MONDAY 3RD DECEMBER 2012 at 6.30 – 8.00PM


Dr B Power John Henry
Dr M Patel Hilda Jackson
Fern Whitelam Katherine Smith
Maureen Linsay Nelson Quashie
Dr P Geraghty
Dr P Antony
Susan Bruce
Clare Lee
Gemma Lee
1. / Introductions
Introductions took place within the group.
FW welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for giving their time up to attend.
FW informed everyone that SB had intended to feedback to the meeting regarding the Patient/Carer Community Scheme which she had attended at the Leeds Institute of Medical Education, however, unfortunately she was unable to attend.
The Attendance Sheet was signed.
2. / Minutes of Previous Meeting
FW summarised the minutes from the previous meeting, highlighting the four points which had arisen and the actions which had been taken to mitigate them:
·  Patients were unaware that they were able to have a telephone consultation with either a doctor or a nurse.
·  Patients were unaware that they were able to pre-book an appointment up to 3 months in advance.
·  A complaint regarding no afternoon surgeries at the Morris Lane site.
·  A request for the surgery times to be displayed in the waiting area.
Action taken - A poster was devised and displayed in the waiting areas advising of telephone consultations, pre-bookable appointments and all surgery times at both sites.
FW also shared a copy of a newsletter which she had designed which also detailed all of the above, with the group.
HJ said that she had not received minutes from the previous meeting. MP replied that a copy had been put on the website for everyone to access. HJ said that she had not been aware of this.
FW advised everyone present that she would ensure that the minutes and a link to the website were circulated to all members of the group.
3. / GP Commissioning
Dr Power shared his presentation on the NHS Reforms and GP Commissioning with everyone present.
A discussion ensued with people asking questions throughout the presentation.
4. / Any Other Business
5. / Date and Time of Next Meeting - TBC