A workshop focusing on How to Own a Business will be hosted by the Division on Deaf and Hard of Hearing on Saturday, September 25th, at Lansing Community College, Lansing, Michigan. The workshop will educate people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing the skills needed to operate a business.

The speakers at the workshop have many years of experience working with businesses and are professionals in their field. A panel of business owners who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing will speak about their own experiences in owning a business. The list of speakers and topics includes:

Gary Viall- Which business is the right business for people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing; Communication problems and the solutions

Gary is a graduate of Gallaudet University and a person who is Deaf. He graduated with a B.S. in Accounting and an M.B.A. in management. He has been employed by the U.S. Small Business Administration since 1967.

Baldomero “Bo” Garcia, MBA, MPA- How to start a business; How to finance a business; Marketing and advertising

Bo is the regional director for the Small Business and Technology Development Center at Lansing Community College. As a business counselor, Bo has seen more than 3,000 clients and conducted more than 7,500 hours of business counseling.

Eugene Carolan, CPA - Regulations, taxes, and insurance

Eugene is a Certified Public Accountant and management consultant. Since 1989, Eugene has counseled more than 2,000 potential entrepreneurs and has directly assisted approximately 1,500 individuals in business start up or expansion.

Panel of business operators who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing- Arlyn Meyerson, Robert Wilkinson, Brett Holt, and Dawn Thomas

Lansing Community College is a physically accessible location. Real time captioning, interpreters, and assistive listening devices will be provided.

Join us for a highly educational workshop designed specifically for people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Come learn how to START YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

The registration fee is $15.00, which covers the workshop, lunch, and additional materials. Registration forms are available in the DODHH Bulletin,, or contact Steven Whetstone for a brochure.

Steven Whetstone, Workshop Coordinator

Division on Deaf and Hard of Hearing

320 N. Washington Square, Suite 250

Lansing, MI 48913

Phone: 517-334-7334 TTY/Voice

Fax: 517-334-6637

TOLL FREE 877-499-6232 TTY/Voice


Or Chris Hunter, Director

Phone: 517-334-7444 TTY
