Fraxel re:store Treatment Instructions
Pre treatment instructions
- Must either use Obagi Clear or the Obagi NuDerm System for at least 2 weeks prior to the first treatment and throughout treatment sessions. Not applicable if only treating the eyes.
- If using Obagi Clear, apply once daily to the area to be treated.
- If using Obagi NuDerm System, follow written instructions that were provided. Stop the prescription retinoids 3 days prior to treatment.
- Must stay out of the sun for 2 weeks prior to treatment. Please use sunblock daily. Your sunscreen needs to offer broadband protection (UVA and UVB) and have a SPF of 30 or more. Apply sunblock twenty minutes prior to going outside and reapply every two hours.
Day of treatment instructions
- Arrive with no makeup or lotion on area that is to be treated if possible
- If having the eye procedure done, arrive with no contacts in and glasses to wear after the procedure
Post treatment instructions
- Immediately post procedure the Avene SOS kit will be applied to the treated area prior to your leaving BodyLase.
- Immediately after the procedure, you will feel a sunburn sensation that typically disappears in 2-3 hours. The Avene SOS kit will help soothe this discomfort.
- You will typically be swollen after the treatment. You will notice most of the swelling the first morning after the treatment, particularly under the eyes. The swelling usually lasts two to three days. To minimize swelling, sleep elevated the first night. Use as many pillows as you can tolerate.Do not apply ice to any treated area. If you are having discomfort, apply a cold, wet washcloth or apply the Avene SOS kit.
- You will typically be red after the treatment. Most redness resolves during the first week after treatment, but a rosy “glow” can remain for several weeks. If you wish, you can apply makeup immediately after the treatment to minimize the redness.
- Do not take any Aspirin, Advil, Aleve or Motrin for the week following the treatment if possible. If you need to take a pain medication, take Tylenol as directed.
- Peeling, flaking, dry skin, and itching are also common and will resolve over one to two weeks. Do not pick at skin. Do not scratch. Lightly tap of rub if itchy.
- A bronzed skin appearance may occur and occasionally small brown dots will be visible on the skin surface. Both occur because the brown pigment is being eliminated from the skin and will disappear over the next one to two weeks.
- Pin point bleeding or tiny red spots under the skin can occur. Both will resolve without treatment and will not affect the final treatment outcome. If the skin is raw, apply Aquaphor to the area until it is healed. This will heal very rapidly and without problem
- Temporary acne or acneiform breakouts can occur.
- All of your skin care products should be non-irritating and non-clogging for the first week after your treatment.
- Sunsreen is very important. Your sunscreen needs to offer broadband protection (UVA and UVB) and have a SPF of 30 or more. Apply sunblock twenty minutes prior to going outside and reapply every two hours. It is very important that you use this regimen during your healing.
- Your skin will be sensitive for the first week or so after treatment, so do not use products that will cause irritation during this time such as abrasive scrubs, toners, or products containing glycolic acid or prescription retinoids. You may resume your normal skin regimen when your skin has fully healed.
- You need to be seen for a final follow up appointment 4 weeks after your last treatment.
- Remember, it takes up to six months after your last treatment before you will see your full results.
If you have any questions or concerns,
Please call BodyLase immediately at
919-851-8989(Cary) or 9191-954-2288(Raleigh)