Carson City Employee’s Association


The meeting was called to order by Cindy Gower, President at 11:40 AM at Grandma Hattie’sRestaurant in Carson City, NV.

Attending: Cindy Gower, Debra Richards, John Tomasco, Teresa Hayes, Dave Navarro,

Shyla Lemons, Uriah Wise,Brian Doyal, Heather Mandel, Mark Simpson (Correction added to minutes 9/17/2010)

Absent,Absent (Stewards): Lorelei Barr,John Platt

Minutes: Minutes from July were presented and approved.


Financial Report, Debra Richards present the Treasurer’s report. A CD is set to renew in September. Two (2) officers will need to vote on changing one CD into multiple CDS with smaller amounts. The limited time frame is an issue, 10 days, when a CD comes due.

U. Wise made a motion to expedite the votes necessary to make then changes with 2 executive members. S. Lemons, 2nd the vote. All voted, none against. Motion passed.

D. Navarro reported on reservations for RossGoldPark. Reservations could be made for us with a special consideration from the Reservation Coordinator, Dixie Reed. We will need to provide a copy of the city liability policy for the bounce house vendor, at least one week before the event. Parks will provide the power for the bounce house and waive the fee.

Flyers will need to be sent to all city departments by interoffice mails. Task assigned to T. Hayes.

Wage Conference (Park City, UT)

Uriah Wise, Cindy Gower and Shyla Lemons attended the conference. The take home message was that you must work with management, if you don’t everyone suffers the consequences. Other activities included speakers, and practical exercises on working with coalitions. The next conference is January 13-15, 2011, in Las Vegas, Cindy encouraged everyone to consider attending. It is a great opportunity to meet with other union workers who share the same issues. San Luis Obispo still needs assistance with their negotiations to block union take over. There is a WAGE website link on our CCEA website.

Public Works shift change

Management considered the right to change work hours from (4) 10 hour days to (5) 8 hour days. Each department was given the opportunity to state why this would not benefit the city. Some issues are personal days, child-care, and it won’t help control costs. Management has agreed to table the issue and continue to monitor it.

Some discussion has revolved around making business hours city wide 4 days a week to control operation costs, a result of the Sage Commission’s suggestion to control costs at the state level. This is not possible as city hall offices and offices of elected officials are State of Nevada mandated to be open 5 days a week. Until the laws are changed to reflect 4 days a week for elected officials the city will not be able to adopt this measure.

Robin Williams requested an endorsement from the CCEA. The group agreed to stay neutral and stay out of politics.

D. Richards made a motion to not back any candidate for office, B. Doyle, 2nd the vote. Motion passed.

Several phone calls a day are coming in to Cindy regarding employee issues.

The HR Dept is looking into hiring a policy writer to evaluate current policies and creating new ones.

Long Term Disability

D. Richards is working on correcting a long term disability issue. The amount you get is pro-rated based on other sources of income. This was not the understanding when the issue came up with PERS before and she is working to resolve the issue. Any one currently seeking advice on the issue should contact her.

Adjournment: With all business completed, the meeting was adjourned at 12:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Teresa Hayes