Good News For Today
Children's Lessons



Always Pray Before Studying The Bible


ave you ever wondered how everything in the world began? Was Planet Earth just an accident? Where did we come from? Did we just happen? Were we once tiny tadpoles or monkeys swinging from trees, as some people say? Have you ever asked, "Who am I?" Well, you don't have to guess or take someone's word for it. The Bible is our only dependable source for this information.


Let's start with the Book of Genesis. "Genesis" simply means "beginnings."

Who Am I?1

1.How did our world begin? Read Genesis 1:1, then fill in the blanks below:

"In the beginning the heavens and the earth."

NOTE: Our world didn't just happen! God was the Master designer of a new and perfect world - Planet Earth. But that wasn't all. God wasn't finished with His work! Let's find out what else God created.

2.What did God create, or make, on the first day? Read Genesis 1:3-5, then fill in the blank.

"And God said, "Let there be ”

NOTE: The Bible says God called the light part "day" and the dark part "night."

3.What did God do on the second day?

ANSWER: Then God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." (Genesis 1:6-8)

NOTE: In other words, God divided the waters and made the sky, where the birds fly. He made the starry heavens, where the stars hang. Of course, the third heaven is Paradise, the place where God lives.

4.What did God create on the third day? Read Genesis 1:9-13 then fill in the blanks below:

God said, "Let dryappear."

God called the dry ground .

Then God said, "Let the land produce :

seed-bearing and .”

2Who Am I?

5. Read Genesis 1:14-19. Attach pictures of the things God created on the fourth day, when you send this lesson via e-mail. You can draw pictures, and scan them in, or attach photographs.

6.Select the things God created on the fifth day, by clicking on the checkboxes next to each one. Read Genesis 1:20-23.

7.What did God create on the sixth day of creation?

ANSWER: "Livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals. Then God said, "Let us make man in our image." Genesis 1:24-31

NOTE: Just think, God made us in His image. What an honour! He could have made us like a monkey, or a dog, or a pig, but He made us like His own family because He loved us. So, you see, you are a part of God's family - He is your Heavenly Father.

Who Am I? 3

8.Find out what God said when He looked over the things He had created during those six days. Find the answer in the coded message below. Ignore the letters shown in the block below, and type all the other letters in the code, in the order given, in the spaces below, to get the message.

C / X / I / N / H / T / X / H / W / C / X / A / H / N / S / C / X / M / H
H / V / X / C / E / H / N / R / X / Y / H / G / X / H / O / N / O / X / D

9.What did God do on the seventh day of creation week? Read Genesis 2:1-3

God had the work He had been doing.

He on the 7th day.

God the 7th day.

And made it .

Yes, God made the 7th day holy. This was to be a special day. A day to help us remember where we came from and Who made us!

10.What surprise did God have for Adam and Eve? Read Genesis 2:8


NOTE: No garden has ever been so beautiful! God loved our great, great, great, great, great, grandparents very much!


Aren't you glad that God made you a part of His family? Isn't it great to know that you didn't come from a tadpole or a monkey? You are very special because God made you in His image! How does this make you feel?


4Who Am I?

NOTE: For additional information on the subject read The Bible Story, Volume 1,

pp. 13-56

Fill in the acrostic (puzzle) with answers to the questions below:

1. The name of the first man created: .

2. God gave Adam and Eve a home.

3. God created man on the day.

4. Birds and fish were created on the day.

5. God rested on the day.

6. God called the dry land .

7. What did God create on the first day? .

Who Am I?5


We’d like it very much if you would send us a picture of yourself and your family. It could be a photograph, or a picture drawn using a computer program such as Paint, or a hand-drawn picture that you’ve scanned in. Simply attach the picture along with this lesson and email them both to us.