Nervous System Quiz #1


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1)  The neurons that relay information to the effectors are

a)  receptor neurons

b)  sensory (afferent) neurons

c)  motor (efferent) neurons

d)  interneurons (association neurons)

2)  The part of the neuron that conduct nerve impulses away from the cell body is the

a)  axon

b)  dendrite

c)  myelin sheath

d)  nodes of Ranvier

3)  Neurons that cluster in ganglia are

a)  receptor neurons

b)  motor (efferent) neurons

c)  sensory (afferent) neurons

d)  interneurons (association neurons)

4)  Which of the following is a part of the central nervous system?

a)  The brain

b)  The somatic nerves

c)  The sympathetic nerves

d)  The parasympathetic nerves

5)  The majority of neurons in the brain are

a)  receptor neurons

b)  motor (efferent) neurons

c)  sensory (afferent) neurons

d)  interneurons (association neurons)

6)  Which of the following is under voluntary control?

a)  The somatic nerves

b)  The autonomic nerves

c)  The sympathetic nerves

d)  The parasympathetic nerves

7)  The nerves of the spinal cord are part of the

a)  central nervous system

b)  peripheral nervous system

c)  sympathetic nervous system

d)  parasympathetic nervous system

8)  The part of the neuron that conduct nerve impulses towards the cell body is the

a)  axon

b)  dendrite

c)  myelin sheath

d)  nodes of Ranvier

9)  Skeletal muscle, bones and skin are under the control of the

a)  The somatic nerves

b)  The autonomic nerves

c)  The sympathetic nerves

d)  The parasympathetic nerves

10)  The speed of the impulse is it travels through a nerve is higher if the nerve are

a)  myelinated

b)  un-branched at the axon

c)  lacking nodes of Ranvier

d)  un-branched at the dendrites

11)  Grey matter in the brain is different from white matter in the brain in that white matter is

a)  branched

b)  myelinated

c)  unbranched

d)  neurilemmated

12)  The outer-membrane of neuron that promotes repair of a damaged neuron is called the

a)  neurilemma

b)  myelin sheath

c)  Schwann cell

d)  node of Ranvier

13)  If a neuron lacks Schwann cells it will also lack

a)  an axon

b)  a cell body

c)  a dendrite

d)  a neurilemma

14)  The neurons of the CNS are much less likely to repair themselves compared to the neurons of the PNS because the CNS neurons lack

a)  a cell body

b)  grey matter

c)  a neurilemma

d)  nodes of Ranvier

15)  The neurons that transmit information into the brain or spinal cord to be processed are

a)  receptor neurons

b)  motor (efferent) neurons

c)  sensory (afferent) neurons

d)  interneurons (association) neurons

Use the diagram below to answer the next four questions

16)  The dendrites in the above diagram are labelled

a)  1

b)  2

c)  3

d)  4

17)  The axon in the above diagram is labelled

a)  1

b)  2

c)  3

d)  4

18)  The cell body in the above diagram is labelled

a)  1

b)  2

c)  3

d)  4

19)  The area that is most likely to be myelinated in the above diagram is the one labelled

a)  1

b)  2

c)  3

d)  4

20)  The neurons that interconnect other neurons are

a)  receptor neurons

b)  motor (efferent) neurons

c)  sensory (afferent) neurons

d)  interneurons (association neurons)

21)  If an axon has a deficiency in preventing the loss of charged ions it mostly likely has a defect in the

a)  axon

b)  dendrite

c)  myelin sheath

d)  nodes of Ranvier

Use the following information to answer the next question