T h e L a w
No. 7687 dated on 16.03.1993
Based on the Law no. 7491 article 16, dated 29.04.1991 "For the main constitutional provisions”, with the proposal by Council of Ministers,
Parliament of Republic of Albania
I. General Provisions
Article 1
Statistical service aims to collect, elaborate, examine, publish and archive the statistical data.
Article 2
Statistical service is carried out by the Institute of Statistics, district statistics departments, departments of statistics in the ministries or other central institutions, civil offices and other subjects.
Article 3
Enterprises, institutions, civil offices, and other judicial or physical subjects are obliged to provide the statistical data in full compliance with national statistical program approved at national level. They are also required to use the criteria, the methodology, nominations and classification as approved by the Institute of Statistics. Local tax offices are required to inform the Institute of Statistics of the changes in the enterprises, institutions or other subjects.
Article 4
All the statistical data, collected either individually or by incumbent offices, are confidential (or confidential statistics). This data cannot be used for fiscal inspection purposes, economic repression or investigation. The employees responsible for the data registration, elaboration, collection, must not let out the secret of the information and nominal publication.
Article 5
The data collected through observation or statistical registration, except published data, can be delivered for research purposes according to the user request only when approved or authorized by the Director of Institute of Statistics. The data published and delivered by the Institute of Statistics represent state official data
Article 6
Institute of Statistics is a central institution under the authority of Council of Ministers, which approves the number of staff in the Institute, in the statistics departments in the ministries or other central institutions, as well as the number of staff in local offices.
Article 7
The Director of Institute of Statistics is assigned or dismissed by the Council of Ministers. The local statistics offices are established under Director’s authority. The Director assigns or dismisses either Institute employees or local departments’ employees. With the proposal of other officials, the Director approves departments’ directors or chiefs either in ministry or any other central institutions.
Article 8
The council of statistics in the Institute functions as consultative organ. The director is the head of this institution and he or she is responsible for the assignment or dismissal of the council members.
Article 9
The Institute of Statistics collects, elaborates the information and finds out the statistical results, which are analyzed and published. It supervises the implementation of the methodological criteria that meets international standards. The Institute organizes and directs the overall registration as approved by Council of Ministers. If requested by high officials of directorates, central institutions, districts, municipal offices or political parties, the Institute of Statistics carries out observation or monitoring.
Article 10
Delay or provision of inaccurate information as requested by Institute of Statistics, in case it is not a criminal offence, constitutes an administrative offence and is subject to fines. Various subjects, senior officials of institutions or statistic offices breaking the rules, are subject to fines up to 2000 Leks (about 13.5 USD). In case of recurrence within a period of three years, the amount of the fine goes up to ten thousands for any kind of rule violation. Persons, which have accepted to provide personal information to the Institute of Statistics, but delay or provide inaccurate data, are also subject to fines that go from 500 up to 1500 Leks and in case of recurrence 1500 up to 5000 Leks (about 33.5 USD). Institute of Statistics’ employees, who let out the secrecy or confidentiality, are subjects to fines of about 2000 leks.
Article 11
Directors or chiefs in the Institute of Statistics or chiefs of statistics departments in ministries or other central institutions have the authority to determine the fines. The complaints about the fine decision can be presented within 10 days after its announcement, to the Director of Institute of Statistics, whose decision is mandatory.
IV. Final provisions
Article 12
Law no 6802, articles 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, dated 29.6.1983 "On drafting, approval and application of a unique and general economic and cultural development plan of the Republic of Albania”, as well as any other provisions against the law, are revoked.
Article 13
Issued by Decree no. 499, dated 26.3.1993 of the President of Republic of Albania, Mr. Sali Berisha