Cumbria’s Third Sector
Cumbria has a large and vibrant third sector, made up of organisations that play a huge role in the life of Cumbrian communities. These organisations range from community groups run entirely by volunteers to large local charities and social enterprises, some of which employ several hundred staff and have a multi-million pound turnover each year. From the volunteers running our village halls and mountain rescue teams, to the specialist staff working in our hospices and children’s centres, life in Cumbria quite simply wouldn’t be the same without them. The people of Cumbria are at the core – people giving and receiving support, and increasing sustainability of our local economies, environment, culture and heritage.
In 2014, Cumbria had 2850 registered third sector organisations (NRF Trends Study). It is obviously harder to quantify the number of “under the radar” groups, the small groups with no requirement to register, but these are estimated to roughly double the size of the sector, to almost 5000 organisations.
The third sector employs more than 9,000 full time equivalent staff, and the registered organisations alone work with more than 50,000 volunteers. Those volunteers give at least 3.9 million hours of their time for free – a contribution that would cost over £25 million a year if paid at the minimum wage. The third sector as a whole brings around £400m to the Cumbrian Economy (Cumbria Social Enterprise Partnership).
Cumbria Third Sector Network
Cumbria Third Sector Network brings these many diverse organisations together and provides a mechanism for involving them in the planning of local services. The network has mechanisms to select representatives onto Cumbria's strategic partnerships, and to give the sector a voice to lobby and influence local partners. The network has existed since 2007, and now has a mature and robust relationship with many local statutory sector partners. The network’s structure is illustrated on the diagram overleaf.
Specialist Networks
Cumbria Third Sector Network achieves its structure by bringing together the specialist networks that already exist within Cumbria’s Third Sector. These networks are the “slices” shown on the diagram, with the “outer wheel” showing areas of broad interest, and the “inner wheel” naming the networks that already exist. Most, but not all areas, are currently covered. In this way the Network adds value to the structures that already exists and provides coordinated leadership for Cumbria’s Third Sector.
Each network selects a representative(s) to attend meetings of the Cumbria Third Sector Executive.
There is wide variation between the specialist networks – some meet regularly, whilst others exist only as an email network. All must meet minimum standards relating to their membership and selection/support of representatives. The network will encourage, and where possible support, the development of new networks to fill gaps in the current picture.
Cumbria Third Sector Executive
Cumbria Third Sector Executive provides a focus for representation, lobbying and leadership for Cumbria’s third sector.
It is made up of a representative of each of the specialist networks, and has the ability to co-opt additional members who have a significant representative or leadership role in Cumbria’s third sector.
It recruits an independent chair, and elects a vice chair from within Cumbria’s Third Sector.
Over recent years, the third sector network has secured representation on many of the key local partnerships, has chaired the Cumbria Leadership Board, and is currently chairing Cumbria’s Public Health Alliance. In 2013/4, Cumbria Third Sector Network led a Welfare Reform Commission on behalf of the Cumbria Leadership Board; this pinpointed where welfare reforms were causing hardship in Cumbria, and made national and local recommendations on how these could be mitigated.
Cumbria Compact Steering Group
The Cumbria Compact creates the frameworkfor developing the relationship between public and third sector organisations in Cumbria, supporting them to work together to strengthen communities and improve the lives of people in Cumbria. The Steering Group oversees its implementation and development, and nominates a representative to attend Third Sector Executive Meetings.
Healthwatch Cumbria
Healthwatch Cumbria aims to act as the consumer champion for health and care service users. It is itself a third sector organisation, but also has a number of statutory powers and roles. Healthwatch Cumbria nominates a representative to attend Third Sector Executive meetings.
To find out more about Cumbria Third Sector Network, contact:
Carolyn Otley
Cumbria Third Sector Network Coordinator
Cumbria CVS
6 Hobson Court
Gillan Way
Cumbria CA11 9GQ
Tel: 01768 800350
Or visit our website, which also gives further information about our specialist networks and how to contact their representatives on Cumbria Third Sector Executive: