Shrewsbury Town Council
Recreation & Leisure Committee
Meeting held at Guildhall, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury
At 6.00pm on Wednesday 30 July 2014
PRESENT – Councillors Mrs B Baker (Chairman in absence of Committee Chairman or Vice-Chairman), K Pardy (Vice Chair took over as Chair), A Bannerman, Mrs H Fraser, I Jones, M Kenny, A Mosley, Mrs K Owen and K Roberts.
IN ATTENDANCE – Helen Ball (Town Clerk), Gary Farmer (Operations Manager), Rebecca Oliver (Committee Clerk), Mr David Kilby (Shropshire playing Fields Association) and one member of the public.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – there were no apologies received.
There were no declarations of interest.
The minutes of the Recreation & Leisure Committee meeting held on 11 June 2014 were submitted as circulated and read.
That the minutes of the Recreation & Leisure Committee meeting held on
11 June 2014 be approved and signed as a correct record.
16.1 Update on Projects
Ref: 3/14 Christmas Lights
The Christmas lights are progressing well and work will start after the Summer Season to install the pit to take the centre pole in the Square. This will be to hold up the Christmas Tree light display.
Ref: 4.1 Shillingston Drive Open Space – Fencing
The Council are waiting for the arrival of hoops to complete this job and secure the site. The local residents are pleased with the work done so far.
Ref: 4.3 BMX Track at Mary Webb Road
The BMX track that had previously been modified by the youngsters has been upgraded as part of the Community Action Day and has now been made safe. Officers are also reviewing local views on the re-opening of the gates which were closed last year following anti social behaviour.
16.2 Update on Developer Issues
Ref: 6.1 Mytton Oak Road - The Section 106 agreement has been signed.
Ref: 6.2 Shelton Hospital Site - Members of the Planning Committee have submitted various objections to this application. The outcome of the planning process is awaited.
Ref: 6.3 Oak Street - The developer would like Shrewsbury Town Council to adopt the village green in the centre of the new development at Oak Street head. However, the site does not meet the adoption protocols and a meeting is being arranged with the directors to resolve the issues.
Ref: 6.4 Longden Road - There was no progress to report regarding this site of open play.
Ref: 6.5 Ellesmere Grange - This development has been costed out ready for the Section 106 development.
Ref: 6.6 Shillingston Drive – The Council’s adoption policy has been sent.
Ref: 6.7 Shrewsbury South Sustainable Urban Development Site - There is a meeting arranged for next week regarding this development.
16.3 Update on Recreation Ground Matters
Ref: 9.3 County Ground CCTV – further to the last meeting quotations have been received to provide four CCTV infra-red cameras and recording equipment as well as incorporating the two static CCTV cameras on the neighbouring play area at a cost of £749 plus around £195 per monitor. The contractor already provides other remote CCTV systems for the Town Council and staff are already trained in downloading data
That the quotation be approved.
Ref: 9.4 Kynaston Road Recreation Ground – the owners of the unauthorised caravan which was removed following court orders for eviction, has had the court costs made against him/her.
16.3 Bronze Level Tasking
Councillor Kenny asked if the Town Clerk would be reporting back from the Bronze Level Tasking group to the R&L or F&GP committee. The Town Clerk was flexible but felt it more appropriate to be this committee as the group is practical with discussions centred around recreational assets. There was a meeting a couple of weeks ago but the minutes have not yet been produced.
The meeting was joined by David Kilby, (Secretary, Shropshire Playing Fields Association) who gave a presentation on Freedom of Time, Play Through Sport. The purpose of the presentation was to ask Shrewsbury Town Council to support and help Shropshire Playing Field Association’s bid to promote the value and benefits of play across the local communities. He encouraged Councillors and Officers to promote Shrewsbury as a ‘Town of Play’ as well as its existing reputation as a ‘Town of Flowers’. This would also start to tackle problems in society such as obesity, social inclusion, crime reduction, educational achievement, health improvement etc.
Play comes in a variety of forms including art, dance, drama, music etc. and the experience of play is more important than the activity itself. Mr Kilby explained why play is so valuable and gave Pengwern Boatclub as a good example of where play is thriving. Other examples were discussed and how competition can be used in an encouraging way.
Mr Kilby stated computer games are the single largest contributor to child obesity, leading to premature deaths. Councillor Owen believed children played outside less because the parents were worried about their safety.
Councillor K Pardy joined the meeting.
Mr Kilby suggested the Town Council could set up a Shrewsbury Town Badge Sport Award Scheme aimed at different age groups at different stages of development involving the parents as the judges.
When asked for a definition of Play, Mr Kilby said it has no definition, no boundaries, it is serious but fun, it is good and bad and its concept is undervalued.
Councillors A Bannerman and Mrs H Fraser joined the meeting.
Councillor Kenny stated that competition is key to improving at a sport and that there is nothing wrong with competition when managed in the right way. Mr Kilby continued listing the benefits of play to the older generations which needs more promotion in the town. Play can delay symptoms of dementia. Councillor Jones asked the Town Clerk if CIL money could be used to provide play areas for older people. He was told that the Councillors can identify CIL money for adult play by setting it in Shrewsbury Place Plan.
Councillor Baker gave numerous examples of children at play to back up her statement that play is already thriving in Shrewsbury. She agreed that teenagers play less i.e. on the playground but felt this was due to their mentality, peer pressure and change of interests as they get older. The Quarry demonstrates what different age groups like to do as an area of unstructured play.
The Town Clerk asked if Mr Kilby had taken his request to Sports Development at Shropshire Council as she too felt Shrewsbury Town Council was already promoting play in many different ways from having discussion with developers to adopt open play areas to providing and maintaining 40 play areas across the town. Other Councillors added to that with their own examples where teenagers do alternative activities, adults participate in events i.e. Dragon Boat Race and how the attitude to play and sport have changed i.e. boys now dance.
Councillor Mosley stated that computer games do not lead to obesity, but the potential lifestyle of eating, drinking junk food whilst sitting still for hours will lead to becoming overweight and unhealthy. Sport is then less appealing to people in this category.
Mr Kilby was thanked for his presentation; he stayed for the remainder of the meeting.
18/14 QUARRY
18.1 Quarry Events Update
The Outdoor Recreation & Assets Manager circulated an updated list of events due to be held in the Quarry prior to the meeting.
18.2 Future Play Provision in the Quarry
The Town Clerk reported that the Town Council had received advice from its principal play installation contractor regarding provision of disabled children. He explained that disabled children do not wish to be singled out and so the parks have been designed to be multi-functional and to include everyone. The Operations Manager reminded Councillors that a swing for the disabled costing thousands of pounds was removed from the Quarry Park because it was not used.
Councillor Mosley suggested that the play equipment in the Quarry play area needed upgrading and potentially extending. The facility is extremely well used but compared to Telford’s play area is very dated. He proposed that the existing equipment be assessed to see if it is fit for purpose and cost out an upgrade. Depending on the budget, an extension could be considered as the facility is often overcrowded. All play areas need to be reviewed and their popularity explored.
Councillor Kenny was concerned over any play areas being removed as the core strategy stated that every resident should be within 10 – 15 minute walk from the play area. The Town Clerk pointed out that the bigger play areas make the smaller ones less popular. With regards to the costings, the upgrade of the Quarry was likely to be in the region of £250k, with the smaller play areas costing £40k to refurbish.
There was also a discussion over redeveloping the paddling pool in the Quarry which is currently dated. Some would prefer to replace the pool with fountains as seen in Telford and Walsall, and Councillor Jones suggested costing out the option of turning the summer paddling pool into a winter ice rink. As the facility belongs to Shropshire Council, Shrewsbury Town Council can only make recommendations.
Councillor Baker left the meeting to attend a Mayoral engagement. Councillor Pardy took over as Chairman.
Councillor Jones asked if the proposed disabled play area identified in the 2003 PFI bid to be located at the back of the Lantern was ever installed. The Operations Manager said in 2005 there was a change of administration and new equipment was put in but not specifically for the disabled. The area has also recently been upgraded.
The Town Clerk expressed her frustrations at being involved in discussions about adopting play areas too late in the process. The committee offered to help by discussing this with the Head of Planning.
That a Working Group be set up to review the play areas consisting of Councillors A Bannerman, Mrs K Owen and K Pardy.
Councillor Mrs H Fraser left the meeting.
The Town Clerk reported on the visit last week from the Herat of England in Bloom Judges and today’s tour around the town with the Britain In Bloom Judges. The feedback from all involved was very positive. The Operations Manager’s highlights included meeting the Countryside Team and the visiting Monkmoor Recreation Ground which was in immaculate condition. The Britain In Bloom Judges grilled staff for over 3.5 hours and their horticultural experience showed through their questioning. They were particularly impressed by the partnership working and the continuation of horticultural traditions i.e. taking on Apprentices.
The Officers and all involved in Bloom were congratulated by the Councillors.
20.1 Springfield Recreation Ground – Roof Soffits
The Town Clerk reported that investigative work on replacing the roof soffits had revealed asbestos which needed to be removed. Project costs totalled £11850 and would be funded through the annual Buildings Maintenance budget.
20.2 County Ground Pavilion
a) Improvements to the County Ground Pavilion
This site has become a multi sports facility to include cricket, rounders, canoeing and mini football. The various clubs were looking into plans to extend but before they can apply for grants, a formal lease agreement needs to be drawn up by Shrewsbury Town Council. The condition of any grant would likely require a 20-25 year lease.
Councillors asked how the Council would prevent the club becoming exclusive to some clubs or those who wish to use it as a ‘one-off’. The Town Clerk assured members that the conditions of any formal lease agreement would ensure this inclusivity. A sports association would also be required to be set up.
(i) That the principle of a formal lease to facilitate the seeking of capital grant funding be agreed;
(ii) The Town Clerk be given authority to proceed with negotiations with the relevant sports clubs.
b) Beacons Cricket Club
The Town Clerk reported that the Beacons Cricket club are applying for England Cricket Boards Accreditation (ECB). The first visit was very successful. She also commented on the number of letters she receives from players at the club commending the Council on providing such a fabulous facility. The ECB were looking to make the County Ground a Centre of Cricketing Excellence.
20.3 Boiler House Pitch – temporary Hospital Helicopter Pad
The Town Clerk has been approached by the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital looking for an alternative site to use as a helipad whilst theirs is upgraded. The Boiler House pitch has been identified as appropriate and the ward members have raised no objections. The local residents will be informed and the RSH will take ownership of the site and be responsible for marshalling, maintenance and restoration work. The helicopter is expected to land between 5 - 6 times a week and it is anticipated that the project will be completed by October 2014. A licence agreement will be put in place.
Councillors raised no objections.
20.4 Monkmoor Recreation Ground – Centre of Excellence