20th– 22ndMARCH 2015


Friday20th / Registration Desk open / 16:00 – 18:00
Setting up Exhibition stands
Drinks Reception (Invitation only) for District Cabinet Officers & Partners with DG Team and PID / 18:30 – 19:30
Host Night - Theme: “The 70’s” / 19:00 for 19:30 – 23:30
Saturday 21st / Registration Desk open / 08:00 – 10:00
Exhibition stands open / All day
Convention starts / 09:30
Lunch break / 12:30 – 13:25
Convention resumes / 13:30
Convention closes / 16:30
Drinks Reception (invitation only) for Club Presidents, Convention Host Committee & Partners with DG Team and PID / 18:30 – 19:15
DG’s Banquet & Ball / 19:00 for 19:30 –00:00
Sunday 22nd / Question and answer session with PID Douglas Alexander / Time TBC
Shri VenkateswaraBalaji Temple Visit / 12:00

Family of Lions I warmly welcome you all to the 40th District 105M Convention at Sandwell

This is the District’s Annual General Meeting and it is our opportunity to reflect on and celebrate our achievements over the past twelve months. It is also your opportunity to question and challenge the District Officers if you want. We have a number of Resolutions to be debated and it is your chance to hear our candidates and elect the Governors Team of 2015-2016.

Our International Guest this year is Past International Director Douglas Alexander from Brooklyn New York. On Sunday morning you also have the chance to ask him questions at our open forum session.

I would like to thank District Events Officer Lion John Barnes and Convention Chairman Lion Paul Murphy and his committee, for all the hard work they have put in to organise this Convention and the social events. Convention is a chance for Lions across the District to meet up with friends and make new friends, to have fun and I know that the programme of events that has been organised will achieve that goal.

My year as District Governor has been a wonderful experience and I have enjoyed every minute of it, but this has only been achieved through the support of all my Cabinet and District Officers and the dedication they have shown to their jobs this year.

I would also like to thank each and every Lion and their partners in this District for the warmth of the friendship you have shown to Joy and myself as we have travelled around the District either at club visits, events or charters, you have truly made both Joy and myself welcome and at home - part of your family.

Lion Ian Haffner

District Governor 105M 2014-2015


Douglas X. Alexander, from Brooklyn, New York, USA, was elected to serve a two-year term as a director of The International Association of Lions Clubs at the association’s 93rd International Convention, held in Sydney, Australia, June 28 to July 2, 2010.

Past Director Alexander is a retired vice president for J.P. Morgan Chase Bank. A member of the Brooklyn Bedford Stuyvesant Lions Club since 1984, he hasheld many offices within the association, including club president, zone chair,region chair, vice district governor, district governor, cabinet secretary and cabinet treasurer. He also served as a Lions Eye Bank transporter, a member of the District and Multiple District PDG Association and a trustee of the New York State and Bermuda Lions Foundation, and appointed Lions representative to UNICEF-New York.

In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including the Club Lions of the Year, Club President’s Award, the Robert J. Uplinger Service Award, the Ambassador of Good Will Award, several District Governor Appreciation Awards, the Multiple District Membership Growth

Award, District Chairperson Award, three International President’s Certificates of Appreciation and four International President’s Medals. He is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.

In addition to his Lions activities, Past Director Alexander is active in numerous professional and community organizations. He has served as chairperson of the advisory board for the New York Urban League and as a board member of the St. Francis DeSales School for the Deaf. He has also received the Congressional Record Award.

Past Director Alexander has two daughters.


09:20Call to Order

09:30Opening Ceremony

10:35 – 10:55Standing Orders & Voting Procedures

Address by DG Candidate – Lion Heather Jeavons

Address by 1st VDG Candidate – Lion John Gray

Address by 2nd VDG Candidate – Lion Chris Burrow


11:10Convention Reports


12:00Centennial Presentation

12:20Presentation on MD Convention, Birmingham

12:30Lunch Break

13:25Call to Order

13:30Commencement of Afternoon Session

13:35Young Ambassador

13:45Guest Speaker – Dr Dave Heeley

14:25Competition Winners

14:50Membership Presentation

15:00Presentation by –ID Douglas Alexander

15:45Presentations by DG

16:00Host Club for District Convention 2017

16:05Host Club for District Convention 2016

16:15Closing Ceremony & Announcements

Introduction of Convention Host Committee

Land of Hope & Glory

16:30Close of Convention

Note: Sunday Morning 09:30 – 10:30 TTBC

Question and Answer Session with the Past International Director. OPEN TO ALL.


Call to Order.

Sergeant at Arms, Lion Ron Cross, called the 39th District 105m Convention to order at 09.30 hrs, informing Convention of the Health & Safety arrangements.

Opening Ceremony

District Governor, Lion Simon Moss and Lion Christine and his guests International Director Lion Kenneth Persson and PDG Lion Eva, escorted by District Secretary Lion Pauline Hoogerwerf, the Worshipful Mayor of Solihull Councillor Joe Tildesley, escorted by Convention Host Lion Chris Burrows, were formally received by Convention.

Flag Ceremony

The Flag Ceremony was conducted by the Shirley Sea Cadets under the direction of C.P.O. Neil Merchant.

The National Anthems of Sweden and the United Kingdom were played.

The song “Love can build a Bridge” was also played.

The Flag Party were thanked by District Governor Lion Simon Moss.

Code of Ethics

The Lions Code of Ethics was read by Lion Lorraine Shipley, Barwell & Earl Shilton Lions Club.

Guests and Visitors

District Governor Lion Simon Moss welcomed everyone to the 39th District Convention, hosted by the Lions Clubs of Zone C, and hoped they would find it informative and enjoyable.

District Governor, Lion Simon Moss introduced his guests on the Top Table.

Convention Host Chairman Lion Chris Burrows, District Secretary, Lion Pauline Hoogerwerf, Worshipful Mayor of Solihull Councillor Joe Tildesley, International Director, Lion Kenneth Persson.

He then welcomed and introduced the following visiting Lions to Convention:

International Director Kenneth Persson and PDG Lion Eva, MD 101, Sweden.

Council Chair PDG Lion Phil Robinson & Jackie – District 105SE.

District Governor, Lion Chris Southworth and Karen – District 105NE

District Governor Elect, Lion Andrew Kerr Sutherland – District 105NE

Lion Lachlan Mackay – 105NE

District Governor Elect Lion Carole Godden & Edward – 105BS

P.I.D Lion Phil Nathan

P.D.G. Lion Dave Seager & P.D.G. Lion Ian Clare – District 105BN

Roll call and messages

Sergeant at Arms, PDG Lion Ron Cross, announced the number of Lions attending Convention - 64 Delegates 37 Clubs.

Official Opening

District Governor Lion Simon Moss, invited the Worshipful Mayor of Solihull, Councillor Joe Tildesley to formally open the 39th 105M Convention.

Councillor Joe Tildesley welcomed everyone to Solihull and apologised on behalf of his wife who is holiday.

He has visited many Lions functions and felt honoured that Lions of 105M should choose Solihull to hold their Convention 2014.

He made a presentation to International Director Lion Kenneth Persson, on behalf of Solihull Council and also a personal gift from himself and his wife.

The Worshipful Mayor of Solihull, Councillor Joe Tildesley, formally declared the 39th District 105M Convention open.

At this time it was necessary for the Mayor to leave Convention and District Governor Lion Simon Moss thanked him for attending and looked forward to seeing him at the Banquet and Ball that evening. District Governor presented the Mayor with his friendship banner, as did ID Kenneth Persson.

Convention Host Committee Chairman Chris Burrows escorted the Mayor from the Hall.

Invocation and in Memoriam

The Invocation & Memoriam was read by Past District Governor Lion Paul Anstice, who lit the Candle of Remembrance.

The Sergeant at Arms placed a rose in the vase adjacent to the candle as each name was read out. The following Lions have passed away since the last District 105M Convention and a minutes silence was held in their memory

Lion Nino PapandreouEvesham Vale Lions Club

Lion Ralph LilleyKnowle & Dorridge Lions Club

Lion Trevor WardleMalvern Hills Lions Club

Lion David NewmanMarket Harborough Lions Club


Apologies were received from:

Past District Governor Lion Mike Jobbins and Pearl, Past District Governors Lion Mike and Lion Mavis Cooke, Lion President Neelash Patel – Thurnby Lions Club, Lion Carole Moseley, Water Projects Officer, Lion Angie Wytcherley, Street Children Officer, Anita Bedi, International Relations Officer, Cynthia Lines, Hinckley Lions Club, Martin Hill, Harborough Twenty 12 Lions Club.

Minutes of the last District Convention.

District Governor Lion Simon Moss proposed the adoption of the Minutes of the 38th District 105M Convention held on the 23rd March 2013 at the Pear Tree Inn & Country Hotel, Smite, Worcester. Seconded by P.D.G. Lion Paul Anstice.

The proposal was carried and District Governor Lion Simon Moss signed them as a true record.

Maters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes.

District Secretary Lion Pauline Hoogerwerf presented Niger Certificates ofAppreciation to:-

Kenilworth Lions Club , Lion Bob Stear (Kenilworth) who ran the Stockholm Marathon to support one well, Knowle & Dorridge Lions Club, Sandwell Lions Club & Zone A. She thanked everybody for their tremendous support in bringing the project to completion.

Voting Procedures and Standing Orders.

CNRO PDG Lion Wim Hoogerwerf explained the Voting Procedures and Standing Orders to Convention.


As there had been no nominations received for 2nd Vice District Governor, the District Governor asked if there were any nominations from the floor. Lion President Barbara Gray (Kettering & District Lions Club) proposed Lion John Gray (Chair Region 3) as candidate for 2nd Vice District Governor, on behalf of Kettering Lions Club.

Address by candidate for District Governor 105M (2014/2015)

There was only one candidate for this office and 1st Vice District Governor Lion Ian Haffner, Worcester Lions Club, addressed Convention.

Address by Candidate for First Vice District Governor105M (2014/2015)

There was only one candidate for this office and 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Heather Jeavons, Malvern Hills Lions Club addressed Convention.

Address by Candidate for Second Vice District Governor 105M (2014/2015)

There was only one candidate for this office and Lion John Gray, Kettering & District Lions Club, addressed Convention.

Sergeant at Arms, Lion Ron Cross asked Delegates to place their voting slips in the boxes at the front and back of the hall and announced that there would be a short break during which voting would take place.

Sergeant at Arms called Convention to Order.

Presentation of Reports

District Governor informed Convention that he would be calling for the presentation of reports by Section. The District Governor asked each Committee Chair to introduce the members of their committee.

The District Governor asked the District Secretary if there were any pre-notified questions or updates regarding each section. None had been received,

District Governor

Lion Simon Moss, report as submitted

District Secretary

Lion Pauline Hoogerwerf, report as submitted

District Treasurer

PDG Lion Neil Chisholm, report as submitted

Sergeant at Arms

PDG Lion Ron Cross, report as submitted

Region and Zone Chair

Region 1, Lion Paul Murphy, report as submitted

Zone A, Lion Praful Modi, report as submitted

Zone B, Lion Kanubhai Patel, No report

Zone C, Lion Chris Burrows, report as submitted

Region 2, No report.

Zone D, Lion Andy Pemberton, report as submitted

Zone E, Lion Mike Strophair, report as submitted

Zone F, Lion John Kelly, report as submitted

Region 3, Lion John Gray, report as submitted

Zone G, Lion John O’Rourke, report as submitted

Zone H, Lion Cath Kendall/Paul Anstice, report as submitted

Zone I, Lion Sarah Hill, report as submitted

Health and Environment Committee

Chairman, Lion Martin Hill, report as submitted

Sight & LEHP, Lion Linda Cross, report as submitted

Speech & Hearing, Lion Rosemary Eynon, No report.

Diabetes, Lion Barbara Dutton, report as submitted

Learning Disabilities/Special Olympics, Lion Lorraine Shipley, report as submitted

MiaB/Medic Alert, Lion Chris Haynes, report as submitted.

Environment, Lion Bob Dutton, report as submitted

International Relations & Europa Forum

Chairman, Lion Femi Onabolu, report as submitted

North Sea Lions, PDG Lion John Bush, report as submitted

LCIF, Lion Bill Ranautta, report as submitted

Water Projects, Lion Carole Moseley, report as submitted

Street Children, Lion Angie Wytcherley, report as submitted

International Relations, Lion Anita Bedi, report as submitted

Youth Committee

Chairman, Lion Christine Moss, report as submitted

Young Leaders in Service, Lion Janet Long, report as submitted

Young Ambassador, Lion Cath Kendall, report as submitted

Youth Exchange, Lion Jackie Williams, report as submitted

Life Skills, Lion Terry Smith, report as submitted

Leo Coordinator, Lion Richard Williams, report as submitted

Communications Committee

Chairman, PDG Lion Mike Cooke, report as submitted

Webmaster, Lion Joy Haffner, report as submitted

Public Relations, Lion Terrie Knibb, report as submitted

Midland News/Lion Liaison, Lion Ken Barker, report as submitted

Service & Projects, PDG Lion Mike Cooke, report as submitted

Competitions, Lion Dave Smith, report as submitted

Almoner, PDG Lion Mavis Cooke, report as submitted

Long Range Planning Committee

Chairman, Lion Heather Jeavons, report as submitted


GMT Coordinator, PDG Lion Heather Lee, report as submitted

GMT Liaison-Extension, PDG Lion Doug Cross, report as submitted

GMT District Registrar, Lion Ann Pemberton, report as submitted

Global Leadership Team

GLT Coordinator, Lion Pauline Fanti, report as submitted

Training Officer, Lion Phil White, report as submitted

Finance and Administration Committee

Chairman, Lion Ian Haffner, report as submitted

Constitution, Nominations & Resolutions Officer, PDG Lion Wim Hoogerwerf, report as submitted

Convention Host Chair, Lion Chris Burrows, report as submitted

Events/Lion Tamer, Lion John Barnes, report as submitted

Health & Safety Officer, Lion Ray Stevens, report as submitted

Insurance Officer, PDG Lion Suresh Gohil, report as submitted

Vulnerable Persons Officer, Lion Eric Hughes, report as submitted

Governor’s Team Reports

Immediate Past District Governor, PDG Lion Paul Anstice, report as submitted

1st Vice District Governor, Lion Ian Haffner, report as submitted

2nd Vice District Governor, Lion Heather Jeavons, report as submitted

Past District Governor Liaison, PDG Lion Doug Cross, report as submitted

All reports having been presented, District Governor Lion Simon Moss, called for the acceptance of all the reports, “En Bloc”.

Proposed by Lion Ian Haffner, Seconded by PDG Lion Henry Woodgate – carried.

District Governor thanked all Officers for their excellent work during his year in office.

District Governor Simon then presented a Gift on behalf of the Cabinet and Clubs in the District to PDG Lion Paul Anstice.


The District Constitution, Nominations and Resolutions Officer, PDG Lion Wim Hoogerwerf, informed Convention of the Rules and Procedures for introducing Resolutions


Resolution Number 1.

Submitted by District 105M Cabinet.

Proposed by Lion Ian Haffner

Seconded by Lion Neil Chisholm

“This Convention resolves that, in order to ensure the approved administrative expenses of District 105M for the fiscal year 2014/2015, the Annual Subscription remain at £10.00pa per Lion Member. The subscription to be payable in two (2) instalments of £5.00 on 1st August 2014, based upon membership at 30th June 2014 and £5.00 on 1st February 2015, based upon membership at 31st December 2014.”

The resolution was duly voted upon and having received the required 2/3rds majority was announced as carried.

Resolution Number 2.

Submitted by District 105M Cabinet

Proposed by Lion Ian Haffner

Seconded by Lion Neil Chisholm

Surplus on District Charity Appeals.

“This Convention agrees that where an appeal for charitable funds from Clubs and others, has met its target and there is a surplus in excess of the amount needed to fulfil the appeal; then such surplus shall be applied to the Lion Clubs International 105M Charity General Fund.

The resolution was duly voted upon and having received the required simple majority was announced as carried.

Resolution Number 3

Submitted by District 105M Cabinet

Proposed by Lion Heather Jeavons (Malvern Hills LC)

Seconded by Lion Ian Haffner (Worcester LC)

District 105M Constitution – Article 8 Elections, Section 4

“This Convention agrees that in SECTION 4, after “lots will be drawn to decide successful candidate”Add new sentences:

For the election of Second Vice District Governor only; if there is more than one candidate for the office, then delegates shall have the option to vote for “none of the above”. If the “none of the above” option has a simple majority then no candidate shall be declared elected, by the District Governor.

The resolution was duly voted upon and having received the required 2/3rds majority was announced as carried.

Presentation by Health Committee.

Members of the Health Committee gave a presentation, both verbal and PowerPoint, regarding their different portfolios.

Presentation on MD Convention

PDG Lion Dave Seager (Bolton L.C) gave a presentation on the forthcoming Multiple District Convention to be held in Manchester (10th – 11th may 2014)