Macbeth the Movie Project

Due: ______Name/Block:______

A famous movie director has decided to turn Shakespeare's Macbethinto the next big box office hit. He needs to hire a casting agent, a screenwriter and an artist to work on this project and he's considering you! He first wants to see a sample of your work before making a hiring decision.

Choose one job description/project below to demonstrate your understanding of Macbeth and then complete the tasks involved. Your goal is to earn the most points from the rubric so the director will hire you for this position.


The director wants to base his movie on William Shakespeare's Macbeth, but he wants the script translated to current, everyday language to attract a wider audience. Your job is to select any two scenes from Shakespeare's Macbeth and rewrite them in contemporary English.Make sure you label each scene you are rewriting. For example,"Act I, Scene I." Print/staple when finished. Include an illustration of each scene. The screenplay may be placed in any time period, not necessarily the Elizabethan Era.Screenplay should be 3-7 pages in length. See example online.

Movie Poster Artist:

The director wants you to create a movie poster to advertise his new Macbeth movie. Give a potential audience an enticing preview into the Shakespeare play by following the criteria on the rubric. Here's an “incomplete” example: but your rubric asks for more detail. Your poster may be standard size, or 1/2 or 1/4 size of a standard poster.

Casting Director:

The director wants your ideas on the perfect cast for his new Macbeth movie.You will need to cast four of the following roles:

  • Macbeth
  • Lady Macbeth
  • Banquo
  • King Duncan
  • Macduff
  • Malcom

Choosefamous modern-day actors or actresses that you think would be great for four ofthe listed roles. Give a detailed explanation of why you think eachactor/actress would be perfect for the part.Use a character’s line from Macbeth to support your decision. You can include things about the actor’s appearance, past roles, etc. Be sure to include a photo of each actoryou’ve chosen with your descriptions.You can copy these from the Internet but cut/paste website source at bottom of slide or at end.Present your cast via a PowerPoint presentation: 5-8 slides.

Please do your own work and do not plagiarize. Thank you!

Macbeth Casting Director Project

Criteria / Description / Point Value / Points Earned
Actors/Actresses Selected / Four charactersfrom list have been cast with a famous modern-day actor or actress. / 15 points
Explanation / A detailed explanationis provided (at least 2 sentences) as to why you selected each actor/actress. / 15 points
Text from Macbeth / Each character listed includes a quote from the play that defines his/her character. / 15 points
Photos / A photo is included with each actor/actress. You may cut/paste from the internet. / 5 points
Appropriate Casting / The actors and actresses chosen to play the listed parts make sense and are true to character. For example: Justin Bieber should not play King Duncan. / 15 points
Conventions / All materials are neat, typed where appropriate and spelled correctly, with minor to no grammatical errors. / 10 points
Presentation / In 2-5 minutes, share your power point with us. Speak clearly and look at audience. / 5 points
Total Points / 80 points

Due Date: ______

Macbeth Movie Poster Project

Criteria / Description / Point Value / Points Earned
Image / Central image of characters or action from the play (cannot be computer-generated) / 10 points
Quotation / A significant quotation from the play displayed prominently. / 15 points
Character list with descriptions / List and brief description of at least 4 major characters (ex: Lady Macbeth, the devious wife) / 10 points
Title / A creatively typed or drawn title / 5 points
Summary of play / A typed, one-paragraph summaryattached to the poster that entices the viewer with a description of themes, characters, and action of the play / 25 points
Conventions / All materials are neat, typed where appropriate and spelled correctly, with minor to no grammatical errors. / 10 points
Presentation / In 2-5 minutes, tell us a bit about your project-- Why you selected the images/quote for your poster, for example. Speak clearly and look at audience. / 5 points
Total Points / 80 points

Due Date: ______

Macbeth Screenwriter Project

Criteria / Description / Point Value / Points Earned
Screenplay / Two scenes, labeled,from Shakespeare's Macbeth, rewritten in contemporary English. / 25 points
Understanding / It is evident that the writer clearly understands the plotof the original scene as demonstrated in his/her translation to modern English. / 20 points
Character list with descriptions / Include a list and brief description of each character appearing in each scene (ex: Lady Macbeth, the devious wife) / 15 points
Illustrations / An illustration of each scene is provided-- does not have to be from Elizabethan Era. / 5 points
Format / Scenes are written in playscript format (use my example online) or the format your textbook uses.
Use 1 inch margins, 12pt Times New Roman or Arial.3-8 pages. / 5 points
Conventions / All materials are spelled correctly, with few to no grammatical and punctuation errors. / 5 points
Presentation / In 2-5 minutes, tell us a bit about your project-- which scenes you chose, for example, and read a selection from your screenplay. Speak clearly and look at audience. / 5 points
Total Points / 80 points

Due Date: ______