Chapter 9Resources Review Assignment

Global Geography 12

Review your notes and text to answer the following. Please be concise (you may use point form) but answer in complete thoughts!!!

  1. In your own words, define natural, capital and human resources and give an example of each.
  2. In your own words, explain the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources and give an example of each.
  3. Suggest at least five factors involving human and capital resources that affect a company’s decision to develop a natural resource or not.
  4. In your own words, briefly explain how each of the four factors (climate, relief, geology and human settlement) affectsthe distribution of farmland around the world.
  5. In your own words, define commercial, small-holding and commercial farming.
  6. A farmer in France can feed about 100 people but a Mauritanian farmer can barely feed a family.Explain the differences in human, natural and capital resources that create this difference.
  7. Give at least three reasons why differences in human and capital resources make it easier for an MDC to profit from a mining operation.
  8. Explain at least two reasons why mining in an MDC is less likely to have serious environmental consequences than in an LDC.
  9. Give at least three reasons why the Alberta tar sands were developed, even though tar sands are far more expensive to develop than oil from underground liquid reservoirs.
  10. List at least three reasons why safe supplies of drinking water are important.

Chapter 9Resources Review Assignment

Global Geography 12

Review your notes and text to answer the following. Please be concise (you may use point form) but answer in complete thoughts!!!

  1. In your own words, define natural, capital and human resources and give an example of each.
  2. In your own words, explain the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources and give an example of each.
  3. Suggest at least five factors involving human and capital resources that affect a company’s decision to develop a natural resource or not.
  4. In your own words, briefly explain how each of the four factors (climate, relief, geology and human settlement) affects the distribution of farmland around the world.
  5. In your own words, define commercial, small-holding and commercial farming.
  6. A farmer in France can feed about 100 people but a Mauritanian farmer can barely feed a family.Explain the differences in human, natural and capital resources that create this difference.
  7. Give at least three reasons why differences in human and capital resources make it easier for an MDC to profit from a mining operation.
  8. Explain at least two reasons why mining in an MDC is less likely to have serious environmental consequences than in an LDC.
  9. Give at least three reasons why the Alberta tar sands were developed, even though tar sands are far more expensive to develop than oil from underground liquid reservoirs.
  10. List at least three reasons why safe supplies of drinking water are important.