This procedure allows you to upload a file from your PC into IFAS and create a General Ledger JE batch. In order to proceed:
- You must have an exceltemplate file on your desktop (PC)with the correct IFAS fields and format.For now email Kelli Roberts, she will forward you one. Eventually this will be on the website.
- You must save the fileas a CSV (Comma delimited) file after entering the JE Data into your excel template.
- The file name must be no more than 8 characters and ALL CAPS before the “.csv” extension.
- You also must have WSFTP installed on your desktop and the proper permissions in IFAS. The proper permissions include the menu masks: CS/JE and GL/UT/RI/IJ
If you are missing WSFTP and/or do not have proper permissions in IFAS, contact the IT Hotline at 225-0279 for support.
The Excel File (Template File):
Data Entry:The excel file is where you enter your journal entry data. Attached to this document is a description of the fields (columns). Many columns in the spreadsheet are not used, so those you can leave blank. Many columns are repeated information, such as TYPE or GL_CODE. Columns that are blank can be hidden, do not delete the column. Hiding column will help when you enter the journal entry data. They can remain hidden throughout the process.
The primary reference is the JEID#. During manual batch entry, the JEID is automatically assigned. In an upload the JEID# is not. A standard naming convention is recommended here. SCOE uses JE, preparer’s initials, then the date, and then a sequential letter, example: JEKR0908A. The important thing here is for filing purposes. SCOE files their JE’s by JEID. Having a date in the JEID will keep the JE’s relatively chronological within the sequential numbers assigned to manual entries. If your district/department has a different filing method, you may want a different naming convention. However, once you establish a method, make sure it is standardized and easy to remember.
Balancing: You can include in one template multiple batches, multiple JEID’s, multiple subfunds and multiple ledgers. However, each batch, JEID, subfund or ledger must balance within it self. If you miss this step in your template, the error will show up on your IFAS batch proof.
When you are done entering data in your excel spreadsheet save it. Now you are ready to create the CSV (comma delimited) file.
The CSV (comma delimited) File:
Save the excel fileas a CSV file. The name must be no longer then 8 characters and ALL CAPS. Do not use the Batch ID as your CSV file. If you do, you won’t be able to convert this file to a batch file. It is recommended to save the CSV files in a consistent folder. Once saved as a CSV file, do the following to the file:
- Delete columns to the right of the data and rows below data.
- Delete the header lines.
- Format the amount columns as follows: Numbers, no separation, 2 decimal places and negative numbers as -1234.56 (do not include paren’s).
- Save again. You will get a message about missing formats, just click yes.
Do not open the CSV file again. If you do, the formatting will disappear and you will need to repeat the above steps.
Transfer the CSV file (FTP) from your desktop (PC) to IFAS.
- Click the WSFTP iconon your desktop and press OK.
- When the WS_FTP screen appears:
Highlight the file on the Local System side.
Click the ASCII Radial button.
Click the arrow to FTP (transfer) the file
Click Exit to close the WS_FTP window
Use the pull downs to position to a different folder on the local system or to a different directory on the remote site.
The remote site (IFAS) should point to the ”/upload” directory.
The file is now ready to process from the IFAS menu mask:
Prepare the file (Copy & format (pad)) to upload for IFAS batch processing (CSJE).
- Run CSJE (Copy JE upload file) from the IFAS CS Shasta County Scripts menu.
- When the output window appears, enter the 8character file name of the batch file you want to process. Do not enter the “.csv” extension.
To see a list of files available for conversion enter “L”.
Now the file is ready to be converted into a batch file.
Convert the Interface File to a Batch File(GLUTRIIJ).
Multi-Ledger JE Batch is checked!
Enter the 8character file name(CSV file)for the interface file. This is the CSV file name from the previous step.
Use normal IFAS JE batch naming conventions for the JE Batch File name(The name should be the same as what you keyed into your batch template file.
Sort Batch Default = No (This keeps data in order of entry)
Entries Summarized = No