Part I Assessment of Student Handbook(s) & Curriculum(ae)
The primary means by which an ACPE centermeets the following Standards isthrough the content of student handbook(s). Site visitors will use this document to assess how Centers are meeting Standards in the student handbook(s). When submitting handbook(s) for anyaccreditation review, please indicate where in thecenter’s handbook(s) each standard is addressed and include a copy ofthis appendix with accreditation materials. Note: a revised Appendix 5 Part I must be submitted each time a revised handbook is submitted.
ACPE 301 The center has a written plan which:
301.1describestheadministrativestructureand linesof authority within thecenter. (pg )
301.3 describes how commitment tostudents will be carried out inevent of a substantial change inthe institution or center. (pg )
ACPE 302 Thecenter provides at least thefollowingcomponents:
302.2a populationthatprovides studentswithopportunities for ministry and clinicalpastoral education. (pg )
ACPE303 The center provides thefollowing educational resources:
303.3usesadjunctfaculty and/or guest lecturerswho provideinterdisciplinary consultation and teaching. (pg )
303.4 usespersons authorizedby ACPE to supervisestudentsin group and individual formats. (pg )
303.5apeer group ofat leastthreeCPE(Level I/Level II)studentsengagedin small group process andcommittedtofulfill the requirements of theprogram.(pg _)
303.6 access to library and educationalfacilitiesadequatetomeet the ACPE standards.(pg
303.7currentACPEstandards,manuals,Policy for Complaints AllegingViolation of ACPE Education StandardsandPolicy for Complaints Against the AccreditationCommission availableand studentsinformed of theirlocation (See Appendix 10 and 11). (pg )
303.8student support services including,butnot limitedto,orientation,aprocess for educational guidanceandrecommendations for counseling resources, resume preparation and employment search. (pg )
ACPE304 The center maintains androutinely informs its students andstaffofallwritten policies and proceduresrequired by this section.
304.1Thecenterhasanadmission policy that doesnotdiscriminate againstpersonsbecauseof race,gender, age,faithgroup, nationalorigin,sexualorientation,ordisability.Theprocedure for admittingstudents to specific programs complies withtherequirements ofACPEStandard
307. (pg )
304.2Thecenterhasa financial policy that clearly states fees,payment schedules, refunds, stipends, and benefits.(pg )
304.3 Thecenter hasacomplaint procedureconsistent with ACPEStandard 200. (pg )
304.4 Thecenter hasa procedure for maintainingstudent records fortenyears whichaddresses confidentiality,access, content, and custodyof studentrecords should thecenterbewithout a supervisor and/or accreditation.Thecenterprominently publishes itsAnnual Noticebefore the beginning ofeach unit(See Appendix 7BGuideforStudent Records).(pg )
304.5 Thecenter hasa procedure for providing consultation forCPEstudents. (pg ).
304.6Thecenterhasa procedure for discipline, dismissal and withdrawalof students.(pg
304.7Thecenterhasa policy forethical conduct ofstudents andprogramstaffconsistentwith theACPECode ofEthics(Standard 100). (pg )
304.8 The centerhas astatement of students’ rights and responsibilities. (pg )
304.9Thecenterhasanagreement fortraining at theministry site whichincludes, but isnot limitedto: authorizationforvisits to patients,parishioners,orclients; access to appropriate clinicalrecordsand informed consentwith regardto useof student materials; andagreement by thestudent toabideby centerpolicies protectingconfidentiality andthe rightsof clients/patients/parishioners. (pg )
304.10 The centerhas apolicy and procedure that describes how theaccredited centerwill provide forthecompletion of aunit or programinprocessifthesupervisorisunableto continue. (pg )
304.11Thecenter provides supervision and programmanagementby apersonauthorized by
ACPE.(pg )
ACPE305 The center uses aprocessof on-goingconsultation and programevaluationthat complies with the requirements of this section
305.1Thecenterhasan on-going processofconsultation withadesignated professional advisory group. (pg _)
ACPE306 AnACPE center shall accuratelydescribe thecenter, its pastoral servicesand educational programs. Allstatements inadvertising, catalogs,publications,recruiting, andacademiccalendars shall be accurateat thetime of publication.Publications thatadvertise a center’sprograms shallinclude the type(s) and level(s) ofeducation offered,andtheACPE name,address,telephone numberand website address (Refer to ACPE Codeof Ethics Standard 105.4). (pg )
308 ProgramStandardsinclude:
308.1Aspecifictime period for a programunit ofclinical pastoral education:
•A unitofCPE(LevelI/LevelII)is at least400 hours combining noless than 100 hoursof structured group and individual education withsupervisedclinicalpractice inministry.(pg )
•Ahalfunit ofCPE (LevelI/Level II)is at least 240 hourscombining noless than 60 hoursof structured group and individual education withsupervisedclinicalpractice inministry.(pg )
308.2Supervisedclinicalpracticeofministry to personsand the detailedreportingand evaluation of that ministry. (pg )
308.3 Supervisionand program management by apersonauthorized byACPE.(pg )
308.4 Anindividual contract for learning developedcollaboratively by thestudent and supervisor. (pg )
308.5 Arelational learningenvironment thatfostersgrowth inpastoral formation,reflection and competence; such an environmentinvolvesmutual trust, respect,openness, challenge, conflict, and confrontation.(pg )
308.6 Aninstructionalplanthat employsaprocessmodel of educationand clinical method of learning, including:
308.6.1 delineationand use of students’ goals.(pg )
308.6.2core curriculumappropriate totheCPE setting. (pg _)
308.6.3clearly written syllabus.(pg )
308.6.4evidence of congruence between programgoals and mission of the institution. (pg )
308.6.5 programevaluation by thestudents.(pg )
308.7 Presentationand useof literature andinstruction appropriate tothe students’ learning goals and needs. (pg _)
308.8 Final evaluationswritten by thestudent and by the supervisor:
308.8.1 Supervisor’s evaluation will be available tothe student within 45 calendar daysofthecompletionofthe unit.In unusual circumstances,thesupervisor may negotiate withthe student and receiveapproval fromthe regional accreditationchair to extendthis deadline.The supervisor’s evaluation will document this process andsuch extension mustbe reported on the next annual report. (pg )
308.8.4 Studentmay attacha written response tothe supervisor’s evaluation,which then becomespartof the student’srecord. (pg )
308.9 Additional programstandardsfor Supervisory CPE include,but are not limitedto:
308.9.1. A specific time period fora programunit ofsupervisory CPE or ahalf unit of supervisory CPE:
•A unitof SupervisoryCPEconsists of a clinical supervisory practicumofat least 400 hours, which includes noless than 100 hoursofstructured group and individualeducationalong withsupervisory workand/or spiritual careministry. (pg )
•Ahalf-unit ofSupervisory CPEconsistsofa clinical supervisory practicumofat least 240 hours, which includes noless than 60 hoursof structured groupand
individualeducationalong withsupervisory workand/or spiritual careministry
(pg )
308.9.2 Thesupervisoryprogramcurriculumwill includesupervised supervision of students’ work, activeparticipation ina supervisory student peer group, and individualor independent studyrelatedtothecurriculum. (pg )
308.9.3Thecurriculumofaspecific unit may include programplanning, professional reading, theorywriting,andactive participationina consortiumor regionally sponsored educational events.(pg )
308.9.4 Aneducationalplan that enablesa supervisory student tocomplete aminimum of oneandamaximumoffour unitsof Supervisory CPEin oneyear andthat describesa twotothreeyearcurriculumplan forastudent in full timeSupervisory CPE. (pg ).
309.9.5 A supervisory education curriculumwill address the theoretical underpinningsof clinical pastoral supervision.Abibliography and resourceguidewill beprovided that is sufficient to acquaint thesupervisory studentwith:
•history ofCPE,
•educational Theory,
•behavioral Sciences,
•multicultural theory,
•management/ administrationofeducational programs,,
•group theory,
•supervisory theory, and
•personal and professional ethics. (pg _)
308.9 6 A relational learning environment that fosters growth
in competenceas a clinicalpastoral supervisor, theories of supervision, the practice of
CPEsupervision,and CPE programdesign and implementation. .(pg )
309 The CPE centerdesigns its CPE(Level I/Level II)curriculumtofacilitate achievement of the following objectives: (pg _)
Pastoral Formation
309.1to develop students’awareness ofthemselvesasministersandoftheways theirministry affectspersons.
309.2to develop students’ awareness ofhow their attitudes, values, assumptions, strengths, and weaknesses affect theirpastoral care.
309.3to develop students’ ability toengage and apply the support, confrontationandclarification of thepeer group for the integration of personal attributes and pastoralfunctioning.
Pastoral Competence
309.4to develop students’awarenessand understanding of howpersons,social conditions, systems, and structuresaffecttheir livesandthe livesof others and howto addresseffectively these issues throughtheir ministry.
309.5to develop students’ skills in providingintensive and extensivepastoral care andcounseling topersons.
309.6to develop students’ ability tomake effectiveuseof theirreligious/spiritualheritage, theologicalunderstanding,andknowledge ofthebehavioral sciencesin theirpastoral care of personsand groups.
309.7toteachstudentsthepastoralrole in professional relationshipsand how to workeffectively as apastoral memberofa multidisciplinary team.
309.8 to develop students’ capacity to usepastoral and propheticperspectives in preaching, teaching,leadership, management,pastoralcare, andpastoral counseling.
Pastoral Reflection
309.9 to develop students’understanding and ability to apply the clinicalmethodof learning;
309.10to develop students’ abilities to use bothindividualand groupsupervision forpersonal and professional growth,includingthecapacity toevaluate one’sministry.
310Whereapastoralcare specialtyis offered, theCPEcenterdesigns its CPELevel II curriculumto facilitate achievement ofthefollowing additionalobjectives: (pg )
310.1afford studentsopportunities to become familiar with and apply relevant theories and methodologiesto one’sministry specialty.
310.2 providestudentsopportunities to formulate andapply theirphilosophy and methodology for theministry specialty.
310.3 providestudentsopportunities to demonstrate pastoral competenceinthepractice of the specialty.
311 Outcomesof CPELevelI Programs.At theconclusion of CPELevelI students areable to:(pg )
Pastoral Formation
311.1articulatethecentral themesoftheir religiousheritageand thetheological understanding that informs their ministry.
311.2identifyand discuss major life events,relationshipsand community and cultural contexts that influencepersonal identity as expressedin pastoral functioning.
311.3 initiatepeergroup and supervisory consultationandreceivecritiqueaboutone’s ministry practice.
Pastoral Competence
311.4 risk offeringappropriate andtimely critique.
311.5 recognizerelationaldynamicswithin group contexts.
311.6demonstrateintegration ofconceptualunderstandings presentedin thecurriculuminto pastoral practice.
311.7initiate helping relationshipswithinandacrossdiverse populations.
Pastoral Reflection
311.8use theclinicalmethods oflearningto achievetheireducational goals.
311.9 formulateclearand specific goalsforcontinuing pastoralformationwith referenceto personal strengths and weaknesses.
312 Outcomesof CPELevel II.At theconclusion of CPELevel IIstudentsareable to: (pg )
Pastoral Formation
312.1articulatean understandingof the pastoral role that is congruentwiththeir personal and culturalvalues,basicassumptions and personhood.
Pastoral Competence
312.2 providepastoral ministry to diversepeople, taking intoconsideration multiple elements ofcultural and ethnicdifferences, social conditions, systems andjustice issueswithoutimposingtheir own perspectives.
312.3 demonstrate a rangeofpastoral skills, including listening/attending, empathic reflection, conflict resolution/confrontation, crisis management, and appropriate useof
religious/spiritual resources.
312.4assess the strengths and needsof those served,grounded intheology and usingan understanding ofthe behavioral sciences.
312.5manageministry and administrative functioninterms of accountability, productivity, self- directionand clear, accurateprofessional communication.
312.6demonstratecompetent use ofself in ministry and administrative function whichincludes: emotional availability, cultural humility, appropriate self-disclosure, positiveuseof power and authority, anon-anxious andnon-judgmental presence, and clear and responsible
Pastoral Reflection
312.7establish collaboration and dialoguewith peers, authorities and other professionals.
312.8demonstrateawarenessof theSpiritual CareCollaborative Common Standards for
Professional Chaplaincy(ACPE Standards2010,Appendix. 2)
312.9demonstrateself-supervisionthroughrealistic self-evaluation of pastoral functioning. Standard 313Objectives forSupervisory CPE.TheSupervisory CPEcenterdesigns its Supervisory CPE
curriculumtofacilitate achievement of thefollowing objectives: (pg _):
313.1to develop supervisorystudents’ knowledgein theoriesandmethodologiesrelatedto CPEsupervision drawn fromtheology, professional andorganizational ethics,the behavioral sciences, andadult education.
313.2to providestudents practiceinsupervision ofCPE under thesupervision ofan ACPE Supervisor.
313.3to facilitate students’ integration ofthe theory and practice ofCPE supervision intheir identity as aperson, pastor andeducator.
ACPE314-19Outcomes achieved bySupervisory CPEstudentsaccrue in six areasof competency derived fromtheSupervisory CPE objectives.(pg ):
APPENDIX 5 cont’d
Part II Assessment of CPE Program Infrastructure and Educational
The manner in which an ACPE Center meets the following ACPE Standards will (also) be confirmed through documentation and demonstration during any accreditation review site visits. Complete Part II, indicating where on-site files, resources, etc. are located, and submit with accreditation materials. Site visitors will use this document to review with Centers howthey meet the Standards on-site
300.1maintaincompliance withACPE Standards,reports,procedures, andfees as detailed inthe
ACPEAccreditation Manual.
ACPE 302 provideat least thefollowing components:
302.1 financial, humanand physical resources sufficient to supportunits ofCPE offeredby the center.
302.2student access toa populationof sufficient size to provideopportunities for ministry and learning.
302.3contractsandagreements when it engagesotherindividuals,agencies oraccreditedcenters external toitself to providekey CPE programelements.
ACPE303 provide thefollowingeducational resources:
303.1employsor contractswithACPE certifiedfaculty of sufficient number to fulfill program goalsand meetACPEstandards.
303.2 plans for andsupports involvement ofsupervisory faculty incontinuing educationevents and activities.
303 .3 usesadjunctfaculty and/or guest lecturers who provideinterdisciplinary consultationand teaching.
303.4 usespersons authorizedby ACPE to supervisestudentsin group and individual formats.
303.5apeer group ofat leastthreeCPE(Level I/Level II)studentsengagedin small group process andcommittedtofulfill the requirements of theprogram.
303.6 access to library and educationalfacilities adequatetomeet the ACPE standards.
303.7currentACPEstandardsandmanuals availableand students informedoftheir location:
303.8student support servicesappropriatetothetype of programs offeredand meetingminimum requirements of the standard.
ACPE304 The center maintains androutinely informs its students andstaffofallwritten policies and proceduresrequired by this section.
304.4 Thecenter hasa procedure for maintainingstudent records fortenyears whichaddresses confidentiality,access, content, and custodyof studentrecords should thecenterbewithout a supervisor and/or accreditation.
304.9Thecenterhasanagreement fortraining at theministry site whichincludes, but isnot limitedto: authorizationforvisitsto patients, parishioners,or clients; access to appropriate clinical recordsand informedconsentwithregard touseof studentmaterials;andagreement by the
student to abide by centerpolicies protecting confidentialityandthe rightsof clients/patients/parishioners.
304.10The centerhas a policy and procedure that detailshow the accreditedcenterwill provide for the completion of aunit or programinprocess ifthe supervisor is unable tocontinue.
304.11Thecentersupervisionand program management is conducted byapersonauthorized by
ACPE305 The center uses aprocessof on-goingconsultation and programevaluationthat complies with the requirements of this section.
305.1Thecenterhasan on-going processofconsultation withadesignated professional advisory group.
305.2 The centerhason-going programevaluation sufficient to promote the continuousquality improvement ofthe educational program(s),including: (1)coursecontentand materials;(2) successwith respect to student achievement,including course completion,certificationrate, and jobplacement;(3) educationalmethodsandsupervisory relationships;(4)studenttosupervisor ratio; (5) appropriate levelofchallenge in individual learning contracts, and (6) assessment of students’ use ofCPE;(7) determinationand reporting of satisfactory achievement of CPE program outcomesby studentsenrolled inCPELevelI or LevelII; (8) determinationand reporting of satisfactory achievement ofCPEsupervisory programoutcomesby students enrolledin supervisory CPE.
ACPE306 AnACPE center shall accuratelydescribe thecenter, its pastoral servicesand educational programs. Allstatements inadvertising, catalogs,publications,recruiting, andacademiccalendars shall be accurateat thetime of publication.Publications thatadvertise a center’sprograms shallinclude the type(s) and level(s) ofeducation offered,andtheACPE name,address,telephone number, and website address (Refer toACPE Codeof Ethics Standard105.4).
307 Anapplicant’s suitability for admissiontoany ACPEprogramis amatter ofprofessional judgment by theACPEaccreditedcenterinaccordance withits admission policies. Requirementsforadmissionto CPE programs include,but are notlimitedto:
307.2anadmission interviewwithaqualifiedinterviewerfor personsapplying for aninitial unit of CPE to determine readiness forclinicallearning.
307.3either graduation fromhighschool/GED or ordination by afaith community orcommission tofunction in ministry by an appropriate religious authority asdetermined by ACPE.
307.4the fulfillment ofeducationor experience requirements establishedby the ACPE center.
307.5 acceptance by an ACPEcenter accreditedfor theappropriate programtype.
307.6 Theadditional requirements foradmissiontothe Supervisory CPE(if offered)include, but arenot limitedto:
307.6.1 previous ministry experience in whichthe applicant demonstratedability to function pastorally.
307.6.2completion of at least four unitsof CPE(Level1/Level II).
307.6.3 successfully meeting CPE Level IIoutcomes as documentedin thesupervisor’s evaluationor assessed inthereadinessconsultation.
307.6.4 demonstratefamiliarity withthe Spiritual Care Collaborative CommonStandards for Professional Chaplaincy.
307.6.5consultation for readiness forthestudent and ACPE Supervisorwitha professional committeeas specifiedin theACPE Certification Manual.
307.6.6current membershipin ACPE.
308 ProgramStandardsinclude:
308.1Aspecifictime period for a programunit ofclinical pastoral education.
308.2Supervisedclinicalpracticeofministry to personsand the detailedreportingand evaluation of that ministry.
308.3 Supervisionand program managementby a personauthorized by ACPE.
308.5 Arelational learningenvironment thatfostersgrowth inpastoral formation,reflection and competence; such an environmentinvolvesmutual trust, respect,openness, challenge, conflict, and confrontation.
308.6 Aninstructionalplanthat employsaprocessmodel of educationand clinical method of learning, including:
308.6.1 delineationand use of students’ goals.
308.6.2core curriculumappropriate totheCPE setting.
308.6.3clearly written syllabus.
308.6.4evidenceofcongruencebetween programgoals and themissionof the institution.
308.6.5 programevaluation by thestudents.
308.7 Presentationand useof literature andinstruction appropriate tothe students’ learning goals and needs:
308.8 Final evaluationswritten by thestudent and by the supervisor:
308.8.1 Supervisor’s evaluation will be available tothe student within 45 calendardays of the completion of theunit.In unusualcircumstances,thesupervisor may
negotiate withthe student and receiveapproval fromthe regional accreditationchair to extendthis deadline.The supervisor’s evaluation will document this process andsuch
extension mustbe reported on the next annual report.
308.8.2Supervisor’sassessment reflectsprofessionaljudgment about student’s work, abilities, strengths,weaknesses.
308.8.3 Supervisorcertifiescompletionofa unitor half unit of CPE (Level I/II) or
Supervisory CPE.
308.8.4 Studentmay attacha written response tothe supervisor’s evaluation,which thenbecomespartof thestudent’srecord.
308.9 Additional programstandardsfor Supervisory CPE include,but are not limitedto:
308.9.1.A specific time period fora programunit of Supervisory CPE or ahalf unitof
Supervisory CPE
•A unitof Supervisory CPEconsists ofaclinical supervisory practicumofat least
400 hours, whichincludesnoless than 100 hoursof structured group and individualeducationalong withsupervisory workand/or spiritual careministry.
•Ahalf-unit ofSupervisory CPE consistsof a clinical supervisory practicumof at least 240 hours, which includes noless than 60 hoursof structured groupand individualeducationalong withsupervisory workand/or spiritual careministry.
308.9.2 Supervisory CPE programs will demonstrate how a SupervisoryEducation Student advancesfromobservingthesupervision ofCPEto supervising defined program activities tosupervisingCPEprograms under supervision as a Supervisory Candidacy. The curriculumwill includesupervision of the student’swork, activeparticipationina supervisory studentpeer group,andindividual or independent study relatedto the curriculum.
308.9.3Thecurriculumofaspecific unit may include programplanning, professional reading, theorywriting,andactive participationina consortiumor regionally sponsored educational events.
308.9.4 Aneducationalplan that enablesa supervisory student tocomplete aminimumof oneandamaximumoffour units ofSupervisory CPEin one yearand thatdescribesa
twotothree year curriculumplan for a student in full timeSupervisory CPE.
308.9.5 A supervisory education curriculumwill address the theoretical underpinningsof clinical pastoral supervision.Abibliography and resourceguidewill beprovided that is sufficient toacquaint the supervisory studentwith:
•history ofCPE,
•educational theory,
•behavioral sciences,
•multicultural theory,
•management/ administrationofeducational programs,,
•group theory,
•supervisory theory, and
•personal andprofessional ethics.
308.9. 6 A relational learning environment thatfostersgrowth in competence as a clinical pastoral supervisor, theories ofsupervision,thepractice ofCPEsupervision,and CPE programdesignand implementation.
308.10 Overatenyearaccreditationperiod, 75% ofstudents entering units ofCPE(LevelI/Level
II)orSupervisory CPE receive credit for those units.