Welcome TO 3RD grade!
Dear Parents, August 21, 2014
We would like to take this time to welcome you and your child to Third Grade at Magnolia Elementary School! We hope this informational packet will help answer some questions you may have about Third Grade.
7:55 – 8:15 Morning Assembly
8:15-9:40 Instructional Block
9:40-10:20 Specials
10:20-12:05 Instructional Block
12:05-12:35 Lunch
12:35-12:55 Recess
12:55-3:20 Instructional Block
3:20 Dismissal Begins
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday*PE / McConnell
Ferguson / Brown
Loosier / McConnell
Ferguson / McConnell
Loosier / Brown
Art / Brown / McConnell / Loosier / Ferguson / Deatherage
Music / Loosier / Ferguson / Deatherage / Brown / McConnell
Library / Ferguson
Loosier / Camargo
Brown / Deatherage
Science or
Computer Lab / Ferguson
Loosier / Brown
Camargo / Deatherage
*Please wear your tennis shoes on PE days.
**Mrs. Camargo’s class will have a split schedule for PE, music and art.
Parents are welcome to eat with their child anytime. Due to safety and class sizes we ask that you and your child eat at the tables provided at the front of the lunchroom or in the courtyard. Please let the lunch attendant know if you are taking your child to the courtyard. Students will not be allowed to bring friends from their class to the visitor’s table or to the courtyard.
Due to safety concerns parents or visitors will not be allowed on the playground.
We understand there are times a child may need to change their usual way of transportation home due to various reasons. PLEASE send a note with your child for their homeroom teacher if they will be going home a different way. Be sure to include… NAME of person they are riding home with along with that person’s address, (bus number would also be helpful). ALSO, list a number where we can reach you during the day to confirm the above information. If you have to change transportation during the day, please call the school office by 1:00 p.m. at (281-356-6434). If you do not send a note or call the school office, then your child will be sent home the usual way. Please understand we have these procedures in order to keep your child safe!
Your child needs to bring their backpack to school everyday. Backpacks need to be a standard size -no “rollers” please. We recommend that after going through your child’s school bag each night, put it in the same place to avoid the “dreaded” lost or forgotten backpack.
Every Monday students will bring home homework for the week in their take home folder. Homework should remain in the folder until completed. It will include Reading, Math and Spelling homework. The homework will be due every Friday. If the student does not complete daily work or homework they may be required to complete their work in the Study Hall Room during recess time.
Every Tuesday your child will bring home a folder which contains completed work, assessments, important notices and notes from the office. In addition, you will find a report of your child’s conduct and work habits for the previous week. This folder is an excellent way for us to communicate on a weekly basis. We expect this folder signed and returned on Wednesday.
We will be using Class Dojo System for behavior tracking. Students will be awarded either positive or negative points and will receive a grade at the end of the week. We will be sending home information about the system and a special code where parents can log in and check their student’s progress throughout the day. Also in the classroom we will use a color code system for dealing with daily discipline. Your child starts the day on green, which means “Great Day”. If a student received a color change the student will fill out an explanation form and bring it home for the parent to sign that day. Please visit with your child daily about their behavior and check their read take home folder. Below shows how the color chart progresses.
A combination offormative and summative grades will be used to reflect report card grades. Formative grades will account for 40% of the grading period’s average and there will be 6 or more per nine weeks. Examples of formative grades include class work, engagement in class activities/discussions, labs, quizzes, and group work. Summative grades will account for 60% of the grading period’s average and there will be 3 or more per nine weeks. Examples of summative grades include major exams, final compositions, projects, performances, demonstrations, research papers, or reports/presentations.
If a student is dissatisfied with their performance on a summative assignment, redo opportunities are available and must be requested by the student. The student will first have to complete a practice assignment that will enhance their learning and then will complete a different summative assignment. The grade received on the second summative assignment will be the final grade recorded even if it is lower than the original grade. Both the practice assignment and the retest must be completed outside of teaching time, such as during recess or when a student has completed their class work.In order for teachers to be able to keep grades current and meet their deadlines, redo opportunities need to be requested within a week of the original assignment going home in a Tuesday folder. The redo assignment must also be completed within a timely manner, which will be discussed with the student on an individual basis.
Feel free to call or e-mail and set up a conference with your child’s teacher. The best time to speak with a teacher is between 9:40-10:20 a.m.
· PARENT CONFERENCE DATE - October 6, 2014
The STARR test will focus on readiness for success in subsequent grades and courses and, ultimately, for college and career. Unless a student is eligible for an accommodation, each student will have four hours to complete each assessment. A minimum scored is not required to be promoted to 4th grade, but scores will be evaluated for readiness of success in for the next school year. Students are required to meet minimum requirements in 5th grade to be promoted.
1 9x12 50ct. Assorted Construction Paper
1 12x18 50ct. Manila Paper
2 24ct Crayola Crayons
1 100ct Filler Paper, wide rule
1 Red Plastic Pocket & Brad Folder
1 Yellow Plastic Pocket & Brad Folder
1 Green Plastic Pocket & Brad Folder
1 4oz. Elmer's School Glue
2 Elmer's glue stick
1 Pink Bevel eraser
36 Dixon Ticonderoga No. 2 pencils
1 7" 12ct. Pre-sharpened Colored Pencils (Map Pencils)
1 Sharp 5" Scissor
1 Plastic School Box
1 Kleenex Tissue 200ct
1 100ct Black marble composition Book, Wide Rule
1 70ct Blue Non Perforated Composition book, Wide Rule
1 70ct Red Non Perforated Composition book, Wide Rule
1 70ct Green Non Perforated Composition book, Wide Rule
Below are items we use in the classroom but not on our school supply list. Any contributions of the following would be greatly appreciated.
Clorox wipes Hand sanitizer Ziploc gallon baggies board games
Cardstock Treasure box items Extra colored pencils Kleenex
Gift cards for supplies Play dough Legos Chapter books
Highlighters Extra pencils Erasers toppers Ziploc quart baggies
Thank you for taking time to read over the packet. We know that with everyone’s positive outlook and support, this is going to be a great year!
Third Grade Teachers
Magnolia Elementary
Thank you for reading our parent hand out.
Please remove this page from the packet and return it to your child’s teacher.
By signing below, you are acknowledging that you received and read our third grade information packet.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact a teacher.
Student’s Name ______Homeroom Teacher______
Your Name ______Date______