Seventh Grade Language Arts Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Miller
2017-2018 School Year
Welcome to seventh grade English, and welcome to the JSHS! Our main goal this year is to improve your Reading and Writing skills and help you foster a love of reading. We will spend a lot of time reading and working on comprehension, interpretation, analysis, and evaluation of various genres of literature. This will be done through discussion and written word. We will also spend time with G.U.M. (Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics).
Holt McDougal Literature: Issued to students. Primary source of short stories, poems and other literature.
Holt Elements of Literature First Course: Classroom set will stay in the room. Supplemental source for literature.
Holt Elements of Language First Course: Issued to students. Student MUST cover the books and bring them to class every day. Contains grammar and writing workshop information.
Various Novels: Classroom sets will be kept in the room. Should a student be absent they will be given permission to take a copy home. These books will be used to build on the skills taught in class.
Materials Needed for Success:
Bring the following items to class every day!
- Elements of Language book – COVERED
- Pencils with erasers
- Assignment book
- One inch three-ring binder
- Filler paper or a notebook
- Independent reading book (random checks)
Instructional Approach
Large portions of class time will be spent reading and discussing the texts that we read. Whenever we are reading in class all students will devote their full attention to reading. Failure to do so will result in loss of citizenship points.
Another activity that we will do this year willinclude independent reading projects. I feel that the best way to improve reading skills is to read texts that interest us. Not only will it help with comprehension, but will also help to hone our writing and vocabulary skills. Often there will be time when you will be given a portion of the period to silently read a book of your choosing. It is therefore your responsibility to bring a book to class on these days and READ silently.
Books can be fiction or non-fiction, but fiction/novels will translatethe best to the projects to be completed. Books may be checked out of the library.
Assessment and Evaluation
Progress will be assessed through writing assignments, worksheets, in-class work, class participation, homework, projects, tests, quizzes, and citizenship. A citizenship grade of 100 points will be given for each nine weeks. Everyone will receive all 100 points if they participate regularly in class, come to class on time and prepared with all materials, and are kind, courteous, and respectful. Anyone failing to meet these basic classroom rules will lose points in two point increments. Some reasons a student may lose points are:
- Disruptive or disrespectful behavior
- Late to Class
- Unprepared/incomplete homework
- Text book not covered
- Refusal to work
- Talking out without being called on…etc.
Homework is important because it gives students a chance to practice what has been learned and receive feedback. Not doing homework causes you to miss out on an opportunity to practice skills, receive feedback, and earn points. Short homework assignments will NOT be accepted late. This is because we will be discussing answers on the day they are due.
Any projects that are turned in late will be deducted 10% for EACH day it is late. If an assignment is not completed and turned in when asked for, it is late. Assignments turned in after they have been asked for that period or at the end of the school day will be considered late.
Policies and Expectations
Classroom rules are as follows:
- Be prepared
- Be respectful to teacher, your peers, and the classroom
- Be attentive
- Give 100% effort at all times
Failure to comply with these rules or any directive given by a teacher will result in the loss of citizenship points, temporary or permanent seat changes, call/conference with parents, detentions, and loss of privileges.
Students are expected to be in class, not in the halls. The passes are for emergencies only. You will be given two emergency passes every nine weeks. If you use both emergency passes, and need to go a third time you will lose five citizenship points. If you don't use any passes, you will receive two bonus citizenship points for each pass not used. Since this is a double period, you have between classes to use the restroom and get a drink.
Cell Phones
Cell phones are not permitted to be used during class, unless we are doing an activity that requires them. If you are using your phone in class without permission for any reason I will take it and you will not get it back until class is over.
Make-Up Work
If any student misses class for any reason, it is the STUDENT'S responsibility to come to me and find out what was missed. Any work that is not made up in an acceptable time period will receive a zero. Students may have to find time during the school day to make up the work since our books are limited.
I am looking forward to this new year and excited about helping each of you improve your reading skills, learn, grow, laugh and smile! As long as each student does their best, and approaches this class with apositive attitude, we should have a fun and fantastic year!
Writing assignments
ASSIGNMENT / OUTLINE DUE / ROUGH DRAFT DUE / FINAL COPY DUEEye Witness Account / NA / 9-15-17 / 9-22-17
Book Report: Harris and Me / TBA / 10-20-17 / 10-27-17
Baseball Card / NA / NA / TBA
Supporting an Opinion / 11-10-17 / 11-17-17 / 11-22-17
Theme Analysis / 12-15-17 / 12-22-17 / 1-5-18
Compare and Contrast / 2-2-18 / 2-9-18 / 2-15-18
Creative Narrative / 3-2-18 / 3-16-18 / 3-23-18
Poetry Analysis / TBA / TBA / TBA
Writing Assignments
ASSIGNMENT / BOOK CHOSEN / HALF WAY READ / DUEBook Project 1 / 11-10-17 / 12-8-17 / 1-8-18
Book Project 2 / 1-26-18 / 2-23-18 / 3-19-18
Book Project 3 / 4-13-18 / 5-4-18 / 5-21-18
Final Project / NA / NA / 5-21-18
I have read, understand, and accept the expectations and responsibilities of this class.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian(s) Signature______Date: ______
______Date: ______
Please read, sign, detach, and return this by 9/1/17