Señor Stephen James
y Señora Eréndira Torres / /
Blog links:
COURSE DESCRIPTION / The Level I language course focuses on the development of communicative competence in the target language and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak the language. It assumes that the students have minimal or no prior knowledge of the language and culture. An important component of language classes is the use of the language beyond the classroom in the real world.
TEXTBOOK / All students will receive a Spanish textbook; however, a multitude of additional resources will be used throughout the year to enhance learning. The student workbook is consumable and should be brought to class every day. We will use Descubre in the classroom.
(Evaluation process and weights) / Grammar & Writing
- Formative Assessments (10%) {classwork, homework, quizzes/checkpoints}
- Summative Assessments (20%) {unit tests, projects, performance tasks}
- Formative Assessments (10%) {audio, literacy, classwork, homework, practice}
- Summative Assessments (20%) {projects, tests, performance tasks}
- (25%) {daily practice & activities, classwork, presentations)
(Assignments, books, reading, materials, etc.) /
- Spanish/English dictionary (digital allowed)
- Pens (black and blue ink only)
- Pencils
- College-rule paper
- 3-ring binder (1/2 inch) & dividers
- Colored pencils
- Glue stick scissors
- Dry-erase markers
(Policies, procedures, etc.) / Make-up work – it is the student’s responsibility to check CobbLearning (the blog) whenever absent. The student will have the number of days absent plus one to complete and return any work that was missed.
BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT / Behavior infractions will be documented in the “comments” portion of Synergy. The number of the violation, the date of the infraction and how the situation was handled will all be included in the comments section.
Example: {3 - 8/23 W, 3} stands for "Unkind to others" which occurred on August 23rd and W means the student received a warning.
1) Out of seat/desk, 2) Disruptive, 3) Unkind to others, 4) Off task, 5) Sleeping/head down,
6) Throwing objects, 7) Inappropriate conversation, 8) Failure to follow directions 9) Other…
C – counselor, D – detention, M – moved seating, O – other, P – phone call, R – referral, W – warning, S – silent lunch