MS 6320 (2)
During the in-person or out-of-office interview:
A. Help the applicant feel at ease and assist the household in completing the application process.
B. Complete appropriate forms.
C. Complete the applicant’s statement fields on the appropriate screens or hard copy forms, as appropriate. Ask only questions which are related directly to household eligibility.
D. Review the applicant's responses on the application and clarify any incomplete or conflicting information. Signed applications lacking information or containing incorrect information are corrected during the interview by the applicant and worker and documented accordingly. Any additions or corrections to the hardcopy application must be initialed and dated by the applicant and entered on the system.
E. Assure that the application is SIGNED and DATED by the applicant.
F. Question the member regarding any possible outstanding claim(s). If a claim exits:
1. Determine if the claim is in the Claims Management Section located in the Division of Family Support.
2. Discuss method of repayment.
G. Provide the household with the following verbal explanations:
1. Enumeration requirement and the uses of the member's SSN;
2. The household's rights and responsibilities;
3. Proration of the initial month's benefits;
4. Timeframes for application processing;
5. The fair hearing process;
6. Penalties for intentional program violation;
7. [The Quality Control (QC) process; and
8. Any portion of the application process which the household does not understand.
H. Explain which changes must be reported during the certification period and the interim change report process.]
I. Explain and provide, if appropriate, the following to the household:
1. FS-120, Information Needed to Process a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Application;
2. FS-360, Facts about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP);
3. FS-500.1, Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents – Fact Sheet;
4. [FSET-101, SNAP Employment and Training Fact Sheet;
5. PAFS-706, Voter Registration Rights and Declination. See Volume I, MS 0640 and MS 0650 ; and
6. PAM-PAFS-343.2, Quality Control, handout.
J. If a member of the household appears to have a disabling health condition (e.g. quadriplegia, head injury), advise the individual to go to the SSA to apply for SSI/RSDI benefits.]
K. Issue a Request for Information (RFI) to request all verification required to process the case and file a copy in the case record. Assist the client in obtaining the necessary verification.
L. Keep all information about the household's circumstances confidential.