Update on Activities of Pennsylvania Demand Side Response Working Group

February 1, 2007

Data Requests

In December, PUC staff submitted data requests to the electric distribution companies to update the program activity chart, current status of metering capability, and descriptions of what is needed for full metering deployment. That information is being assembled and will be posted to the PUC’s Website soon, and we will notify you by e-mail when it is available.

Program Descriptions/Proposals

The subgroups have gathered information in the form of written factual descriptions of programs, as well as white papers or straw man proposals on specific topics identified during their discussions. This information will be posted to the PUC’s Website soon, and we will notify you by e-mail when it is available.

Questions from January 19 Meeting

If you have any follow-up questions that you would like to have posed to the panelists who participated in the January 19 meeting, please send those to by February 9. We will send them to the presenters and ask for their responses by February 16. We will then make them available to you by February 20.

February 9th Meeting/Conference Call

We are planning to have a meeting on February 9, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. in Executive Chambers, KeystoneBuilding, Harrisburg. We will be hearing presentations from:

  • Mike Winka, Director, Office of Clean Energy, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
  • Brian Henderson, Director of Energy Efficiency Services, New YorkState Energy Research and Development Authority
  • Fred Yebra, Director of Energy Efficiency Programs, Austin Energy

Dial-in capability will be available for this meeting. If you wish to participate by telephone, please let Lori Shumberger know by February 6. Her e-mail address is . If possible, we ask that those of you at the same location call in using one telephone to minimize the number of lines we need.

February 23rd Meeting

The entire Working Group is planning to meet on February 23, 10 a.m-1 p.m. (boxed lunches will be served), and the Cost Recovery/Revenue Decoupling subgroup will meet afterwards, starting around 1:30 p.m. You will receive more details about the subgroup meeting from Paul Diskin.

At the Working Group meeting starting at 10 a.m., which will be held in Hearing Room 1, KeystoneBuilding, Harrisburg, we will be discussing a proposed outline of the Working Group Report. We will also discuss the information that has been gathered by the subgroups. The proposed outline and an agenda will be distributed to you on February 20.

Next Steps

Following the February 23 meeting, we will be asking for your written comments to the proposed outline by March 9. Those comments should be submitted to
. After that, we expect to issue a draft report to you by March 23, and we will be seeking your comments by April 6. This schedule should allow the PUC staff to submit recommendations to the PUC by the end of April, to permit action by mid-May 2007.