34-A Palladina Ave., Kyiv, 03143
Tel./fax: (044) 423 17 96, email:
State license
Design works
Series AV no. 591524 of Aug. 25, 2011
KM 333+800 - KM 347+280 IN THE POLTAVA OBLAST
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
34-A Palladina Ave., Kyiv, 03143
Tel./fax: (044) 423 17 96, email:
State license
Design works
Series AV no. 591524 of Aug. 25, 2011
KM 333+800 - KM 347+280 IN THE POLTAVA OBLAST
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Director / T.M. KonovalenkoDesign & Survey Group Head / V.G. Ivanova
Chief Developer / Yu.Ye. Tyschenko, Ph.D.
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Section of the Principal Motor Road M-03 Kyiv - Kharkiv - Dovzhanskyi Reconstruction Designs for the Section km 333+800 - km 347+280 in the Poltava oblast has been developed in compliance with the effective norms, rules and standards of Ukraine which:
- impose requirements for the contents, essence and execution of design documents;
- specify provisions (requirements) as to the designing, construction, operation and maintenance of transport facilities;
- regulate healthcare, occupational and fire safety;
- ensure environmental safety and protection;
- setsanitary and epidemiologicalindicators.
Chief DeveloperYu.Ye. Tyschenko, Ph.D.
4.1.Climate and Microclimate
4.2.Atmospheric Air Contamination
4.3.Acoustical Contamination
4.4.Geological Environment
4.6. Soils
4.6.The Plant and Animal Communities. Objects of the Nature Reserve Fund
7.1.Resource-Saving Arrangements
7.2.Safeguard Arrangements
7.3.Protective Arrangements
7.4.Rehabilitation Arrangements
7.5.Countervailing Arrangements
7.6.Waste Treatment
8.1.The Comprehensive Assessment of Impacts
8.2.Determining an Environmental Risk Degree
8.3.The List of Residual Effects
- License (copy)
- Opinion by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine no. 532 dated August 08, 2007
- Statement of Intent (copy)
- Statement on Environmental Impacts from the Designed Activity
- Specifications of On-Site Measurements
- Adverse Impacts Mitigation Plan (draft)
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Section is an integral part of the Principal Motor Road M-03 Kyiv - Kharkiv - Dovzhanskyi Reconstruction Designs for the Section km 333+800 - km 347+280 in the Poltava oblast.
The Project Employer is the Service of Motor Roads in the Poltava Oblast.
The General Designer is the state-run enterprise “Ukrdiprodor”.
The EIA Section has been developed by ICE “Ukrpromindustriya” (Kyiv).
The motor road network condition is one of the national social and economic development indicators with the priority task of the state transport policies being the rehabilitation of existing, and construction of new, motor roads.
The M-03 motor road Kyiv - Kharkiv - Dovzhanskyi connects the capital of Ukraine with the eastern border of the Russian Federation and passes through the oblasts of Kyiv, Poltava, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Lugansk, provides for local and transit motor road connections of the central and eastern regions of Ukraine and for international passenger and cargo traffic.
In the Poltava oblast the highway starts on the border with the Yagotyn rayon of the Kyiv oblast, passes through the Pyriatyn, Lubny, Khorol, Velyka Bagachka, Poltava and Chutove rayons to the border of the Kolomak rayon of the Poltava oblast.
The M-03 motor road reconstruction on the section km 210+000 - km 300+550, km 323+000 - km 329+050 is planned with a view of improving the Ukraine’s national transport and communication infrastructure.
The need to reconstruct M-03 motor road is accounted for by the currentlyunsatisfactory condition of the road pavement, the insufficient number of convenient traffic interchanges and bypasses around Populated Localities, and the non-conformity of motor road riding qualities with modern standards. These factors have an adverse impact on the road traffic capacity, given increasing traffic density, road safety levels, environmental and sanitarian safety of adjacent territories and Populated Localities.The current road condition doesn’t fully ensure quick, comfortable, efficient and safe passenger and freight traffic, can’t foster further social and economic development, advance competitiveness of the national road network.
In 2005-2006 the Feasibility Study for the development of the M-03 motor road, the thenKyiv - Kharkiv - Debaltseve - Izvarne motor road, was drawn up. The Feasibility Study was developed by SE “Ukrdiprodor”(as the General Designer) and its subcontractors based on the Terms of Reference no. 20-1/5 dated February 20, 2005, issued by the Service of Motor Roads in Kharkiv oblast and approved by the State Service of Motor Roads of Ukraine “Ukravtodor”. At the Feasibility Study stage the EIA section was developed by “Geotechnologii”, LLC,upon request of SE “Ukrdiprodor”. The design documents were awarded with a positive opinion by the comprehensive state expert assessment office, in particular a positive opinion was received from the state environmental expert assessment office.
The M-03 Motor Road Reconstruction Designs for the Section km 333+800 - km 347+280 have been developed based on the Terms of Reference for designing issued by the Service of Motor Roads in the Poltava oblast and approved by the State Service of Motor Roads of Ukraine “Ukravtodor”.
The reconstruction of M-03motorroad will enable to:
-improve the transport infrastructure, increase the investment attractiveness of the central and eastern regions of Ukraine;
-ensure due road performance characteristics, traffic speed and comfort;
-increase the local and transit traffic;
-increase the levels of environmental safety; and
-increase the levels of road safety.
Environmental protection is a priority task in road construction. It is important to prevent would-be negative environmental aftermaths of activities. This Section, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), has been developed in order to determine environmental acceptability of the designed object and expected impacts in course of its construction and operation, as per the effective legal requirements in Ukraine.
The following information has been used in the EIA:
- design documents received from the General Designer;
- EIA papers developed at the Feasibility Study stage;
- references, guidelines, scientific, research and other information from open sources.
Information about the Employer and the Developer of the EIA
The EIAEmployer isthe Service of Motor Roads in the Poltava Oblast (address: 22-A Kuybysheva Str., the city of Poltava, 36039; Service Chief – Yuriy Ivanovych Ivahin, tel./fax: (05332) 2-05-46; ).
The EIA Developer is the ICE “Ukrpromindustriya” 34-A Palladina Ave., Kyiv, 03143; Director K.G. Lysychenko;tel./fax: (044) 423 17 96, email: ).
Legal Rationale
Requirements to the EIA papers are set forth by the State Construction Norms (DBN) A.2.2-1-2003 “Content and Essence of the EIA Materials in Designing and Construction of Enterprises, Buildings and Facilities”.
Requirements to environmental protection in the road industry are set forth by the Industrial-Specific Construction Norms (VBN) V.2.-3-218-007-98 “Environmental Requirements to Motor Roads (Designing)”.
Environmental impacts are assessed according to the Industry-Specific Standard of Ukraine (GSTU) 218-02071168-096-2003 “Assessment and Forecasting of the Environmental Condition of Roads and Production Facilities”.
Provisions of the following regulatory acts were used in developing the Environmental Impact Assessment:
-DBNA.2.2-3-2004 “Content, Procedure for the Development, Clearance and Approval of Design Documents for Construction”;
-DBN 360-92 “Urban Development. Planning and Construction in Urban and Rural Populated Localities”.
-DBNA.3.1-5-96 “Management, Organization and Technology. Construction Manufacturing Organization”;
-DBNV.2.3-4: 2007.“Transport Facilities. Motor Roads. Part І. Designing. Part ІІ. Construction”;
-DBNV.2.3-5: 2001.“Transport Facilities. Streets and Roads in Populated Localities”;
-DBNV.2.3-14:2006.“Transport Facilities. Bridges and Pipes. Design Rules”;
-The State Standard of Ukraine (DSTU)BA.2.4-4:2009 “System of Design Documents for Construction. Main Requirements to the Basic Design and Working Drawings. General”;
-The State Sanitary Rules (DSP) 173-96. “State Sanitary Rules for Urban Development and Construction of Populated Localities”;
-DSP 201-97. “State Sanitary Rules for the Atmospheric Air Protection in Populated Localities(from Contamination with Chemical and Biological Substances)”;
-The Sanitary Norms (SN) 3077-84. “Sanitary Normsof Allowable Noise in Residential and Public Buildings, and Residential Construction Areas”;
-The Construction Norms and Rules (SNiP) ІІ-12 “Noise Protection”.
While assessing environmental impacts in course of the designing of construction of motor roads, engineering objects, road infrastructure and other facilities, due regard was given to compulsory provisions of the Ukraine’s regulations that impose environmental, sanitary, urban development and other requirements to the design documents.
1) The sanitary protection zone (SPZ) separation of objects that constitute sources of negative impacts from residential and public-use built-up areas:
-Article 24 of the Law of Ukraine“On the Atmospheric Air Protection”no. 2707- XII dated October 16, 1992;
-Clauses 4.10 and 10.12 of DBN 360-92 “Urban Development. Planning and Construction in Urban and Rural Populated Localities”;
-Clauses 5.4-5.7, 5.25 and 8.8 of DSP 173-96 “State Sanitary Rules for Urban Development and Construction of Populated Localities”;
-Item 3.3 of DSP 201-97 “State Sanitary Rules for the Atmospheric Air Protection in Populated Localities (from Contamination with Chemical and Biological Substances)”.
2)Air emission protection:
-Article 40 of the Law of Ukraine“On the Environmental Protection”no. 1264-XII dated June 25, 1991;
-Articles 10, 17 and 23 of the Law of Ukraine“On the Atmospheric Air Protection” no. 2707-XII dated October 16, 1992;
-Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine“On Ensuring the Population’s Sanitary and Epidemic Well-Being”no. 4004-ХII dated February 24, 1994;
-Article 49 of the Law of Ukraine“On the Road Traffic” no. 3353-XII dated June 30, 1993;
-Article 46 of the Law of Ukraine“On Motor Roads” no. 2862-IV dated September 08, 2005;
-Item 4.6 of DBNV.2.3-4: 2007“Transport Facilities. Motor Roads. Part І. Designing. Part ІІ. Construction”;
-Clauses 8.6 and 8.7 of DSP 173-96 “State Sanitary Rules for Urban Development and Construction of Populated Localities”;
-Clauses 2.3, 3.3 DSP 201-97. “State Sanitary Rules for the Atmospheric Air Protection in Populated Localities (from Contamination with Chemical and Biological Substances)”;
-Clauses 3.7 and 8.2 of VBNV.2.3-218-007-98. “Environmental Requirements to Motor Roads (Designing)”.
3)Acoustical impact protection:
-Articles 40 and 54 of the Law of Ukraine“On the Environmental Protection” no. 1264-XII dated June 25, 1991;
-Articles 13, 17, 21 and 23 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Atmospheric Air Protection” no. 2707-XII dated October 16, 1992;
-Articles 19 and 24 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Population’s Sanitary and Epidemic Well-Being” no. 4004-ХII dated February 24, 1994;
-Article 49 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Road Traffic” no. 3353-XII dated June 30, 1993;
-Clauses 10.21 and 10.22 of DBN 360-92 “Urban Development. Planning and Construction in Urban and Rural Populated Localities”;
-Item 4.6 DBNV.2.3-4: 2007“Transport Facilities. Motor Roads. Part І. Designing. Part ІІ. Construction”;
-Item 8.38 of DSP 173-96 “State Sanitary Rules for Urban Development and Construction of Populated Localities”;
-Item 3.5 VBNV.2.3-218-007-98 “Environmental Requirements to Motor Roads (Designing)”;
-SN 3077-84. “Sanitary Norms of Allowable Noise in Residential and Public Buildings and on the Territory of Residential Construction Areas”;
-SNiP ІІ-12 “Noise Protection”.
4)Soil protection from man-caused contaminations:
-Articles 164, 166, 167 and 168 of the Land Code of Ukraine no. 2768-ІІІ dated January 25, 2001;
-Article 40 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Environmental Protection” no. 1264-XII dated June 25, 1991;
-Articles 35, 44, 45, 46, 47, 52 and 53 of the Law of UkraineOn the Land Protection” no. 962- ІV dated June 19, 2003;
-Article 47 of the Law of Ukraine“On Motor Roads” no. 2862-IV dated September 08, 2005;
-Item 10.20 of DBN 360-92 “Urban Development. Planning and Construction in Urban and Rural Populated Localities”;
-Item 4.6 of DBNV.2.3-4: 2007“Transport Facilities. Motor Roads. Part І. Designing. Part ІІ. Construction”;
-Item 8.20 of DSP 173-96 “State Sanitary Rules for Urban Development and Construction of Populated Localities”;
-Item 3.6 of VBNV.2.3-218-007-98 “Environmental Requirements to Motor Roads (Designing)”;
-SN 4433-87. “Sanitary Norms of Allowable Concentrations of Chemical Substances in Soil”;
5)Top soil preservation:
-Articles 91, 96, 164 and 168 of the Land Code of Ukraine no. 2768-ІІІ dated January 25, 2001;
-Articles 37 and 52 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Land Protection” no. 962- ІV dated June 19, 2003;
-Item 9.2 of DBN 360-92 “Urban Development. Planning and Construction in Urban and Rural Populated Localities”;
-Item 6.1 of VBNV.2.3-218-007-98.“Environmental Requirements to Motor Roads (Designing)”;
-Soviet State Standard (GOST) “Protection of Nature. Soils, Requirements to the Soil Fertile Layer Protection in Earthworks”.
6)Protection of water content of rivers and ground water regimes, and aquatic environment pollution prevention:
-Articles 37, 44, 70, 80, 81, 85, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101 and 105 of the Water Code of Ukraineno. 213/95-VР dated June 06, 1995;
-Articles 40 and 51 of the Law of Ukraine“On the Environmental Protection” no. 1264-XII dated June 25, 1991;
-Item 10.14 of DBN 360-92 “Urban Development. Planning and Construction in Urban and Rural Populated Localities”;
-Item 4.6 of DBNV.2.3-4: 2007“Transport Facilities. Motor Roads. Part І. Designing. Part ІІ. Construction”;
-Clauses 8.14 and 8.15 of DSP 173-96 “State Sanitary Rules for Urban Development and Construction of Populated Localities”;
-Clauses 9.1, 9.5, 10.9 and 10.10 of VBNV.2.3-218-007-98 “Environmental Requirements to Motor Roads (Designing)”;
-Sanitary Rules and Norms (SanPiN) 4630-88 “Sanitary Rules and Norms for Surface Water Protection from Contamination”.
7)Waste water discharge requirements:
-Article 70 of the Water Code of Ukraineno. 213/95-VР dated June 06, 1995;
-Article 49 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Road Traffic” no. 3353-XII dated June 30, 1993;
-Item 10.18 of DBN 360-92 “Urban Development. Planning and Construction in Urban and Rural Populated Localities”;
-Clauses 8.16 and 8.17 of DSP 173-96 “State Sanitary Rules for Urban Development and Construction of Populated Localities”;
-Clauses 9.3, 9.6 and 10.8 of VBNV.2.3-218-007-98 “Environmental Requirements to Motor Roads (Designing)”.
8)Flora and fauna protection:
-Article 97 of the Water Code of Ukraineno. 213/95-VР dated June 06, 1995;
-Article 207 of the Land Code of Ukraine no. 2768-ІІІ dated January 25, 2001
-Articles 45, 46, 81 and 86 of the Forest Code of Ukraine no. 3852-XII dated January 21, 1994;
-Articles 40 and 51 of the Law of Ukraine“On the Environmental Protection” no. 1264-XII dated June 25, 1991;
-Articles 4 and 18 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Plants”no. 180-ХIV dated October 14, 1998;
-Articles 5, 15, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 30 of the Law of Ukraine“On the Plant Community” no. 591-ХIV dated April 09, 1999;
-Articles 9, 10, 16, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43 and 44 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Plant Community” no. 2894-ІІІ dated December 13, 2001;
-Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine“On the Nature Reserve Fund” no. 2456-ХІІ dated June 16, 1992;
-Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Red Book of Ukraine” no. 3055-ІІІ dated February 07, 2002;
-Article 48 of the Law of Ukraine“On Motor Roads” no. 2862-IV dated September 08, 2005;
-Item 11.5 VBNV.2.3-218-007-98 “Environmental Requirements to Motor Roads (Designing)”.
9)Social Environment Impact Restriction:
-Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Urban Development Fundamentals” no. 2780-XII dated November 16, 1992;
-Article 17 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Atmospheric Air Protection” no. 2707- XII dated October 16, 1992;
-Clauses 2.18 and 7.4 of DBN 360-92 “Urban Development. Planning and Construction in Urban and Rural Populated Localities”;
-Clauses 5.26, 8.8 of DSP 173-96 “State Sanitary Rules for Urban Development and Construction of Populated Localities”;
-Item 5.8 of VBNV.2.3-218-007-98 “Environmental Requirements to Motor Roads (Designing)”.
10) Cultural and historic heritage protection:
-Articles 6, 7, 18 and 19 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Archeological Heritage Protection” no. 1626-IV dated March 18, 2004;
-Articles 36 and 37 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Culture Heritage Protection” no. 1805-ІІІ dated August 07, 2000;
11) Classification of motor roads in Ukraine –as per the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine no. 865 dated June 24, 2006, “On the Approval of the List of Principal Public Motor Roads”.
Environmental, Sanitary and Epidemiology, Urban Development and Other Restrictions
In compliance with the effective legislation of Ukraine, while developing design documents for the construction of new objects, one has to take into account existing restrictions established depending on a type of the design activity and its location.
The road construction regulations (i.e. Clauses 4.6.4-4.6.6 of DBN V.2.3-4:2007 and Item 1.6 of VBN V.2.3-218-007-98) set forth environmental grades of designed objects depending on the expected magnitude of effects on the environment and citizens.
The below restrictions must be taken into account in assessing environmental impacts in designing the construction of motor roads, engineering objects, road infrastructure and other transport facilities having environmental impacts.
1) In order to protect the population from adverse effects of noise and emissions, transport facilities are separated from residential and public-use built-up areas with sanitary protection strips (SRS). The sanitary norms set forth the minimum distances (roadside clear zones) from motor roads to residential buildings, i.e. 100 m for category I roads. The industry-specific construction norms, in terms of environmental requirements, establish the ceiling zones of a motor road impact (Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of VBN V.2.3-218-007-98), depending on their environmental grade, in particular the approximate size of protection strips (PS) is recommended to be 300 m subject to free expansion of effects (with no physical obstacles, protective structures) or 200 m subject to shielding obstacles (land forms, vegetation, facilities, etc.) which total length is no less than a half of the protection strip.
2) In order to limit atmospheric emissions, one must comply with the requirements to non-surpassing of the allowable ceiling concentrations (ACC) of harmful substances in the atmospheric air, as established by the sanitary norms. Expected volumes of emissions of contaminating substances (CS) and dynamics of their concentration (emission) in the atmospheric air are calculated for the operational period (20 years) in accordance with the effective road construction guidelines (GSTU 218-02071168-096-2003), taking into account the design traffic density.
3) In order to restrict acoustical effects, one must comply with the requirements as to non-surpassing of the sanitary allowable ceiling levels (ACL) of noise. Computations are similar to those mentioned in the previous item.
4) Preventing soil contaminations by means of introducing measures on their protection, lest the ACL of CS be surpassed. Computations are similar to those in item 2.