Pack 207 Pinewood Derby Rules

Concession Stand and Schedule 2013

Derby Rules are posted on the pack website. Pack 207 follows the same rules as the Anthracite District.

These rules will be enforced for the overall District Race. Some of the wording indicates District Level; however these will be followed in our Pack race.

All racers must comply with the following racings specifications which are excerpted from the “Official Grand Prix Pinewood Derby Kit” instructions.

The new 2010 or newer Pinewood Derby Kit must be used.

The kit includes a new designed wheel that has a performance advantage over the old style wheel.

Be sure to read the “Wheel Treatment” section of the rules.

The cars must have been made in the current scout year.

Each car must pass inspection by the Official Inspection Committee before it may compete. The inspectors have the right to disqualify those cars, which do not meet these specifications.As a complete inspection of the cars will be completed at the race site just prior to the race, impounding of the cars by each unit is at their discretion. Impounding by a unit DOES NOT exempt a car from the race day inspection, nor will a unit’s decision to not impound cars after their race disqualify a car as long as it passes inspection on race day.

A: Width: Overall width shall not exceed 2 3/4 inches.

B: Length: Overall length shall not exceed 7 inches.

C: Weight: Weight shall not exceed 5.05 ounces on the scale provided by the district. An official weight (of exactly 5oz) will be available each round table meeting(1st Thurs of the month at 7PM, Hazleton Elks Lodge, Hazleton), from the DE, so you can bring “your” scale to test its accuracy. We have allowed the “.05” to enable units to use scales that are ONLY accurate to the .1 oz and those who have scales accurate to the .01 oz increment.

No loose materials of any kind are permitted in the car. The car may be hollowed out and built up to maximum weight by the addition of wood or metal only-provided that it is securely built into the body. Weight may be added to the car and will be considered part of the car for purposes of all measurements. “Weight” is considered to be any material on the car that is not provided in the kit. All weight must be securely fastened to the car. e.g. permanent glue, nails, or screws, but not by “sticky substances” e.g. tape or tack spray. Weights shall be passive, i.e. non-moveable, non-electric, non- sticky, etc.

D: Clearance: Minimum clearance between car and track is 3/8” so the car doesn’t rub the track.

E: Wheels and Axles: The car must have four operational wheels i.e. All wheels musttouch the track. All four wheels must turn when car is rolled on a level surface during inspection!!

Axles must be the official ones provided in the Pinewood Derby Kit.

Wheels must be the ones provided in the official kit or the ones supplied by the BSA store and must have "Official B.S.A. Made in the U.S.A." on the wheel.

Any type of washers, bearings, or bushings is prohibited on wheels or axles. Burrs may be removed from axles and axles may be polished. A one piece axle is not permitted. The car shall not ride on any type of springs. The Wheels MUST NOT have ALL THE SAME mold numbers.

F: Accessories: All accessories (like Axle guards) that are SOLD by the Official SCOUT shop are indeed allowed, pursuant to the weight requirement.This includes colored wheels.

G: Wheelbase: Wheelbase may not be altered. Original axle slots must be used. The distance between the axles must remain at 4 1/2 inches.

H: Technical Standards: The block of wood from the kit or portion thereof must be prominent in the design. "ADD-ONS" are not restricted.

Special paint, decals, decorations, etc. are allowed as long as they don’t exceed the maximum length or width specifications. Axles must be from the kit.

The foremost part of the car must rest against the starting pin when the car is placed on the track. The car must be freewheeling with no starting devices

I: Wheel treatment: No sanding of the thread surface or hub is allowed. No lathe turning of the thread surface is allowed. No modification to the wheels is allowed. The new style wheels do not have any mold marks so there isn’t any reason to sand them.

The wheel hubs cannot be filled in with any material. The wheel hubs cannot have any additional holes drilled in them. Again, the wheels MUST NOT have ALL THE SAME mold numbers.

J: Lubricants: Only powder type graphite or lubricants are allowed. No liquid, gel, or paste type lubricants are allowed. Lubrication must be done before inspection.

Impounding: Once the car has passed inspection the Scout will place his car on the table provided, and must not lubricate or otherwise improve that car until his racing is complete.

K: Car Handling Responsibility: All cars MUST be accompanied by the SCOUT that RACED them during the UNIT race. No leaders or other adults or other scouts are allowed to race another’s car. Scouts shall be responsible to stage their own car at the starting line, to retrieve their car at the finish line (after the race has been called) and return their car to the table after their heat is finished. If in the opinion of the track chairman, scouts physical limitations prevent him from fully complying with this requirement, the scout may nominate an assistant of approximately the same age who serves subject to the approval of the track chairman, in any case, the scout shall participate up to his limitations.

L: Interference: Any adult interfering with any race or abusing race officials will result in the disqualification of their scout’s car.

M: Race operation: Upon arrival, each scout will bring his car to the official check-in station where the car will be inspected for the above rules. If all requirements are met, the car is moved to the weigh station and is weighed. If it does not pass weight, it will be given back to the scout so he has an opportunity to make corrections. If the scout makes any adjustments, the process must be begun over with initial inspection to be sure the changes are within the rules. Once a car has cleared inspection and weight, it is then taken to registration. Once registered, the car is taken by the scout to the display table, and is not to be touched again until the scout himself places the car on the track for a race.

Concession Stand

We will be having a concession stand during the Pinewood Derby. In years past, we have alwaysdonated the proceeds back the UCC Church.We will continue to do so!

Brian and Denise Earley,Pinewood Derby Co-Chair is the coordinator for the stand; please directly contact her via email f the items you'll be bringing.

1.If each family candonate items; drinks (soda, Ice tea, water, hugs), Longo's/Senape's Pitza, candy, snacks, cookies, baked goods, hot dogs, buns, name it!Anything a kid would like!

2. Your assistance at the stand is greatly appreciated...... the scouts will be racing all day and we needadults!Please let Brian and Denise Earleyknow you can assist throughout the day.

New Scout parents....this is agreat way to meet other parents from the pack!

3.Concession Stand set up will begin at 1:00 pm.

Pinewood Derby Inspections and Race Information

Listed below are the dates and times for Pre-Inspection.Brian and Denise Earley, Pinewood Derby Co-Chairemail -and the racing committee will be present @ inspection.

Pre-Inspection is for your Scouts benefit! This allows plenty of time to make changes or adjustments to the cars prior to Sunday's Race.

All cars must go through at least one pre-inspection before the final inspection.

1.Saturday, December 15that 11:00 a.m. – Smith Hall UCC Church.

  • Pinewood Derby car clinic to cut and shape cars for scouts who have already designed their derby cars. MUST RSVP to Ron Andrae, , for accurate headcount for this event.

2.Saturday January 5th - Smith Hall UCC Church.

  • Pre Inspection at 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

3.Saturday January 12th - Smith Hall UCC Church.

  • Pre Inspection 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and track setup (cars to be impounded starting at this pre inspection)

4.Sunday January 13th - Smith Hall UCC Church.

  • Refreshment/Snack Stand Set Up - Final Inspection 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

5.Race will begin @ 2:00 p.m. SHARP!


Trophies will be presented for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4thplaces; along with "Coolest Looking Car".

Top 3 places will qualify for the District Derby. 4th place will be an alternate. District Derby will be held @ Laurel Mall, Hazleton on Saturday, February 9, 2013. Inspection and registration starts at 12:00 p.m., race begins at 1:00 p.m.

If you have any questions regarding the rules...please contact Ron Andrae, Brian or Denise Earley.

As always, use the Pack Website as a resource for information.

Brian and Denise Earley,Pinewood Derby Chairs