Clifton Diocese
Wardour Catholic Primary School Headteacher: Miss Caroline Lander
Tisbury, Wiltshire
01747 870537
Keeping the child safe from discrimination (ECM)
1.Wardour School is a Voluntary Aided Catholic primary school that was established by the Wardour Chapel Trust ‘to be used as a Roman Catholic school for the education of Roman Catholic children’. (Trust Deed January 1898) The Governing Body, acting in accordance with the Clifton Diocese Policy Statement, the Code of Practice and in consultation with the Local Authority, is responsible for the admission of pupils.
2. The Admission No. for Foundation Stage 2 2014/15is 17 as it is for all other year groups.
Applications for a reception place at the school should be made on Wiltshire Council’s common admission form (available from the school office) or direct from Wiltshire Council, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire. BA14 8JB. Application can also be made online at sent to Schools Admission Department, Dept for Children and Education, County Hall, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 8JB. Applications for a reception place must be submitted by noon on 15th January 2015.
Wiltshire LA will send details of those children whose parents have expressed a preference for Wardour Catholic Primary School to the Clerk toGovernors at the school by 24thFebruary 2015 In the event of oversubscription the Governing Body will then seek the additional information necessary to apply the oversubscription criteria listed under section 4 of this policy. The Governing Body will apply its criteria to the applicants and notify the LA of its decision. Wiltshire LA will post notification to all parentswho submitted an application form by 15th January 2014on behalf of the Governors of Wardour Catholic Primary School by 16th April 2015.
3.Late Applications for normal round of admissions
A late application is one received after the deadline of noon 15th January 2015.
4. In the event of over-subscription (i.e. more applications than available places) places will be offered in accordance with the following order of priority:
4.1 Baptized Catholic looked after children.
4.2Baptized children who are Catholics and who live in the parish of Tisbury and Wardour.
4.3 Baptized Catholic children residing outside the designated catchment area.
4.4 Other looked-after children (as defined by Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and 2012 Code)
4.5Children who have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission. Brother and sister are defined as children who share one natural parent, step- brother or sister, or have been legally adopted or fostered into the family.
4.6 Children of other Christian faiths who live in the parish, evidenced by a Baptismal Certificate or equivalent and accompanied by a letter from the Vicar/Minister/Pastor.
4.7Other applicants not in the above categories.
We are able to admit twins and other multiple-birth childrento infant classes even if it takes the class over the 30-child limit.
In Categories 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 baptismal certificates or equivalent should be available for inspection. A map of the Parish is available at the school.
5. Tiebreakers:
When applications within Category 4.2, (i.e. children who are baptized Catholics) exceed the number of places available, priority will be given to:
- Children who have a brother or sister at the school at the time of their admission
Priority in all the above categories will be given to:
- Children who live nearest to the school
If there are more applications than places available within any of the criteria above then the
straight-line distance from the child’s home address to the school will be used as a tie-break.
Distances will be measured using Ordnance Survey eastings and northings (which are unique foreach postal address) with the child being the shortest distance from the school being given higher priority. In the event that two or more distances are identical, the allocation of places will be decided by casting lots witnessed by the Parish Priest.
6.In-Year Applications (for years outside the normal intake year for the school).
6.1All applicants for any school place must complete a school application form which should be returned to Wardour Catholic Primary School, Wardour, Nr. Tisbury, Salisbury. SP3 6RF.
6.2For a Foundation or VA school, the school’s governing body is responsible for deciding the outcome of the application and advising the LA accordingly within 10 school days of the date on which the information was received by the school.
6.4A decision letter will be sent out by the school within twenty school days of receiving the application form and this will provide information, if appropriate, about the statutory right of appeal.
6.5Children not placed at one of their preferred schools will be considered under the Fair Access Protocol.
6.6Waiting lists for schools must be kept and will be managed as per the admission arrangements for the particular school involved. Waiting lists will be kept in order of the relevant oversubscription criteria and not in date order of receipt.
7.Deadline for accepting places which have been offered either via the admission process of on places secured on appeals
The local authority has in the last year tightened up their policy for parents who have been offered places and have delayed taking up admission. It is now the Local Authority’s policy for Voluntary Controlled (VC)or Community ( C ) Schools , that parents must:
- if the place is accepted, take up the place within 28 working days of the required admissions date stated on the original application form. Failure to do this would result in the offer of a place being withdrawn.
- If a parents secures a place on at a VC or C school on appeal that place must also be taken up within 28 days of the required admission date started on the original application form.
8.Children from overseas.
Children who hold a full British Citizen passport or children whose passport has been endorsed to show they have the right of abode in the country are entitled to apply for a place at a maintained school. The passport or visa should be made available for inspection before an offer of a school place can be made. Asylum Seekers should make available evidence of their right of abode as provided by the National Asylum Support Service.
9.Late applications
Applications received after the closing date given in paragraph 2 above but before the offer of places is made by the Governing Body, will be considered in accordance with the priorities in 4 above if, in the opinion of the Admissions Committee, there were good grounds for applicants not being able to meet the required deadlines (see paragraph 26 of the Co- ordinated admission scheme)Other late applications will be deemed as casual and will be considered after all those which were received on time.
10.Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs
There is a different procedure for the admission to school for children with Statements of Special Educational Needs: it is administered by the local authority (LA.) in whose area the family lives. Central SEN Services is responsible for issuing the Statement and consulting parents and the governing body of Wardour Catholic Primary School if a preference has been made for the school, before it is named in the statement. Children with a statement which names Wardour Catholic School will always be admitted to the school.
11. Start dates
From September 2011 all reception age children will be able to attend school full time. Part time provision will also be available. The LA has determined part time to be five mornings a week or five afternoons a week. If parents wish their child to attend part time from September 2015 or to defer entry until later on in the academic year for which admissions is sought they must arrange this with the school.