Board Meeting

March 5, 2014

Present: Larry Holden, Scott Collins, Jay Terry, Dizzy Fukutomi, Mark Gardner, Dave Holmes, Dave Lilley, Melinda Workman, Andre Barashkoff, Tom Froslan, Alan Koslow, Debra Holden, Kari Haas, Paul Santuli, Francine Wiest, Jason Cook

·  Call to order at 8:06 pm.

Business Items

·  Vote on new board members

·  Debra Holden (Secretary)

·  Kari Haas (Opening Day Coordinator)

·  Francine Wiest (Player Agent for T-balll through AA baseball)

·  Moved, seconded, passed to accept all 3 new board members

·  Approval of February minutes

·  It was moved, seconded & passed to accept the February 2014 minutes as written

·  Coach Vote from February

·  All coaches from last meeting approved, per list of coaches (attached) sent by Larry to the board via e-mail on February 9

o  Mark Gardner: T-ball parent meeting on April 3rd, have to get all parents there so we know who the coaches and assistant coaches are

o  See other notes on Coaches for 2014 in the Baseball/Softball notes below

·  Constitution

·  Initially conditionally approved, as Little League came back and said we have to specifically identify our bank, but apparently changed their mind

·  Received approval as written on February 12, 2014 (final posted to website)

·  Registration Update

·  Big influx in A and AA baseball over past month. Coast is also up.

·  Added a 5th A-level team to accommodate incoming players

·  At 535 total so far.

·  We have rejected 28+ registrations so far this year due to primarily to boundary issues

·  New will result after this year due to the schools within boundary rule; how will we split these kids between leagues as they get to middle school and their school is now in boundary of a different league? Little League is presumably working on this.

·  Larry mentioned that we have taken a “hard” stance on boundaries this year, checking 100% of registrations. He asked the board to consider how we want to move forward as a league with regard to the boundaries, do we continue the hard stance and grant NO waivers, or is it situational?

·  Financial Report

·  We are still in the middle of collecting registrations, so financials are just a snapshot. Haven’t signed any checks in a month.

·  We will be short of last year on registration so registration income will shorter than anticipated

·  Season budget results should still be favorable, lower registration results in lower cost, plus our sponsor program is going very well.

·  Fields

·  Got all allocations requested from Parks Department

·  Missing 9-hour time slot on Saturdays at Tyee, were only granted 5 hours

o  Overlapping practices to compensate

o  There will only be time to run 2 games rather than 3 at Tyee

·  Eastgate closed until further notice – AT LEAST two weeks

o  Recent inspection of the field shows that this may be aggressive, the field is in terrible shape, and in the middle of work by the Parks Dept.

·  Getting Tuesdays at Tyee on the multi-purpose field

·  Uniforms

·  In good shape for AAA and up

·  Softball just getting started

·  Getting visors for softball with BTLL logo

·  Equipment

·  Buying some extra tees

·  Chest protector from Jay (??)

·  Fundraising

·  Heidi Hoffman got Walmart to sponsor for $2500

o  That brings us to $15k

·  GLY will sponsor but only have $2000 – board was in consensus that this was okay as it is our last sponsorship spot for this season

·  Reminder: for AAA and above (baseball AND softball) are required to get a $200 team sponsor

·  Opening Day

·  Still looking for volunteers

o  Fay Wu will help

·  Concessions are set

·  Raffles on its way

o  Get tickets out early

o  Need more items

·  Will do small clothing drive

·  Vendors attending

·  Photographs for team – using photographer from 2 years ago, they will start early, on the Varsity field, and dismantle temporarily for the Opening Day parade & ceremony

·  Mascot – Jett Goforth will return as mascot

·  Safety

·  Great safety meeting on March 1, though still not attended as well as we need

·  Larry will post the Dan Swinscoe presentation on the website when received

·  For those coaches that could not attend, a communication will be sent to ensure managers read:

o  Concussion information

o  Injury prevention

·  First aid bags for traveling teams – Jason has ordered per board e-mail general approval

Baseball/Softball Discussions

·  Umpire Program

·  We have two moms that will handle the scheduling

o  Sandra Koo – baseball probably

o  Emmy Park – softball probably

·  Two emails sent by Alan to recruit umpires

·  Have 18 kids committed from last year

·  Will arrange fields for two trainings for the kids

·  Have most of equipment

·  Got two or 3 responses from District 9 (??)

·  For Majors, every team is required to get one parent to get training and be the default emergency umpire

·  Larry asked the board whether we want to go the route of using Umpires Northwest who helped us out last year. Ump coordinators will own the schedule this year, so we should perhaps see how it goes before committing. Larry will contact UNW to see how they want to work that relationship.

·  Have AAA and Coast do the same thing as Majors?

·  Michael will do the payroll

·  Coaches for 2014

·  Tabling T-ball until April

·  Softball asked to approve two additional coaches for softball

o  Allan Tokuda (Majors) and Andre Barashkoff (A)

o  Moved, seconded and passed to accept both

·  Big Diamond Baseball

·  Only have 6 players for Juniors and nobody has stepped up as manager

·  Andre offered to do a batting cage batting practice once a week for this level if it would help

·  Two Intermediate teams

·  Danny Rodriguez will manage the Seniors

·  Baseball VPs

·  Mark

o  Training going well

·  Jay

o  Brad Files and Rob Reese are going to do a training for Majors and Coast managers and coaches

·  Softball VPs

·  Hanna put on a great training

·  AA and above coaches meeting coming up

·  A clinic next week for older girls

·  Mid-season D9 tourney is in May and it is in the budget

·  Player Agents

·  Will send info to volunteers, as well as, coaches, for uniforms

·  President

·  Jackson Roos Memorial tourney

o  $250 per team

o  Can send more than one team

o  Jay will put it out there

o  We should plan on sending at least one team, can be combo of two Majors teams

·  It was 140-7 to change the age rule from the Little League Summit

o  Looks like the rule will change next year

o  Changing age determination date from April 30 to December 31

o  Will grandfather in the immediate year it takes effect

·  Other Business

·  Jay had further looked into the “unwritten rule” that Larry had talked about, where Little League looks for the ratio of Minor League to Major League teams to be 2:1

o  2:1 ratio is LL guidelines, again though, this is not an official rule

o  We are 3:1

o  Do we want to try to follow the 2:1?

o  A possible committee to look into this might be a good idea

·  Meeting adjourned at 9:54pm

2014 Coach List (approved in e-mail on Feb 9 & 10)

Seniors (Baseball)

-Danny Rodriguez

Intermediate 50/70 (Baseball)

-Tom Louis

-Trent Wheatley

Majors (Baseball)

-Andre Barashkoff

-Matt Henning

-Eric Larson

-Nick Stay

-Alan Wittman

-Michael Edwards

-Jay Terry

-Steve Grouws

-Craig Rouse

-Ron Hofilena

-Tom Robb

-Paul Santulli

-Rocco Romero

-Mike Sokoloski

-Mason Denger

Coast (Baseball)

-Dave Lilley

-Keith Hedlund

-Scott Zilmer

-Val Sanchez

-Chris Thomas

-Tom Lobo

-Kazuki Sawanoi

-Dave Bennett

-Mark Gardner

-John Slater

-Jonathan Maltos

-Thomas Scheppat

-Sean Sanberg

-Forrest Jammer

-Steve Wilkos

-Trevor Daley

-Erik Nakashima

AAA (Baseball)

-Jason Cook

-Jeff Sprague

-Paul Santulli

-Steve Hoffmann

-Mitch Levy

-JJ Gray

-Michael Edwards

-Dave Holmes

-Ben Anderson

-Nick Kelleher

-Brian Flett

-Matt Henning

-Dave Moe

-Greg Feiges

-Sam Fischer

-Marc Lambro

-Eric Lee

-Brad Clemons

-Josh Gallant

A & AA (Baseball)

-Eric Dawson

-Eric Lee

-Marc Lambro

-John Fredericksen

-John Slater

-Marcus Howle

-Matt Brown-Ruegg

-Chris Long

-Jamie Short

-Mark Riley

-Ryan Grouws

-Steve Wilkos

Majors (Softball)

-Annessa Doberstein

-Jeff Range

-Kristi Auld

Coast (Softball)

-Jonathan Fink

-Chad Weiser

-Charlie Stanton

-Matt Preece

-Nate Graddy

-Mike Garrett

AAA (Softball)

-Scott Collins

-Jeff Whiteaker

-Cory Peffer

-Mike Nolan

A/AA (Softball)

-Doug Brown

-John Gregov

-Ed Shilley

-Greg Doyle

-Melinda Workman

T-Ball (Softball)

-Shannon Gregory-Lowe

-Michelle Brown-Ruegg

-Joon Huh