
Lead Presenter.
First Name Valerie
Last Name Todacheene
Position Title Education Program Specialist
Agency/Organization/School District Name Bureau of Indian Education-Division of Performance & Accountability
Address 1 1011 Indian School Rd. NW Suite 332
City Albuquerque
State (use standard two-letter abbreviation - e.g., TX) NM
Zip Code 87104
Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) 505-563-5269
Email address

Session title:
Partnering with Higher Education Institutions in developing Trainings for Homeless Students & Parents through Service Learning

Session description for program:
The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) Homeless Program initiated a partnership with The University of New Mexico’s Native American Studies program in developing training(s) for homeless students and their families through service learning. This session will discuss this partnership and the outcomes of the “NTVE 461: Community-Based Learning in Indigenous Contexts” course where students assisted the BIE State Coordinator in developing training modules for McKinney-Vento youth in high school and their parents about accessing and maneuvering the postsecondary education system.

Provide a minimum of three training objectives/goals for the participants in this session. For examp...
Objective/Goal #1 Participants will be able to see the outcomes of the collaboration by viewing the training products.
Objective/Goal #2 Participants will be able to see how service learning benefits the community, students, and programs in providing support and understanding on issues faced by children/youth in homeless situations.Participants will be able to see how service learning benefits the community, students, and programs in providing support and understanding on issues faced by children/youth in homeless situations.
Objective/Goal #3 Participants will be provided detailed information on how to initiate collaboration with their local University/College in developing a service learning course to support their projects.

Indicate all of the training methods you will use in your presentation:
Video/audio selections

Select the theme(s) that will be addressed by the presentation (select all that apply):
Program Planning – “best practices” at the state and local level for initiating, scaling, implementing, and replicating McKinney-Vento services in school districts and communities
Youth – programs, strategies, and initiatives for older youth and unaccompanied youth

What are the essential elements or components of your presentation that address the presentation the...
The essential elements or components of my presentation that address the presentation themes I selected are “best practices” at the state level in developing training for the students served at the local level which can be replicated by the LEAs within the BIE and involves training initiative targeted for older youth and unaccompanied youth.

How does this session contribute to the advancement, extension and enhancement of the professional...
This session contributes to the advancement, extension & enhancement of the professional skills and knowledge of the practice of education by discussing how a college level course integrates service learning to providing relevant training to homeless youth and their parents.

All lead presenters must provide a Resume/CV or biography. Do you have a Resume/CV/biography in Word...

Select the "Browse" button to navigate to the file you wish to upload. Once you have located the fi...

Are you able to present during any of the scheduled Concurrent Session times?

If your proposal is accepted, what are your conference attendance plans?
I plan to attend the full conference.

Will you need access to the Internet for your presentation?

2 co-presenters.

1st Co-Presenter First Name To be determined
Last Name To be determined
Position Title To be determined
Agency/Organization/School District Name University of New Mexico-Native American Studies Program
Address 1 To be determined
Address 2 To be determined
City Albuquerque
State (use standard two-letter abbreviation - e.g., TX) NM
Zip Code 87131
Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) 505-277-0111
Email Address To be determined
2nd Co-Presenter First Name To be determined
Last Name To be determined
Position Title To be determined
Agency/Organization/School District Name University of New Mexico-Native American Studies Program
Address 1 To be determined
City Albuquerque
State (use standard two-letter abbreviation - e.g., TX) New Mexico
Zip Code 87131
Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) 505-277-0111
Email Address To be determined

I do not plan to have youth co-presenters in my session.