
Mercy Projects Fund (NP)

This Fund has been established to support the priority of ‘Sharing Generously the Resources of the Sisters of Mercy held in Trust’. The Northern Province of the Sisters of Mercy has allocated funding for the coming year of £200,000, which is directed to supporting the work of Sisters and their colleagues working in partnership to further the mission of Mercy in the Northern Province at this time.

It is anticipated that grants will be available, each offering financial support up to a maximum of £10,000 Sterling / €12,000 Euros.

Projects which meet essential criteria will be those directed towards ONE of the following areas:

  • alleviating poverty while promoting systemic change, leadership and right relations
  • nurturing spirituality in a way that respects our experiences and understandings of God
  • supporting the well-being of people on the margins and of our planet earth in a way that promotes respect, justice, hope and belonging.

The Fund is designed to support existing projects while also encouraging new initiatives in ministry. It will be unable to support projects which can attract funding from other Mercy sources such as:

Ø  Community Budget/Apostolate

Ø  Solidarity Fund

Ø  Funding to cover capital costs.

Should a situation arise where the total requested exceeds the Funding allocated, priority will be given to projects which have not received funding in previous years.

Application Procedures for

Mercy Projects Fund (NP)

Sisters of Mercy

Northern Province


Funding applications will only be considered if they meet one of the following 3 criteria:

¨  Alleviating poverty while promoting systemic change, leadership and right relations

¨  Nurturing spirituality in a way that respects our experiences and understandings of God

¨  Supporting the well-being of people on the margins, and of our planet earth, in a way that promotes respect, justice, hope and belonging.

²  This fund will not cover any Capital Expenditure

²  There will be One Round of Funding in 2015

1 Applicants must complete ALL sections of the Application Form. Supporting material will not be accepted as a response to any question on the Application Form. Completed applications should be submitted for consideration by 5.00 pm on the closing date. Incomplete application forms will be returned to the applicant, and must be re-submitted before the deadline for that Round of Mercy Projects Fund (NP).

2 All application forms will be acknowledged

3 The selection process may require further contact with applicants in cases where additional clarification is needed

4 Letters will be posted to applicants to inform them of the outcome of their application no later than 30th September 2015.

5  Successful applicants will be required to submit relevant bank details. Grants in excess of £6,000 (Sterling)/€6,000 (Euro) may require evidence of charitable status and/or current tax clearance certificate.

6  All successful applicants will be required to submit an Evaluation of their work in 2016, with commentary on the impact of the Mercy Projects Fund. Further details on Evaluation Closing Dates will be included with the Terms & Conditions & Signed Agreement document which will be circulated to all successful applicants in the September mailing.

Closing Dates for Applications: 7th August 2015 Decision by: 30th September 2015

All applications to be forwarded to: Sr Mary deLacy, Mercy Projects Fund (NP);

c/o Provincial House, 74 Main St, CLOGHER, Co Tyrone BT76 0AA



Name of applicant group/organisation …………………………………………………………

Address of applicant ………………………………………………………………………………


Telephone Number …………………………………………………………………………………

Email address ………………………………………………………………………………………

Contact person …………………………………………………………………………………......

Please confine all responses to the space provided


(a) Introduction to the Project

Please give a short summary explaining how and why your organisation/group was initiated

(b) Management Structure

Is your project managed by:

(i) / Board of Directors as a Limited Company
(ii) / Management Board or Committee
(iii) / Members of a Society
(iv) / Partnership
(v) / An Individual

(c) Personnel

How many staff are currently employed?
Is the current funding request to employ additional staff?

(d)  Collaboration with Voluntary/Statutory Agencies

Do you work in collaboration with either Voluntary or Statutory agencies (or both)? If so, please give details

(e) Are formal reports/financial statements drawn up and circulated to your stakeholders/relevant authorities to ensure accountability and transparency? If so can you give details of what reports are submitted, and to whom? (If you have not submitted any final reports to date please write “NONE TO DATE”)


(a) What is the timeline for this particular project or phase of the project for which funding is requested?

¨  under 6 months

¨  6 mths to 1 year

¨  1 – 2 years

¨  2 - 5 years

¨  indefinite (over 5 years)

(b) In what way(s) do you plan to monitor the work of this particular project?


(a) “How will you know if your project has been successful? What positive feedback would you hope to hear from any or all of the following:

(i)  Your target group

(ii)  the management group or committee (or the individual/s) making the application)

(iii) the wider public?

(iv) What system(s) will you put in place to measure and guarantee the continued success of this particular project?”


Please decide which ONE of the following three areas your project best fits into, indicate this in the tickbox to the left, and on the lines opposite please describe in what way your project links to that statement: T

¨  Alleviating poverty while promoting systemic change, leadership and right relations

¨  Nurturing spirituality in a way that respects our experiences and understandings of God

¨  Supporting the well-being of people on the margins, and of our planet earth, in a way that promotes respect, justice, hope and belonging.

T While you may feel that your project ticks all 3 boxes, it would be most helpful to select one predominant area only as this will assist the Funding Group to determine the area of most need

6 AMOUNT OF FUNDING SOUGHT (Maximum £10,000 STG/ €12,000 (Euros)

Please give an itemised breakdown of costs for which you are seeking funding / Overall Cost / Funding requested through this Application

Please provide the Name and Address of the Bank which is relevant to the work for which funding is being applied:


(Successful applicants will be asked to provide more detailed information re bank account - including a copy of the most recent Bank Statement for the relevant Account - once grant decisions have been made)

6  DECLARATION (EITHER Part (A) or Part (B) should be completed and signed by a

Sister of Mercy, Northern Province)

I declare that to the best of my knowledge all information contained in this form is correct and is a true reflection of the work for which funding is being applied.

(A) Signed: ………………………………………………………..Date: ……………………….

Name (CAPITALS) ………………………………………………. Date: ……………………….

Position within the Group/Organisation ……………………………………………………….

(B) If Section 7 (A) above has not been signed by a Sister of Mercy from the Northern Province then this section must be completed by the Sister of Mercy from the Northern Province who has endorsed your application.

¨  I am currently/actively involved with this project

¨  I hold a position in the Management of this project

¨  I have had a previous involvement with this project, and continue to hold an interest in it

Signed: Sister………………………………………………… Date: ………………………

Name (CAPITALS) …………………………………………. Date: ………………………