Budget Narrative Template for the Perkins CIP Budget Narrative in Oregon
Utilize the template / tables listed below to develop the Perkins CIP (Continuous Improvement Plan) Budget Narrative. Keep the Budget Narrative in MS Word and use spell check. Then copy and paste it into the Online CIP Budget Narrative Tool -
Other supportive Perkins Budget Narrative and Financial information can be found at:
Perkins Implementation Resources -
The Perkins CIP Budget Narrative will open around June 1 for CIP Budget Narrative entry.
Program Activities
Budget NarrativeDescribe explicitly the programs, activities, and staff being funded by this title. / Function Code / Object Code (select respective Code) / Total
Curric. - Standards & Content 2210. Reg or district Strategy for CTE program dev. & implementation. Reference the following in your narrative;
•CTE program,
•Core Element Area,
•Object Code,
•Describe the expense item in detail (purpose, calculation made to reach your item total).
Primary Regional or District Staffing / Personnel will be presented in subsequent sections. PLEASE DO NOT include personnel within this section.
Be specific to the Curric. - Standards Content 2210 core element
You may group items into Object Code specific categories, yet maintain the detail as to what program and school items are being allocated.
Load the information that is being presented. / Curric. - Standards & Content 2210. / 12X Substitute Salaries
31X Local Instructional Services
31X Regional Instructional Services
34X Travel
410 Consumable Supplies and Materials.
460 Non-consumable Equipment Items
470 Computer Software
480 Computer Hardware
541 Initial /Additional Equipment -
Budget Narrative
Describe explicitly the programs, activities, and staff being funded by this title. / Function Code / Object Code (select respective Code) / Total
Curric - Alignment & Articulation 2210 . Reg or dist. Strategy for CTE program dev. & implementation. Reference the following in your narrative;
•CTE program,
•Core Element Area,
•Object Code,
•Describe the expense item in detail (purpose, calculation made to reach your item total).
Primary Regional or District Staffing / Personnel will be presented in subsequent sections. PLEASE DO NOT include personnel within this section.
Be specific to the Curric - Align. & Art. 2210 core element of Perkins IV.
You may group items into Object Code specific categories, yet maintain the detail as to what program and school items are being allocated.
Load the information that is being presented. / Curric - Alignment & Articulation 2210 . / 12X Substitute Salaries
31X Local Instructional Services
31X Regional Instructional Services
34X Travel
410 Consumable Supplies and Materials.
460 Non-consumable Equipment Items
470 Computer Software
480 Computer Hardware
541 Initial /Additional Equipment -
Budget Narrative
Describe explicitly the programs, activities, and staff being funded by this title. / Function Code / Object Code (select respective Code) / Total
Curric – Accountability & Assessment 2230. Reg or dist. Strategy for CTE program dev. & implementation. Reference the following in your narrative;
•CTE program,
•Core Element Area,
•Object Code,
•Describe the expense item in detail (purpose, calculation made to reach your item total).
Primary Regional or District Staffing / Personnel will be presented in subsequent sections. PLEASE DO NOT include personnel within this section.
Be specific to the Curric -Accountability & Assessment 2230. core element of Perkins IV.
You may group items into Object Code specific categories, yet maintain the detail as to what program and school items are being allocated.
Load the information that is being presented. / Curric - Accountability & Assessment 2230. / 12X Substitute Salaries
31X Local Instructional Services
31X Regional Instructional Services
34X Travel
410 Consumable Supplies and Materials.
460 Non-consumable Equipment Items
470 Computer Software
480 Computer Hardware
541 Initial /Additional Equipment -
Budget Narrative
Describe explicitly the programs, activities, and staff being funded by this title. / Function Code / Object Code (select respective Code) / Total
Curric. – Student Support Services 2100. Reg or dist. Strategy for CTE program dev. & implementation. Reference the following in your narrative;
• CTE program,
• Core Element Area,
• Object Code,
• Describe the expense item in detail (purpose, calc. made to reach your item total).
• Primary Reg. or Dist. Staffing / Personnel will be presented in subsequent sections. PLEASE DO NOT include personnel within this section.
Be specific to the Curric. – Student Spt. Serv. 2100 core element of Perkins
You may group items into Object Code specific categories, yet maintain the detail as to what program and school items are being allocated.
Load the information that is being presented. / Student Support Services 2100. / 12X Substitute Salaries
31X Local Instructional Services
31X Regional Instructional Services
34X Travel
410 Consumable Supplies and Materials.
460 Non-consumable Equipment Items
470 Computer Software
480 Computer Hardware
541 Initial /Additional Equipment -
Budget Narrative
Describe explicitly the programs, activities, and staff being funded by this title. / Function Code / Object Code (select respective Code) / Total
Professional Development 2240. Reg or dist. Strategy for CTE program dev. & implementation. Reference the following in your narrative;
• CTE program,
• Core Element Area,
• Object Code,
• Describe the expense item in detail (purpose, calc. made to reach your item total).
• Primary Reg. or Dist. Staffing / Personnel will be presented in subsequent sections. PLEASE DO NOT include personnel within this section.
Be specific to the Prof. Dev. 2240 core element of Perkins IV.
You may group items into Object Code specific categories, yet maintain the detail as to what program and school items are being allocated.
Load the information that is being presented. / Professional Development 2240. / 111 Licensed Salaries
112 Classified Salaries
11X Support Staff Salaries
11X Program Coordinator Salaries
2XX Licensed Benefits
2XXClassified/Support Staff Benefits
2XX Program Coordinators Benefits
12X Substitute Salaries
31X Local Instructional Services
31X Regional Instructional Services
34X Travel
410 Consumable Supplies and Materials.
460 Non-consumable Equipment Items
470 Computer Software
480 Computer Hardware
541 Initial /Additional Equipment
Budget Narrative
Describe explicitly the programs, activities, and staff being funded by this title. / Function Code / Object Code (select respective Code) / Total
Scientifically Based Research 262X. Regional or district strategy for CTE Program of Study development and implementation. Reference the following in your narrative;
• Program of Study (POS)
• Core Element Area
• Object Code
• Describe the expense item in detail (purpose, calculation made to reach your item total).
• Primary Regional or District Staffing / Personnel will be presented in subsequent sections, PLEASE DO NOT include them within this section.
Be specific to Scientifically Based Research 262X.
You may group items into Object Code specific categories, yet maintain the detail as to what program and school items are being allocated.
Load the information that is being presented. / Scientifically Based Research 262X. / 111 Licensed Salaries
112 Classified Salaries
11X Support Staff Salaries
11X Program Coordinator Salaries
2XX Licensed Benefits
2XXClassified/Support Staff Benefits
2XX Program Coordinators Benefits
Budget Narrative
Describe explicitly the programs, activities, and staff being funded by this title. / Function Code / Object Code (select respective Code) / Total
Consortium Staff: Explicitly describe for all employees funded by Perkins IV*;
•Staff assignment,
•Core element,
• Duties,
•Object code,
• FTE by percent use,
•Hourly rate,
•Calculation to reach item total.
*Time and effort records are required to be maintained in your local office.
You may group items into Object Code specific categories, yet maintain the detail as to what program and school items are being allocated.
Load the information that is being presented. / Consortium Staff:
Curric. - Standards & Content 2210.
Curric - Alignment & Articulation 2210 .
Curric – Accountability & Assessment 2230.
Curric. – Student Support Services 2100.
Professional Development 2240.
Scientifically Based Research 262X.
. / 111 Licensed Salaries
112 Classified Salaries
11X Support Staff Salaries
11X Program Coordinator Salaries
2XX Licensed Benefits
2XXClassified/Support Staff Benefits
2XX Program Coordinators Benefits
12X Substitute Salaries
31X Local Instructional Services
31X Regional Instructional Services
34X Travel
410 Consumable Supplies and Materials.
460 Non-consumable Equipment Items
470 Computer Software
480 Computer Hardware
541 Initial /Additional Equipment
Perkins Basic grant allocation
for 2016-2017 CIP Budget Narrative / Your approved
Indirect Rate
for 2016-2017 CIP Budget Narrative [5.00 %]