Kiama High School P&C Meeting February 12th 2013

Apologies: Jo Stewart, Jane Warren, Carrie Hall

Confirmation of Minutes from previous meeting

Moved : Davis R 2nd Donna F

Shine Pro gram Presentation

·  Personal Development Program being run for adolescent girls in Yr 8

·  This is the first year it has been run, successfully just completed the first group in Year 8

·  Team of volunteers, a coordinator with a team of 4-6

·  Key Concepts; Worth, Strength and Resilience

·  Have requested P&C to make a financial contribution to this program

Business arising from minutes.

·  Talk on Kiama Independent article regarding the ban of energy drinks at the school. This article has been circulated to the P7C email list. Thanks Leisha.

·  Hayley Deans gave a presentation on the proposed changes to the school uniform. The old and new uniform was modelled by students from the SRC.

·  Proposal now is to take these uniform changes back to the student body to get their feedback

·  Debb will provide samples for these presentations

Motion: The staff will display the proposed uniform and show them at Year Assemblies. Results of these showings will be presented at the next P&C Moved: Donna F Seconded: Judy H

·  A hire out system for a yearly rotation has been suggested for the blazers for the SRC. Hayley will check and see if there are enough blazers for this to be implemented straight away

·  The department policy on hats as part of the school uniform is education in the wearing of them, not enforcing their wear. Hayley will look into the SRC possibly designing a hat that can be made an optional part of the school uniform

Correspondence In:

·  Nil

Correspondence Out:

·  Nil

Treasurer’s Report: Matthew Swain

·  All of the financial reports have now been done and we are able to accurately see how much money is available for helping out the school.

·  A number of proposals were approved last P&C meeting; tree planting, twin drum sander, Mind Marathon, 2 student requests for State representation

·  Encourage the school to revisit their wish list in light of the full amount of money available being known.

Motion: Support the Shine program for the amount of $300/term for three terms a year Moved: Donna F Seconded: David R

Canteen Report: Janelle Simms

·  Good last term, a turnover of $50,000

·  Thanks to all the volunteers, parents and students

·  Will trial a coffee machine for seniors. Talk to the “Café” first

Principal’s report. Darryl Shepherd

·  Got rid of a couple more demountables, due to their condition, rust mainly

·  New English teacher appointed (Brooke Ashton) and doing well

·  Short listing for Head Teacher Female Students

·  Laptops meeting on Wed night for Yr 9, this will be the last year for these

·  Science, Language and Careers positions coming up

·  Darryl is going on leave, and Gerard Kelly will step in as Principal

·  Candidates available for training on the interview panel; Jane Warren, Matthew Swain, Darryl Leslie

General Business

·  Library times were discussed and places available for seniors when the library is closed for exams. Places now available in L block

Meeting closed, next meeting Week 7, June 11th.