Ancient World History/2016-17
Mrs. Stewart
Phone: 256-837-3735 ext.521
Course Description:
This course will cover early world history from prehistoric man to the 1500s, including some of the following topics; Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Ancient India, Ancient Israel, Greek and Roman Culture, Medieval Societies, Mesoamerica, and the Major World Religions.
Spielvogel, Ph.D., Jackson. Discovering Our Past- A History of the World- Early Ages. McGraw-Hill Education 2015.
Students will be issued a printed textbook and they will be responsible for the book that was issued to them. Textbooks will be logged into the Madison City Book Tracking System.
Digital Textbook online with McGraw Hill Networks.
Go to the internet and go to
Enter User Name and Password.
Select your chapter and lesson.
INOW will post activities and grades. Homework and other information will be displayed through the teacher’s website through the Discovery homepage located under the heading-school staff; Mary Beth Stewart/ Social Studies. Please check the announcements.Text reminders will also be sent through the Remind 101 APP. Note that you will only be able to receive text information and that you will not be able to reply to it. To subscribe via SMS: To receive messages via text, text @dms2 to 81010, OR try texting @dms2 to (205) 396-3193. You can opt-outof messages at any time by replying,'unsubscribe @dms2.
Tests, and Projects will make up 60%
Daily Work- home work, quizzes, and daily class activitieswill make up 40%
* Tests will usually cover one chapter and sometimes more than one. Questions on the tests will come from the reading and notes from the textbook, teacher lecture notes, reading document questions, map and chart questions. These questions typically will be in the format of matching, multiple-choice, true/false, short-answer, and writing.
* Pop quizzes will sometimes be given to ensure that students are completing the assigned reading of the content.
Make-Up Work:
-Make-up work will be provided to students with an EXCUSED absence ONLY. (* It is the student’s responsibility to ask for makeup work and schedule a time to make up tests.) Also students have 3 days to makeup missed assignments.
- Unexcused absences are not permitted to make-up any work including tests/projects. See Student handbook for the policy regarding student absences.
- Make-up TEST will need to be arranged with the teacher. Please try your best not to be absent on test day.
Lateness of Work:
-No late work will be accepted, except in the case of an emergency or excused absence.
-No student will be allowed to return to his or her locker for forgotten items.
Passes out of Classes
-Students must have his/her planner to leave the classroom.
Smart phones/ Tablets may be used in class ONLY when instructed to do so by the teacher. Students should follow the Madison City Schools electronics policy. Students are NOT to have their phones out for any reason unless directed by the teacher. If a student is observed not following this rule then the teacher will direct the student to give the phone to the teacher to keep until class is dismissed. The teacher will then give back the phone to the student. If a student continues to break the rule then the phone will be given to the office and a parent or guardian will be required to pick up the phone. Continuous use of breaking this rule will be directed to administration.
Plagiarism and Cheating:
Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated! If a student is caught doing either, that student will receive a 0 for that assignment.
Important Numbers to Know:
** TEXT TO PROTECT- 256-604-2345
** SAFE SCHOOLS TIP LINE- 256-464-6575
Classroom Expectations:
- Students will be respectful of the teacher, others, and themselves.
- Students will be in their seat before the tardy bell rings and working on the warm-up activity.
- Students will be silent and listening when the teacher or a classmate is talking.
- Students will follow directions the first time.
- Students will have a positive attitude! Students should make an honest attempt to be active participants every day in class.
Solving Classroom Problems:
- Verbal Warning
- Break detention, and or Lunch detention.
- Office referral
** Students may also be sent to the administration without warning in certain situations.
Each unit of study will cover text material and supplemental resources. The text material will not always be covered in order according to the textbook. The text- book is used as a resource and provides insight and supplemental reading. Skills from the text will be used and the content will be discussed in accordance to the Alabama state course of study and the College and Career Ready Standards.
Tenative Outline of Chapters
Chapter 1- What Does a Historian Do?
Chapter 2- Studying Geography, Economics, and Citizenship
Chapter 3- Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution
Chapter 4- Mesopotamia
Chapter 5- Ancient Egypt and Kush
Chapter 6- The Israelites
Chapter 7- The Ancient Greeks
Chapter 8- Greek Civilization
Chapter 9- Ancient India
Chapter 10- Early China
Chapter 11- Rome: Republic to Empire
Chapter 12- Roman Civilization
Chapter 13- The Rise of Christianity
Chapter 14- Islamic Civilization
Chapter 15- African Civilizations
Chapter 16- The Americas
Chapter 17- Imperial China
Chapter 18- Civilizations of Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia
Chapter 19- Medieval Europe