marie Mastraccio, Councilor Maura A. Herlihy, Councilor Alan R. Walsh, Councilor Bradford J. Littlefield, Councilor Arthur K. Kelly and Councilor Laura Finn Nickerson. TOWN STAFF: Executive Assistant Jason Cole, Director of Economic Affairs Les Stevens, Airport Manager Evan McDougal, Director of Planning and Community Development James Gulnac and Police Chief Thomas Jones. TOWN MANAGER: Mark Green.

Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.

The session began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.

Roll Call: Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio performs the Council Roll Call: Councilor Nickerson, present; Councilor Kelly, present; Councilor Littlefield, present; Councilor Walsh, present; Councilor Herlihy, present; Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio, present and Chairman Paul, absent with notice.


Regular Meeting: October 18, 2005 – Councilor Kelly makes a motion to accept as written, seconded by Councilor Walsh. The Town Council voted 5-0 to accept the minutes as written, with Councilor Nickerson abstaining as she was not elected at the time of this meeting.

Executive Session: October 18, 2005 – Councilor Herlihy makes a motion to accept as written, seconded by Councilor Walsh. The Town Council voted 5-0 to accept the minutes as written, with Councilor Nickerson abstaining as she was not elected at the time of this meeting.

Executive Session: October 25, 2005 – Councilor Herlihy makes a motion to accept as written, seconded by Councilor Walsh. The Town Council voted 5-0 to accept the minutes as written, with Councilor Nickerson abstaining as she was not elected at the time of this meeting.

Regular Meeting: November 1, 2005 – Councilor Herlihy makes a motion to accept as written, seconded by Councilor Walsh. The Town Council voted 5-0 to accept the minutes as written, with Councilor Nickerson abstaining as she was not elected at the time of this meeting.

Chairman’s Reports/Town Council Sub-Committee Reports

Councilor Herlihy discusses with the Council the Appointment Committee Work.

Councilor Littlefield discusses with the Council about the Strategies for Safer Sanford meeting.

Executive Assistant Cole advises the Council and the public of a Toy and Bottle Drive to raise money and gifts for children in the Hurricane damaged area. The fundraiser is Saturday, November 19th, 2005 10am-2pm.

Town Manager’s Report

Town Manager Green discusses with the Council the status of the University of Maine System and their Springvale campus.



Public Hearings

The Town Council will hold public hearings for the following items:

1)  A contract zone agreement with Edison School, LLC for redevelopment of the former Edison School property, located on Oxford Street in Sanford. Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declares the public session open at 7:18pm. Lionel Sevigny and Planner Gulnac explain the agreement. There is no one else who spoke in favor or against the item. Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declared the public hearing closed at 7:25pm.

2)  An application for liquor license renewal for the Wolves Social Club, 40 High Street in Sanford. Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declares the public session open at 7:25pm. There is no one who spoke in favor or against the item. Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declared the public hearing closed at 7:25pm.

3)  An application for liquor license renewal for Club Primo’s, 890 Main Street, Sanford. Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declares the public session open at 7:26pm. Mark Rondeau spoke in favor. Marge Trowbridge spoke against. There is no one else who spoke in favor or against the item. Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declared the public hearing closed at 7:34pm.

4)  An application for liquor license renewal for the VFW Post # 9935, 1 Hutchinson Street in Sanford. Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declares the public session open at 7:35pm. There is no one who spoke in favor or against the item. Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declared the public hearing closed at 7:35pm.

5)  An application for liquor license renewal for the Lafayette Social Club, 48 Winter Street in Sanford. Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declares the public session open at 7:36pm. There is no one who spoke in favor or against the item. Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declared the public hearing closed at 7:36pm.

6)  An application for liquor license renewal for Nolette’s Pizza, D/B/A: Famous Pizza, 597 Main Street, Springvale. Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declares the public session open at 7:36pm. There is no one who spoke in favor or against the item. Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declared the public hearing closed at 7:37pm.

Public Participation

·  Armand Talbot


Protecting Our Children’s Water Project – Brief Presentation to the Town Council.

Old Business


New Business

Councilor Walsh makes a motion to add 05-172.08 to tonight’s agenda to discuss the University

of Maine System, seconded by Councilor Herlihy. The Town Council voted 6-0 to add the item.

05-165.01 Ordered, to approve the following license requests:

1)  An application for liquor license renewal for the Wolves Social Club, 40 High Street in Sanford. Councilor Littlefield makes a motion to approve, seconded by Councilor Herlihy. The Town Council voted 6-0 to approve the application.

2)  An application for liquor license renewal for Club Primo’s, 890 Main Street, Sanford. Councilor Littlefield makes a motion to discuss, seconded by Councilor Walsh. Police Chief Jones, Mark Rondeau and Marge Trowbridge spoke on the application. Councilor Walsh makes a motion to approve the application, seconded by Councilor Kelly. The Town Council voted 4-2 in favor of the application, with Councilor Herlihy and Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio voting against the application.

3)  An application for liquor license renewal for the VFW Post # 9935, 1 Hutchinson Street in Sanford. Councilor Walsh makes a motion to approve, seconded by Councilor Herlihy. The Town Council voted 6-0 to approve the application.

4)  An application for liquor license renewal for the Lafayette Social Club, 48 Winter Street in Sanford. Councilor Walsh makes a motion to approve, seconded by Councilor Herlihy. The Town Council voted 6-0 to approve the application.

5)  An application for blanket letters for 1 game of chance (sealed ticket) for the Lafayette Social Club, 48 Winter Street in Sanford. Councilor Herlihy makes a motion to approve, seconded by Councilor Herlihy. The Town Council voted 6-0 to approve the application.

6)  An application for blanket letters for 2 games of chance (1 sealed ticket & 1 video poker) for the Springvale Social Club, 22 Bridge Street, Springvale. Councilor Herlihy makes a motion to divide the question, seconded by Councilor Walsh. The Council voted 5-1 to divide the question, with Councilor Littlefield voting against it. Councilor Herlihy makes a motion to approve the application for blanket letter for sealed ticket, seconded by Councilor Walsh. The Town Council voted 6-0 to approve the application for blanket letter for sealed ticket. Councilor Littlefield made a motion to approve the blanket letter for video poker, seconded by Councilor Kelly. The Town Council voted 3-3 and there was no action. The item will return to the next Town Council meeting.

7)  An application for liquor license renewal for Nolette’s Pizza, D/B/A: Famous Pizza, 597 Main Street, Springvale. Councilor Walsh makes a motion to approve, seconded by Councilor Herlihy. The Town Council voted 6-0 to approve the application.

8)  An application for off-premise catering privileges by Spectators for a dance to be held at the Nasson Community Center on November 26, 2005. Councilor Herlihy makes a motion to approve, seconded by Councilor Nickerson. The Town Council voted 6-0 to approve the application.

9)  An application for off-premise catering privileges by Spectators for a dance to be held at the Nasson Community Center on December 31, 2005. Councilor Herlihy makes a motion to approve, seconded by Councilor Nickerson. The Town Council voted 6-0 to approve the application.

05-166.02  Ordered, to authorize the Town Manager to sign the “CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT OF ACCESS AND OPERATING RIGHTS AGREEMENT” assigning the Presidential Air Lease to a new operator. Town Manager Green, Armand Talbot, James Knowles and Airport Manager Evan McDougal speak on the item. Councilor Walsh makes a motion to approve, seconded by Councilor Littlefield. The Town Council voted 6-0 to authorize the Town Manager to sign the “CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT OF ACCESS AND OPERATING RIGHTS AGREEMENT” assigning the Presidential Air Lease to a new operator.

05-167.03  Ordered, to authorize the Town Manager to waive the building permit fees for renovations to the former Town Hall by the Sanford-Springvale Historical Committee. Councilor Nickerson makes a motion to approve, seconded by Councilor Herlihy. Councilor Walsh notes his concern about there not being a policy in place to make it so all non-profits would ask to waive fees. The Town Council voted 5-1 to authorize the Town Manager to waive the building permit fees for renovations to the former Town Hall by the Sanford-Springvale Historical Committee, with Councilor Walsh voting against the item.

05-168.04  Ordered, to authorize a Contract Zone Agreement for the Edison School. This item must be read on two separate days. This is the first reading. No action is required as this is the first reading.

05-169.05  Ordered, to accept, with regret, a letter of resignation from Ralph Richardson for the Board of Assessment Review. Councilor Walsh makes a motion to accept, with regret, a letter of resignation from Ralph Richardson for the Board of Assessment Review, seconded by Councilor Herlihy. The Town Council voted 6-0 to accept, with regret, a letter of resignation from Ralph Richardson for the Board of Assessment Review.

05-170.06  Ordered, to accept a bid from Sherm Hall in the amount of $90.00 per cord for hardwood as advertised by the Public Works Department. Councilor Nickerson makes a motion to discuss, seconded by Councilor Herlihy. Councilor Herlihy makes a motion to approve, seconded by Councilor Kelly. The Town Council voted 6-0 to accept a bid from Sherm Hall in the amount of $90.00 per cord for hardwood as advertised by the Public Works Department.

05-171.07  Ordered, to authorize the Town Manager to accept a proposal from SMRPC for the development of impact fees. Councilor Walsh makes a motion to discuss, seconded by Councilor Herlihy. Town Manager Green and Planner James Gulnac speak on the item. Councilor Kelly makes a motion to authorize the Town Manager to accept a proposal from SMRPC for the development of impact fees, seconded by Councilor Nickerson. The Town Council voted 5-1 to authorize the Town Manager to accept a proposal from SMRPC for the development of impact fees, with Councilor Littlefield voting against the item.\

05-172.08  Ordered, to discuss the University of Maine’s Springvale Campus. Councilor Walsh makes a motion to discuss, seconded by Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio. Several Councilors expressed concern over recent news that the campus may consolidate in the Biddeford area and the need for post-secondary education in the Sanford/Springvale area. Cathy Cane from the University speaks to the Council. The Council will meet with the University System to discuss this further in the near future.

Council Member Comments

Councilor Nickerson: No report this evening.

Councilor Kelly: No report this evening.

Councilor Littlefield: No report this evening.

Councilor Walsh: Disagrees with a recent editorial in the Sanford News about a sports coach. The Coach has been very involved with the community. Also the recent Battle of the Bands raised over $500.00 and was very successful at the Nasson Community Center. Councilor Walsh congratulates Chairman Paul, Councilor Nickerson and Councilor Elect Hanslip for their victories with the election.

Councilor Herlihy: Reminds citizens that the property tax and rent refund program is still on-going. Councilor Herlihy attended a meeting today in Augusta. The Council needs to continue with the Hot Stove sessions.

Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio: No Report this evening.

Future Agenda Items



Councilor Herlihy makes a motion to adjourn at 9:25, seconded by Councilor Nickerson. The Town Council voted 6-0 to adjourn.

Vice-Chairperson Mastraccio declared the meeting adjourned at 9:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Green

Town Manager