Wednesday, September 11, 2013
202 1st Ave. SW
Dayton, IA 50530
Mayor Travis called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Roll Call-Present: Council members Diehl, Gallentine, Skoglund, Wickwire, and Williamson. Absent: none. Also present: Kendra Breitsprecher, Randy Danielson, Nick Dunbar, Jesse Green, Mark Hemmingson, Craig Johnson, Matt Johnson, John Skoglund, and Kevin Wickwire.
AGENDA: Council member Williamson moved to approve the agenda as printed. Second by Wickwire. Motion carried unanimously.
MINUTES: Council member Williamson moved to approve the minutes of the August 14 regular meeting as printed. Second by Skoglund. Motion carried unanimously.
BILLS: Council member Williamson moved to approve the bills as presented. Second by Wickwire. Motion carried unanimously.
OAK PARK SANITARY SEWER MAIN: Jesse Green stated that the Dayton Celebration Committee is interested in obtaining sanitary sewer service to Oak Park and in building a new restroom facility near the rodeo arena. The Council reviewed a preliminary estimate from MER Engineering of $102,825 for installation of a sanitary sewer main to Oak Park. The Council agreed to continue discussion on this as more information is obtained.
LIBRARY/POST OFFICE TUCK POINTING: The Council was informed that the building had been power washed by City employees. Council member Wickwire moved to accept the proposal from Nellis Construction to repair the post office loading dock for $1,186. Second by Williamson. Motion carried unanimously.
TRUCK PARKING: After discussion, the Council directed Police Chief Dunbar to discuss truck parking with the Farmers Coop manager.
STREET DANCE: The Council agreed to allow Matt Johnson from the Iron Saddle to borrow a few City picnic tables for a street dance on September 21st. Council member Diehl moved to approve a lease agreement and outdoor service area endorsement for the Iron Saddle Saloon for the street dance. Second by Williamson. Motion carried unanimously.
1st STREET AND 2ND AVENUE NE INTERSECTION: City Attorney Mark Hemmingson will review the City Code and traffic code and inform Police Chief Dunbar what can be done to remove vegetation to improve visibility at the intersection. The Council also agreed to send a certified letter to the property owner.
TIF FUNDS TRANSFER: After Mayor Travis read the proposed resolution aloud, Council member Williamson introduced Resolution 2013-21, “Resolution to Transfer TIF Funds to the General Fund”, and moved its adoption. Second by Wickwire. Roll call vote-all ayes. Resolution adopted.
BUDGET AMENDMENT: No comments had been received and none were voiced. Council member Gallentine introduced Resolution 2013-22, “A Resolution Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending June, 2014”, and moved its adoption. Second by Williamson. Roll call vote-all ayes. Resolution adopted.
3rd STREET SW PROPERTY: Following review of a drawing of the property, Council member Diehl introduced Resolution 2013-23, “Resolution Proposing Sale of City Property”, and moved its adoption. Second by Williamson. Roll call vote-all ayes. Resolution adopted.
CITY CODE: This was tabled until the complete draft code is received from MIDAS.
WATER MAIN CREEK CROSSING: The Clerk informed the Council that City Engineer Eldon Rossow was providing more information to DNR for the construction permit. The Council discussed estimates for the project. Council member Gallentine moved, contingent upon receipt of the DNR permit, to accept a proposal from Dayton Farm Drainage to install a six inch water main by open-cut for $6,975 plus materials. Second by Diehl. Motion carried unanimously.
2013 FISCAL EXAMINATION: The Council reviewed the two proposals received to perform a fiscal examination of the 2012-2013 fiscal year. Council member Diehl moved to accept the proposal from Schnurr and Company for this work. Second by Williamson. Motion carried unanimously.
CITY ELECTION: The Council was informed that candidates for a City Council position must return completed petition and affidavit forms to the City Clerk’s Office by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 19th.
STREET PROJECT: The Council reviewed street project financial information.
PROPERTY ANNEXATION: No responses were received from recent letters regarding an information meeting on proposed property annexation. The Council directed City Attorney Hemmingson to write letters regarding property tax rates to affected property owners..
SMOKE TESTING: The Council was informed of four problem areas discovered during recent sanitary sewer smoke testing. They directed the Clerk to send letters to those property owners.
BUILDING PERMITS: Council member Diehl moved to approve a permit for a step and concrete slab for Becky Comp at 304 3rd Street NE. Second by Williamson. Motion carried unanimously. Council member Gallentine moved to approve a permit for a concrete pad and deck for Frank DeGroote at 29 South Main Street. Second by Williamson. Motion carried unanimously. After discussion, Council member Diehl moved to deny a permit for a deck for Glenn Schreiber at 105 1st Street NE. Second by Wickwire. Motion carried unanimously. The Council directed the Clerk to inform Mr. Schreiber that they may consider selling some street right of way so that the deck may be built. Council member Gallentine moved to approve a permit to move an existing garage, remove an existing building, and build a new garage for Brian Schultz at 105 2nd Street NW. Second by Williamson. Motion carried unanimously.
PARK BUILDING: Council member Wickwire reported that the Park and Recreation Board is finalizing construction costs for a restroom building and small shelter house at the school park. She also asked City Foreman Johnson to assist with a park facility inspection.
TREE REMOVAL: Council member Williamson moved to accept a proposal from Powers Tree Service to take down a tree located on the parking at 106 4th Street SW for $800. Second by Wickwire. Motion carried unanimously.
PUBLISHING COSTS: Following discussion, the Council agreed that future notices should be published in legal size format only.
THANK YOU LETTERS: The Council reviewed letters thanking Harcourt Equipment and the Webster County Sheriff’s Department for the use of ATVs by the Dayton Police Department during Labor Day Weekend.
BEGGAR’S NIGHT: Council member Gallentine moved to set Beggar’s Night on Thursday, October 31st from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Second by Williamson. Motion carried unanimously.
BASEBALL FIELD: Council members signed a letter to the Southeast Webster Grand School Board concerning the Dayton baseball field.
LIFT STATION MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: Council member Gallentine moved to approve a lift station maintenance agreement with Iowa Pump Works for $565 per year. Second by Williamson. Motion carried unanimously.
POLICE AMMUNITION: Council member Williamson moved to approve a purchase of ammunition by the police department totaling approximately $1,200. Second by Wickwire. Motion carried unanimously.
LIBRARY TAX LEVY: After Mayor Travis read the proposed resolution aloud, Council member Gallentine introduced Resolution 2013-24, “Resolution to Submit a Question of a Tax Levy to Voters”, and moved its adoption. Second by Williamson. Roll call vote-all ayes. Resolution adopted.
OTHER BUSINESS: Craig Johnson reported on repairs to the Tree of Hope lights. He will get estimates for repairs to the street sweeper. Nick Dunbar reported that the new reserve officers are in the ILEA certification process.
ADJOURN: Council member Diehl moved to adjourn. Second by Wickwire. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:56 p.m.
Mayor Richard Travis Attest