Program & Product Evaluation Course
Lesson 12– (worth 20 points, 5 points per response)
As you start to finalize sections of your Final Report, you will want to begin analyzing your work for 1) Completeness, 2) Soundness, 3) Usefulness/Appropriateness and 4) Quality. In this Lesson, you are to simply consider these 4 analysis elements and provide 2-3 sentence comments for each explaining how you intend to implement these into your final report. For example, for “Completeness” -- take 2-3 sentences to explain how you plan to check your work for completeness and details; what strategies will you use to guarantee “Completeness”? And continue in this way until you have briefly responded to all 4 areas of analysis. This can be submitted in a paragraph or in a table or as a list. The important part is that you consider each and articulate your specificstrategies.
Self-Evaluation: Lesson 12
1)Completeness: How will you make sure that your Final Evaluation Report document contains all necessary components of a strong evaluation report? How will you make sure the components will be articulated in sufficient detail?
2)Soundness: How will you make sure your report reflects accepted evaluation principles, strategies, and devices? How will you make sure your report draws on evaluation theories and practices investigated during this course? How will you show your decisions were based in sound evaluative thought rather than arbitrary?
3)Usefulness/Appropriateness: How will you make sure your report is reasonable (given then nature of the project) and useful (as a tool for stakeholders, decision-making and for change/improvement)?
4)Quality: What will you do to make sure your report professionally prepared and presented? How will you make sure it is well written? How will you make sure each section clear, easily read and comprehended? What are you doing to make sure the report’s design and layout are attractive, even compelling? Will it be free of errors – spelling, grammatical, etc.?
Lesson 12: Self-Evaluation Rubric
Criteria / Points Possible / Points AwardedCompleteness: 2-3 sentences specifically explain how Completeness is being realistically approached and guaranteed in the Final Report. / 5
Soundness: 2-3 sentences specifically explain how Soundness is being realistically approached and guaranteed in the Final Report. / 5
Usefulness/Appropriateness: 2-3 sentences explain how Usefulness/Appropriateness is being realistically approached and guaranteed in the Final Report. / 5
Quality: 2-3 sentences specifically explain how Quality is being realistically approached and guaranteed in the Final Report. / 5
Total Points / 20 Possible