City of Canandaigua Council Meeting November 1, 2012
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2012 7:00 P.M.
City Council Chambers
City Website:
Mayor Polimeni called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call: 7:05:59 PM 7:00:43 PM
7:02:48 PM
Members Present: Councilmember Ward 1 David Whitcomb
Councilmember Ward 2 David Winter
Councilmember Ward 4 Cindy Wade
Councilmember-at-Large Maria Bucci
Councilmember-at-Large William Taylor
Councilmember-at-Large James Terwilliger
Mayor Ellen Polimeni
Members Absent: Councilmember Ward 3 Karen White
Councilmember-at-Large Meg McMullen Reston (Arrived at 7:05 PM)
Also Present: City Manager James
Corporation Counsel Smith
City Clerk-Treasurer Abdallah
Councilmember, Ward 3 White called and absent due to illness.
Review Core Values: Councilmember, Ward 4 Wade read the Community Core Values: As residents, city staff and appointed & elected officials of the City of Canandaigua, our decisions and actions will be guided by these core values: Responsive, Participatory Governance; Caring & Respect; Integrity; Heritage; Stewardship; and Continuous Improvement.
Approval of Minutes: Councilmember-at-Large Terwilliger moved for the approval of the Council Minutes of October 4, 2012. Councilmember Ward 2 Winter seconded the motion.
Vote Result: Carried unanimously by voice vote
Recognition of Guests: 7:04:39 PM
Fire Chief Marentette presented firefighter badges to the following student volunteers, who completed Firefighter One training:
Hannah DeMarco
Adam Bowen
Lucas Holmes.
Committee Reports:
Environmental: Councilmember-at-Large Reston reported that the Environmental Committee met on October 9, 2012 and discussed the following:
· Special Events – discussion of summer 2012 events
· Traffic Noise on Western Blvd
· Hydrofracking – informational session, both perspectives on the issue
Ordinance: Councilmember, Ward 1 Whitcomb reported that the Ordinance Committee met on October 16, 2012 and discussed the following:
· Blighted commercial properties – lakefront update
· Handicapped parking in Niagara St., Antis St. lots
· School Crossing / Speed Zone – N. Pearl St.
· Request for Infrastructure Dedication – The Cottages at Canandaigua
· Feral cats – continued discussion
· Outdoor lighting issues – continued discussion
Finance: Councilmember-at-Large Terwilliger reported that the Finance Committee met on October 2, 2012 and October 23, 2012 and submitted the following minutes:
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
1. Public Safety Radio System
Steve DeChick, County 911 Center Director, and Police Chief Welch proposed a major change in the Police Department radio system. Driven by a federal FCC mandate, the department is required to convert to a new system by early 2013. The most cost effective approach is to make use of Ontario County’s tower/network infrastructure, but replacing all of the department’s portable and mobile radios with new technology devices is necessary. Total cost will be $126,912.06.
Action Taken: Committee voted 4:0 to recommend to Council, in the form of a resolution, approval of this proposal with the funds to be supplied by the City’s Technology Fund.
2. School Resource Officer (SRO) Agreement
Police Chief Welch reviewed the SRO program and reported that the Canandaigua City School District is prepared to continue the current program into the 2012-2013 school year on a limited basis. Funding for the needed Canandaigua City Police Department officer would continue to be provided by the school district. The only cost to the City would be a very modest cost associated with a back-up police vehicle. It was noted that the school district board has already approved a draft agreement.
Action Taken: Committee voted 4:0 to recommend to Council, in the form of a resolution, approval to authorize the City Manager to enter into a one-year SRO continuation agreement with the Canandaigua City School District.
3. 2012 Budget Amendment – Outside Counsel
City Manager James reported that an additional appropriation for the 2012 General Fund Budget is necessary to cover unexpected legal costs related to the career firefighter arbitration matter. This is driven by the process taking much longer than originally anticipated. Total request is for $40K with funding provided by the 2012 contingency line item.
Action Taken: Committee voted 4:0 to recommend to Council, in the form of a resolution, approval of this budget amendment.
4. FLMHIT Membership Agreement
City Manager James proposed that the City join the FLMHIT health insurance consortium for the purpose of accessing quality health insurance coverage for City staff at lower premium costs compared to current. This consortium currently covers much of Monroe County, the Town of Victor and City of Geneva. The City has already reached agreement internally that the new plans would be accessed initially by all DPW/Parks workers and all non-union City staff – enough to satisfy membership requirements.
Action Taken: Committee voted 4:0 to recommend to Council, in the form of a resolution, approval for joining the consortium.
5. Budget Amendment – GASB45 Auditing Fees
City Manager James reported that a $4.5K item was inadvertently omitted from the 2012 General Fund Budget. It is associated with auditing fees related to an accounting standard that must be satisfied every 3 years. It was proposed that the additional funds be supplied from the General Fund contingency line item.
Action Taken: Committee voted 4:0 to recommend to Council, in the form of a resolution, approval of this budget amendment.
6. Centennial Celebration - OCHS Agreement/Budget
Ed Varno, Ontario County Historical Society Director, presented a proposal on behalf of the Centennial Celebration Committee that would establish a $91K budget to assist the City in promoting, branding and managing the 2013 celebration initiative. The proposal called for OCHS to manage the project through a contract with OCHS. It included a $67.5K subcontract with Pittsford PR/marketing firm Clark CSM. The City’s portion of the cost was proposed to be $60K. It was noted that the majority of the total cost would cover PR/marketing and project management but would not cover event costs.
After much discussion, the scope of the proposal was narrowed to one in which OCHS would still manage the project in cooperation with the existing, in-place, volunteer committee. It was agreed that the City’s cost is not to exceed $34K, with the funding to come from the 2012 General Fund contingency line item. Finally, it was stressed that this money is intended to cover all costs including event costs.
Action Taken: Committee voted 3:1 to recommend to Council, in the form of a resolution, that the City Manager be authorized to enter into a contract with OCHS for the narrowed scope and lower cost stated above. Given that the planned expenditure is under $35K, no RFP process is required under the City’s new Procurement Policy.
7. City Economic Development Plan – Implementation Contract
Allison Grems, Canandaigua Chamber of Commerce Director, presented a draft 3-month plus 3-year contract to implement the City’s economic development plan. The Chamber had been chosen at last week’s Planning Committee meeting as the preferred vendor for this project, following an RFP solicitation process that resulted in three bids being submitted.
Action Taken: Committee voted 4:0 to contract with the Chamber for this work and authorize the City Manager to negotiate final terms and deliverables with the Chamber. The deliverables, at least for year 1, will be generated at a special Council Committee of the Whole at an upcoming October 18 meeting.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
1. Third Quarter Financial Report
Assistant City Manager White reported financial results for the General, Water, and Sewer Funds through September 30, 2012. For the General Fund, it is projected that full-year budgeted revenues will exceed budgeted expenditures by nearly $600K. For the other two funds, projected revenues and expenditures are more equally-balanced.
Action Taken: None. This was an information-only topic.
2. 2013-2022 Capital Improvement Plan
Assistant City Manager White reviewed a proposed 10-year capital plan for the three large funds – General, Water, and Sewer. It calls for a mix of bonded projects and pay-as-you-to projects funded from annual operating budgets. For the General Fund, a strategy of decreasing the bond/operating funding mix, over the 10-year time period, was proposed. This can be accomplished, in part, by aggressively funding the capital reserve fund at an annual level of $850K. Committee discussed overlaying this strategy with a reasonably-constant total annual capital spending policy.
Action Taken: None. This was an information-only topic. However, Committee agreed to the concept and to the model of a 10-year rolling capital plan. Specifics will be determined as time and needs unfold and will be influenced by future annual reserve fund funding decisions.
3. Auditor Contract Extension – Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 Audits
City Manager James proposed that the City renew its contract with Toski & Co, PC for formal audits for an additional two years. This would then total 10 years with this firm. Ms. James suggested that best practice would call for a change in firms following this extension. Quoted cost was stated to be $22.5K and $22.7K for 2012 and 2013 audits, respectively.
Action Taken: Committee voted 4:0 to recommend to Council, in the form of a resolution, that the City Manager be authorized to enter into a 2-year contract extension agreement with Toski & Co, PC.
4. Additional Services Provided by BME Associates
Public Works Director Sprague requested that an additional $4,550 be made available to BME Associates for construction-related services for the Antis Street parking lot reconstruction project. This additional cost was a result of the City self-performing the project. BME was asked to supply $4,550 worth of services that otherwise would have been included in a separate construction contract with an outside firm. It was noted that this additional appropriation would be covered by the City’s capital reserve fund. Given that significant dollars were saved on this project by having the City perform the construction work, Committee received this proposal positively.
Action Taken: Committee voted 4:0 to recommend to Council, in the form of a resolution, approval of this additional funding request.
Planning: Councilmember, Ward 4 Wade reported that the Planning Committee did not meet since the last Council Meeting.
Committee of the Whole: Mayor Polimeni reported that the Committee of the Whole met on October 18, 2012 and October 30, 2012 and submitted the following minutes:
October 18, 2012:
1. Economic Development Services Contract – Plan of Work, Measurables:
The Committee discussed the pending contract with the Chamber of Commerce in regards to evaluation. There was much discussion about measurables and the Chamber agreed to develop them and present them to the City Manager for inclusion in the contract.
2. Centennial – OCHS agreement for services:
There was further discussion regarding the Centennial organization and concerns around the need for over-sight and promotion. The City Manager will prepare and submit to Mr. Varno, Centennial Committee Chair, and another proposed contract.
October 30, 2012:
1. Interviews of applicants for board appointments:
The Council interviewed 6 residents interested in appointment to the Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals or Board of Assessment and Review. There are additional candidates to be interviewed and the hope is that can take place soon and the appointments can be made before year end.
2. Active Transportation presentation:
Council member Bill Taylor presented his Active Transportation Plan which he has developed over the past 4 years. He requested that it be formally adopted by Council and that it is included in our ten year Capital Improvement Plan and portions of it be included in the budgeting process each year.
Council agreed that the first step is for the plan to be accepted by Council. To that end it will be reviewed at the Planning Committee meeting in January.
3. Special Events:
The following special events were reviewed and approved by the Committee of the Whole.
· 1794 Canandaigua Treaty Commemoration
· Turkey Trot (new event)
· Post Christmas Blues 5K
Chamber of Commerce – Alison Grems, President/CEO gave a report on Chamber of Commerce activities.
Business Improvement District – No Report
Resolution #2012-076:
Councilmember-at-Large Terwilliger read the following Resolution and moved for its adoption. Councilmember-at-Large Reston seconded the motion.
WHEREAS, NYS Routes 5/20 is a high traffic, 4-lane highway that bi-sects the City of Canandaigua; and
WHEREAS, on the west side of the City this highway is elevated and is adjacent to a residential zone district; and
WHEREAS, the speed on this highway is significantly higher than the City's standard 30 m.p.h. speed zones; and
WHEREAS, all of these factors have increased noise levels such that they are detrimental to the residents adjacent to this highway.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Canandaigua strongly encourages New York State Department of Transportation to remediate the noise levels along this portion of State Route 5/20 in the City of Canandaigua by reducing the speed limit, and/or constructing a buffer zone to protect the adjacent residents; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager shall send a copy of this Resolution to Assemblyman Brian Kolb, Legislative Office Building 933, Albany, NY 12248; and to Senator Michael Nozzolio, 188 State Street, Legislative Office Building, Rm. 412, Albany, NY 12247; and to Senator Patrick Gallivan, 188 State Street, Legislative Office Building, Rm. 947, Albany, NY 12247; and to the Assembly Committee of Transportation, Chairman David Gantt, Legislative Office Building 830, Albany, NY 12248; and to the Senate Committee of Transportation, Chairman Charles Fuschillo, Jr., 188 State Street, Legislative Office Building, Rm. 609, Albany, NY 12247; and to NYS Department of Transportation Commissioner, Joan McDonald, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, NY 12232.
Vote Result: Carried unanimously by voice vote
Resolution #2012-077:
Councilmember, Ward 4 Wade read the following Resolution and moved for its adoption. Councilmember Ward 2 Winter seconded the motion.
WHEREAS, Section 14.6 of the Canandaigua City Charter requires that a public hearing be held at least two weeks prior to adoption of the annual budget; and