2015-2016 7th Grade Science Course Syllabus ExpectationsMrs. Garrett GRMS
OFFICE HOURS2:15 p.m.-2:45 p.m. by appointment only-contact me via email to set up a conference
EMAIL or from the GRMS website (go to Staff Directory & click on me)
TEXTBOOK Pearson Interactive Science Course 2-this is a write-in book and must be protected
SUPPLIES See the my websitefor my supply listsupply list
COURSE OVERVIEWThis course will provide opportunities for the study of general concepts of middle school science, including research and laboratory techniques. Critical thinking, note taking, time management, organizational test taking strategies will betaught and practiced.
EVALUATION Grades are based upon the scores on assessments, labs, homework, classwork, projects &INB maintenance in the following manner:
In Home Access, a missing/not turned in (or not shown to me) assignment has a grade of zero. When it is shown to me, a grade will be entered. Please continue reading for more details on LATE WORK and MAKE UP WORK
NO LATE WORK is accepted without penalty. The students are to maintain anINB according to the guidelines, which will be kept in the Science portion of the AVID Binder. This INB will be reviewed throughout each quarter. It is the responsibility of the student to write their homework in their student plannerDAILY, to write the Learning Goal, classwork and homework on the Table of contents in their INB on a DAILY basisaccording to INB set-up instructions and to bring all required materials to class DAILY. Yes, the homework assignment is written on a daily basis in BOTH the planner & the INB. PLEASE check to see that your child is writing the homework in their planner for every class every day—no excuses, as all of us give class time to do this–it’s one of the keys to success in school & in life.Incomplete work adversely affects your grade!
MAKE UPWORKIf a student is absent, it is their responsibility to copy a classmate’s TOC (Table of Contents) for the day(s) missed, consult the files on the lockers in the font of the room, in order to get any missed papers. Makeup work should be finished and turned in marked ABSENT, or put on the correct page(s) of the INB marked absent.Two class periods are allowed per class period missed for work to be made up. Work not made up earns a zero. No late work is accepted without penalty. It’s recommended that students get a classmate’s phone number or email address in order to find out what they missed. My website & Home Access will be helpful resources, too.
CLASSROOM POLICIES The GRMS Student handbook describes the dress code, conduct code and attendance policies. Our school-wide expectations, called the “RAYS” are enforced consistently in order to maintain a positive learning and teaching environment. Students learn best when they are in class for the entire period, so restroom and other hall passes are kept to a minimum. A pass is necessary for leaving room at any time for any reason.
SAFETY Please become familiar with the Lab Safety Guidelines found on the Lab Safety Contract, which must be signed by you and your child and returned to me.
1.Class ALWAYS begins with students arriving and taking their assigned seats before the bell has rung.
2.Planners and INBs are promptly filled out (Table of Contents in the INB & HW in the planner).
3.Directions are to be followed the first time they are given.
4.Respect yourself and others, as wells as everyone’s belongings.
5.Keep your hands & feet, and others objects to yourself.
6.No food, candy, gum, snacks or drinks (except water) are permitted. Personal grooming is not permitted.
7.Always come to class prepared and give all activities your best effort & attention.
- We have the right to a classroom environment in which teaching & learning can occur without distraction.
- We have the responsibility to act in a way that allows teaching & learning to occur.
TEACHER ACCESSIBILITYcan most easily be reached by email, although I do check my voicemail. All parent conferences include the entire team of teachers. We ask that you bring your student’s planner & AVID Binder withyou to parent conferences.
ABBREVIATED SCHEDULE OF TOPICS. Some topics receive greater emphasis than others, as per the New Generation Sunshine State Standards.
Quarter 1: Practice of Science, Energy, Transfer of Energy, Thermal Energy
Quarter 2: EM Spectrum, Light & Waves, Rock Cycle
Quarter 3: Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics, Genetics
Quarter 4: Change, Diversity & Interconnected of biotic and abiotic factors
I have read and understand the Class Expectations of 7th Grade Science for the 2015-2016 school year at GRMS. I agree to uphold the policies delineated therein. I understand that this sheet is to be signed, turned in to Mrs. Garrett and then it will be kept in the Science section of the AVID Binder as a reminder of these policies throughout the year.
Student’s name (please print) Date Class period
Student’s signature Parent’s Name (print) Parent’s Signature
Always kind & courteous
Yes, I can learn! Learn ‘em, live ‘em, know ‘em, show ‘em!!!