Dear Friends, April 2018

In 2016 the Archbishops of Canterbury and York sent an invitation to Anglican Churches throughout England to join them during the eleven days from Ascension to Pentecost and focus on two prayers – The Lord’s Prayer and the three word invitation “Come, Holy Spirit”. They put everything under the heading “Thy Kingdom Come”.

From quite small beginnings the initiative has spilt over into the life of Anglican or Episcopalian churches throughout the world and many other denominations, including Methodism, also take part. This year some 85 countries will pray together.

The period between Ascension and Pentecost is about waiting and preparation and trust. We worship the risen Christ as he returns to the Father and we look afresh for the renewing power of the Spirit.

Some Methodist congregations took part in “Thy Kingdom Come” in both 2016 and 2017 and this year Methodism is sending an invitation to all Circuits to see if they would like to/encouraging them to take part from May 10th to 20th.

We are not being told to take part – I think that is a good thing – “only” to consider what I believe is an attractive invitation. The question before us is “does the nature of this initiative resonate with you”?

In recent months the form and content of our devotional life is something we have looked at in the pages of this magazine and this edition includes two more examples of helpful resources.

There is no prescribed format with regard to how these days should be used though there are a lot of interesting resources available and just as many examples of the ways worship and activities have been put together with large and small groups. We could do something in worship on Sunday, perhaps we could assemble something for the mornings the church is open for prayer or there could be a portable resource that was available to any group in the church. Alternatively, or as well, individuals could be invited to pray at the same time each day wherever they are.

This year, because Easter is so early, the days between Ascension and Pentecost overlap substantially with Christian Aid Week (May 13th-19th). Far from this being a difficulty I think it is a timely reminder of the link between prayer (“Thy Kingdom come”) and action (such as collecting for Christian Aid). If I have prayed “Come, Holy Spirit” what should I do next”? Another example of these two interwoven aspects is the invitation to pray for the General Church Meeting to be held on April 22nd and the question whether, in the life of the Kingdom, you are the person God wants to nudge into place as a congregational representative to the Church Council.

At the heart of the “Thy Kingdom Come” initiative is a longing to grasp more fully the values of the Kingdom and to know the power of the Spirit. All of this both in our own lives and in our witness to our neighbours and the world. If you would like to join me in helping Rustington Methodist Church respond to this invitation please let me know

With love


The calling of Rustington Methodist Church is to proclaim and affirm its conviction of God’s love in Christ, for us and for all the world; and renew confidence in God’s presence and action in the world and in the Church.


8th / 9.00am
9.00am / Rev Bob Sneddon
Rev Bob Sneddon
Roy Firth / Holy Communion
Holy Communion & All Age Worship
Morning Worship
10.45am / Deacon Phyllis King / Morning Worship
15th / 9.00am / Rev Bob Sneddon / Holy Communion & Healing Service
10.45am / Rev Douglas Graham / Morning Worship
22nd / 9.00am / Rev Kavula John / Morning Worship
6.30pm / Rev Geoffrey Bell
Rev Bob Sneddon / Morning Worship
Sunday Celebration
29th / 9.00am
10.45am / Joy Barnes
Rev Bob Sneddon / Morning Worship
Holy Communion

Shoppers’ Services Fridays at 10:45.a.m.

Just 15 minutes (Coffee served before and after)



6th Stephen WatersAnn

13th Mollie PriestColin

20th Lindsey TilbrookAnn

27thKate ColenuttColin

Minister: Rev Bob Sneddon

Address:60 Westlands, Rustington. Tel 717035

Church Office: 01903 776900

Church email:

Church Web Site:

Collection Envelopes and Gift Aid

Collection envelopes run from 8th April and will be available in mid/late March. It is our tradition; that every church member or couple will be given collection envelopes to use throughout the year.

Using envelopes does help the church to be able to budget a little better, and acts as a reminder that the church is there every week for us. The idea is that you put your money into the envelope whether you attend church that week or not. It can be quite surprising to find that one has missed several weeks and that money does make a difference. If you should find it more convenient you could make your donation by Standing Order on a monthly basis.

If you are not a church member, but would like to give using the envelope scheme or by Standing Order, please contact us and we will arrange for that to happen.

For those who pay tax; through Gift Aid, the church is able to reclaim that tax from the Chancellor, so, for every £1 that is given, we can reclaim 25p. As you can see, over the period of a year this mounts up.

So, if you would like to give using the envelopes; if you pay tax, and have not completed a Gift Aid Form, or equally have completed a Gift Aid Form in the past and no longer pay tax, or if you would like to give by Standing Order, or have other queries about Gift Aid or the envelope scheme, please contact:

Bob or Elizabeth Slatter on 01903 776707.Joint Gift Aid Envelope Secretaries

Pastoral Care

Over the past month we have prayed and cared for many people including

Geoff Mullineux, Joyce Cocks, Doreen Stanzl, Cicely Carpanini and her daughter, Yvonne, as well as others not named who have been unwell at home or in nursing homes.

We have joined together in prayer for Sue Clevett and her family following the death of George, for the family and friends of Margaret Cutler following her funeral and for the family and friends of Margaret Banfield as they attended her Thanksgiving service.

We have remembered those affected by the weather and struggling to keep warm and on Mothering Sunday we thought of those who find this day especially hard.

And finally, we rejoiced with Doreen and Cliff who were married on

Saturday 3rd March.


last year the year of the stars?

You came up trumps and

knitted a whole galaxy!

Well, could you be an angel

this year?

If you can knit or crochet can

you help us makeenough

angels to ‘yarn bomb’

Rustington for Christmas?

We could leave surprise angels all over the village with a Christmas message and decorate the church and………

You can get a pattern for the ‘Really Easy Christmas Angel’ from Chris on 782 458, or pass on your email and it will mysteriously appear.

Do you know someone who knits, a group, a friend, a family member who could be persuaded to help? Ask them all!

General Church Meeting -April 22nd 2018

At our annual General Church Meeting we share reports and conversation about the life of our church. Allare welcome. This year’s meeting is on Sunday April 22nd - please pray for the preparations for this year’s meeting.

The General Church Meeting appoints congregational representatives to the Church Council. Unlike the Church Stewards, Treasurer, Church Council Secretary, Pastoral Secretary or Junior Church Representatives, congregational representativesdo not automatically have a place on Council. Those with automatic places carry important responsibilities and are valuable members of the Church Council. Congregational representatives are just as valuable as they have a freedom from specific tasks whilst still bringing knowledge, prayer and experience to the life of our church. All Church Council members are Trustees.

The General Church Meeting on 22nd April will appoint new representatives to join those already in place. Council can have ten (ormore) such representatives. If you would like to know more please contact me.

Representatives must be Church Members and need to be nominated and seconded. Please use the forms in church or contact the office. If you wish to nominate someone please obtain their permission first.

Please consider being a Congregational Representative on Church Council.

Rev Bob Sneddon


9.30-3.30Rascals Pre-School Playgroup

Contact Emma-Jane Merrett07546 584314

During Term Time Only

2.30pmHome Group for bible study and friendship (fortnightly)

at 23 St Mary’s Close, Littlehampton

Contact John and Hazel Bell724451

7.45pmMonday House Group at 143 Worthing Road

Contact John & Val Baker787922


9.30-3.30Rascals Pre School Playgroup

Contact Emma-Jane Merrett07546 584314

During Term Time Only

10.00amDrop in for Coffee & a Chat

2.30pmMonthly Activities Club for the Visually Handicapped

Contact Brenda Bennett782275

24thAGM followed by a talk about Voice of Progress

8:00pmHouse Group for Bible Study & Fellowship

4th Tuesday of the month (ring for dates & venues)

ContactElizabeth & Bob Slatter776707

7.30pmStepping Stones

Contact Sue Clevett786753

10thLittlehampton Food Bank

24thA talk on Honey Bees by Michelle Drernoult


9.55amMod Mums

ContactBec Richards772214

18thCake & Chat

25thGood Enough Women

10.00amHouse Group for Bible Study and Fellowship

Meets fortnightly - call to check dates & venue

ContactAnne Bound 771537

Wednesdays (continued)

2.30pmWomen’s Fellowship

ContactJenny Ludwig770083

4thMembers’ Afternoon

11thMore clever things with flowersplus raffle of flower arrangements with Marion Davis

18thFire Service Visit

25thVisit by Rev Bob Sneddon


9.30-12.30Rascals Pre School Playgroup

Contact Emma-Jane Merrett07546 584314

During Term Time Only


9.30-12.30Rascals Pre School Playgroup

Contact Emma-Jane Merrett07546 584314

During Term Time Only

9.45amBible Study

Contact Mrs Doreen Straw770372

12.00noonChristian Aid Souper Lunches


2pmTable Tennis Group - in the Main Hall

Contact Norman Peck731356


10.00amCoffee served in the Lounge

April 2018

April 1stEaster J BishopTeam

April 8thL TylerM Barker

April 15thM BrownM Cocker

April 22ndJ & T SmithA Waters

April 29thE HarveyM Barker

May 6thD & C StrawD Straw

Christian Aid Week2018: Together we’re stronger than the storms

In Haiti, Marcelin Abellard raised his three daughters alone. They’ve endured some of the worst natural disasters on earth. They’re not just survivors. They’re fighters. But they’re only so strong. They won’t survive the next hurricane without your help.

This Christian Aid Week, you can be in their corner. You can help them build a home that will weather the next storm, so they won’t need to fight to survive anymore.

Christian Aid Week unites kingdom builders like you from all walks of life. We step out in mission for our neighbours like Marcelin, because we believe in life before death. We believe God’s kingdom is stronger than the storms.

It’s over a year since Marcelin and his daughters lost their home, but they’re still living in a 2x2m windowless concrete block : Marcelin and his daughters Ketia, Linda and Keshna still haven’t recovered from Hurricane Matthew. Marcelin doesn’t expect them to survive if another hurricane hits.

I have used Silence and Stillness in Every Season – readings for every day of the year from John Main edited by Paul Harris - for twenty years to support my practice of silent prayer with a mantra which I try to practice morning and evening.I use a candle and hold a special stone at this time.

I have a private book of intercessions for each day of the week.

I follow the daily lectionary readings for Morning Prayer – this often causes me to read portions of the Bible I haven’t encountered before.

Ann Bound

Some years ago I became a member of The Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer. Moving to Rustington I was no longer able to enjoy a monthly meeting nor a day’s retreat but have remained a member. Each month we have a different biblical verse which we contemplate upon, and I continue to use this method of prayer in the morning.

I start with short time of relaxation in body and mind alert and ready to listen to God speak. This exercise is divided into three parts. The first part is listening to the biblical verse in your mind asking yourself the meaning of the context in which it was spoken at the time. Who was there? What was going on at the time? .Try to imagine yourself being there then listening to the verse being spoken to you in your mind.

The second part is listening to the same verse again letting the words run through your mind in the context of your own life today.What is my situation? Have I any worries? Then have some moments of silence, cease thinking and listen to the verse spoken to you in the depths of your heart

Thirdly use your will in intercessions. Use the same verse and allow God to speak through you to the person, group or the world. Finish this quiet time with some moments of silence. Be still and know that I Am God.

Sheila Jacobs

It’s only a toilet

I read with interest the Minister’s letter in the last edition of “The Link” and the toilet twinning that is happening through the Circuit.

Readers might be interested to know that The Friends of Mombasa Children have also been building toilets at our School in Mombasa.

Four holes in the ground and a trench are being replaced by a block of twelve girls toilets, six for the boys together with urinal. The teachers too will have their own toilet block. This is costing the charity £3500 with an equal sum contributed by our contractor, who is now completing the ground floor block of five new classrooms.

Our hope was to build a two-story building that would replace most of the corrugated iron huts that have been our classrooms for some time. Available funds meant that we would have to be content with just one story for the time being. However, a recent visit to Mombasa by some of our Charity Trustees resulted in an alternative plan for the second story, which could be affordable with the help of our supporters. If you can access the internet, please look at

There is a short video of the building work in progress explained by the Headteacher and, of course, an appeal for funds to complete the work. Nearer home, though, is our next fundraising event:


The Great Spring Sale of Everything

at The Methodist Church Hall, Rustington

On Saturday 7thApril 9.30am - 1.00pm

China and glass, Jewellery, Toys and Games, Books, DVDs, Cosmetics, Bric-a - Brac and refreshments. Admission is free.

Phone me on 01903 718070 for more information or if you could help at the sale. There’s more on our website: - where you can also see our latest newsletter.

With thanks

Chris Azzaro, Treasurer to the Friends of the Mombasa Children

Rated by Ofsted as GOOD in 2017

Opening hours:

Mondays & Tuesdays: 9.30am – 3.30pm

Thursdays & Fridays: 9.30am - 12.30pm

Term time


Emmajane Merrett – Qualified Teacher

Tracey Hubbard – BA Hons

or more information visit our website:

Call Emmajane on 07546 584314


Email Tracey at

Rustington Methodist Church Hall

Claigmar Road, Rustington, BN16 2NL



Geoff & Margaret Mullineux

Production Team

Jan Elliman, Margaret Rudlin,

John Whitehead & Andie Cankalis

Contributions for the MAY 2018 issue to reach the Editors by 12 noon on Friday 13th April by email to:

Distributed by LINK visitors organised by Margaret Rudlin, Tel: 774724

It is requested that items for THE LINK

be produced using

Times New Roman 16pt font

DEADLINES - THE LINKis produced to very tight deadlines. The production team will do their best to include material that is submitted but you can make their job a lot easier by getting it in on time or earlier. The team may not be able to include material that is submitted late.

Donations towards the cost of THE LINK

are welcomed.