Staff welfare and well-being- Review and reflection of previous Supervision Record in relation to Staff Supervision
- Opportunity to discuss any staff care issues
Employment Issues
- Sickness absence
- Capability/Disciplinary issues.
- Phased Return Planning
Practice and PerformanceIssues
- Review of Caseloadmanagement
- Quality Assurance of assessment
- Direct work
- Achievement of outcomes
- Service User Feedback
Professional Development
- Actions arising from PDR process
- Areas for development and how they may be achieved
Leave / Absence
- Annual leave and agreed TOIL/WFH
- Required arrangements for cover (if applicable)
Any Other Business
Child’s Name / I.D.Reflective Case Discussion and Agreed Actions
Supervisor to facilitate reflective case discussion, considering where appropriate:
(1) Experience - What happened? (2) Reflection - Why did it happen? (3) Analysis - What does it mean? (4) Action Planning - What needs to happen next? For problem solving to be fully effective, all four parts of the cycle need to be addressed. Rushing or skipping the reflective and analytical stages of this process might provide a quick fix solution, but could also increase the likelihood of problems reoccurring as it will not have been addressed sufficiently. The level of reflective discussion should be lead and determined by the Supervisor, informed by a consideration of risk, complexity and the need to progress thecase and achieve the best possible outcome for the child being discussed.
This record will be copied and placed on the Child’s Record
Child’s Name / ID:Reflective Case Discussion and Agreed Actions
Supervisor to facilitate reflective case discussion, considering where appropriate:
(1) Experience - What happened? (2) Reflection - Why did it happen? (3) Analysis - What does it mean? (4) Action Planning - What needs to happen next? For problem solving to be fully effective, all four parts of the cycle need to be addressed. Rushing or skipping the reflective and analytical stages of this process might provide a quick fix solution, but could also increase the likelihood of problems reoccurring as it will not have been addressed sufficiently. The level of reflective discussion should be lead and determined by the Supervisor, informed by a consideration of risk, complexity and the need to progress thecase and achieve the best possible outcome for the child being discussed.
This record will be copied and placed on the Child’s Record
Child’s Name / ID:Reflective Case Discussion and Agreed Actions
Supervisor to facilitate reflective case discussion, considering where appropriate:
(1) Experience - What happened? (2) Reflection - Why did it happen? (3) Analysis - What does it mean? (4) Action Planning - What needs to happen next? For problem solving to be fully effective, all four parts of the cycle need to be addressed. Rushing or skipping the reflective and analytical stages of this process might provide a quick fix solution, but could also increase the likelihood of problems reoccurring as it will not have been addressed sufficiently. The level of reflective discussion should be lead and determined by the Supervisor, informed by a consideration of risk, complexity and the need to progress thecase and achieve the best possible outcome for the child being discussed.
This record will be copied and placed on the Child’s Record
Child’s Name / ID:Reflective Case Discussion and Agreed Actions
Supervisor to facilitate reflective case discussion, considering where appropriate:
(1) Experience - What happened? (2) Reflection - Why did it happen? (3) Analysis - What does it mean? (4) Action Planning - What needs to happen next? For problem solving to be fully effective, all four parts of the cycle need to be addressed. Rushing or skipping the reflective and analytical stages of this process might provide a quick fix solution, but could also increase the likelihood of problems reoccurring as it will not have been addressed sufficiently. The level of reflective discussion should be lead and determined by the Supervisor, informed by a consideration of risk, complexity and the need to progress thecase and achieve the best possible outcome for the child being discussed.
This record will be copied and placed on the Child’s RAISE Record
Supervisee record any disagreements with the content of the Supervision Record.
Reflections by Supervisee (what did I find helpful / feel I will take away from the supervision session)
Agreed date of next Supervision
Two copies of the signed and agreed Supervision Record, saved in uneditable form (PDF), are to be retained in relation to every formal Supervision episode undertaken. One copy is to be provided to the Supervisee for their personal retention and reference. The Supervisor should remind and advise the Supervisee of the need to ensure that they store their copy appropriately given the sensitive nature of the information contained – both personal information and information on service users. The second copy is to be saved by the Supervisor in the staff member’s Supervision Record on S:Drive. This record is the property of ******** Council.
CSC Supervision Record 01 Jan 2014