MaineEMS Education Committee Meeting
WednesdaySeptember 12, 2012
Champlain Conference Room
DPSBuilding- Augusta
- Call to Order0945
Members present: Dan Batsie, John Brady, Joanne LeBrun, Kevin Gurney, Leah Mitchell, Brian Chamberlain
MEMS Staff: Jay Bradshaw, Don Sheets
Guests: Robert “Butch” Russell
- Introductions/Public Comments
- None
- Additions to Agenda
- None
- Acceptance of Minutes:
- Pending discovery
- Staff Report
- Discussion of annual reports and due dates as they are coming up. Don will be sending out reminders to training centers for their due dates.
- Jay provided update on rules that the representative for AG office has changed and things are delayed
- Unfinished Business
- TCAP approvals/annual reports
- Annual reports are coming in
- No new requests
- Discussion of including an “intermediate” training center level
- We will add this to our ongoing agenda and investigate the needed elements to change.
- Don will look for the file that was started on development of an Intermediate training center
- Education Standards
- Transitions
- AEMT transition standards report
- Addition of modules for the addition of MEMS trainings
- EMT transition standards report
- EMR transition standards report
- APEMS will be running transition courses at Samoset
- Looking for help in running the ALS transition and making notes about what works and what doesn’t.
- Joanne brought up discussion about reposting the elements for a transition course and possibly creating a companion document for training centers to work with.
- There is a need for MEMS to issue “interpretation” of standards for a Transition
- CBOs
- Subcommittee report
- Minimum competency standards
- Sticking with 5 live intubations for CBO
- Don will send out a request for TCs to supply information regarding intubation and students
- Hours in OR
- Number per student
- Live patient vs high fidelity
- AEMT? –What does 20 live mean?
- Can people obtain 20 live patient ventilations
- We will adopt the entire AEMT CBO – motioned by Brian second by Leah unanimously approved
- EMT standards – Brian, Joanne – approved
- Paramedic –addition of 5 non-simulated
- Touch base with Eric for final draft.
- CEH categories
- Scanning barcode on a license for CEH classes and would that satisfy a signature?
- Annual Report to the MEMS Board
- Discussion – Dan will put something together
- New Business
Protocol – updates looking forward to next year
Membership - Movement of Leah to an at large position as she no longer lives in Aroostook and not Midcoast.
Tim Guerrette – Is he still going to participate in Aroostook
We will be seeking candidates for open positions on the committee
- Adjournment: 1151 motioned by Kevin